Sunday, January 6, 2013

January Brushstrokes

2013 BWS officers: Jeanne Dutton, First Vice President; Margret Kingrey, Secretary;
 Charlotte Griffin, Treasurer; Carol Rhodes, President; Cassidy Young, Second Vice President

Jan. 14 Program:
Getting your Artwork Online

Cassidy Young will present “Building an Artist Website” at the Jan. 14 BWS meeting. She will talk about what information to have ready before going online, a variety of options and avenues for getting your work online including the BWS website gallery and BWS Facebook Page, and what each will cost you in time and money.

The program will follow a brief business meeting at 6 p.m. at the First Christian Church, which is at the intersection of Kirkwood and Washington in Bloomington.

Holiday Party Gallery

The Aquagami contest was a highlight of the Holiday Party. Nina Ost won first place for her menorah. Her prize was a large watercolor palette with sealed cover. Second place went to Bob Ferguson for his vased bouquet of flowers.  His prize was a hardbound sketch book. Third Place was a tie between Charlotte Griffin's diorama and Jo Weddle's little white church, earning them pads of Aquarella watercolor paper. Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to all thirteen contestants for their very creative entries!

Door prize winners at the Holiday Party were John Shelton (watercolor aqua pens), Bob Burris (pocket sketchbook), and Deborah Rush, who took home a BWS mug full of BWS M&Ms.

BWS is Now on Facebook

Go to your Facebook page and enter “Bloomington Watercolor Society” in the Search field. When the BWS page appears, click on Like for weekly updates, announcement, and events.  Cassidy Young is currently accepting photos that members have taken at events in the fall of 2012 as well as images of paintings done at these events. Send your images to

BWS to Take its Art to the Streets

BWS will be painting one of the traffic boxes found on the streets in Bloomington, and we need members to come up with a good design. At the January meeting, members can sign up to participate in the design competition that will be judged at the April meeting.

Member News

Susan Webb wrote the following about a recent pleasant surprise: “I was in the post office at Pete Ellis and 10th Street, standing in line, when one of the greeting cards in their display caught my eye.  Sure enough, it was Connie Brorson's "String Ensemble." The card has been published by Sunrise.  It is vibrant and very beautiful, especially with its yellow envelope.”
Congratulations, Connie.