Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2011
Members in attendance:
Dan Alexander, Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Candi Bailey, Patti Brundle, Ria Collee, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Charlotte Griffin, Jerome Harste, Sue Haverstock, Carla Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Kriste Lindberg, Sara McQueen, Nancy Metz, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, Joanne Shank, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, Leslie Williamson, Russell Working, and Vi Working.
Guests in Attendance:
Fiona Wang
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. at the First Christian Church with Kriste Lindberg, President, presiding. Kriste introduced new members Leslie Williamson and Ria Collee. Kriste asked members to greet our guest, Fiona Wang.
Kriste thanked Evelyn Alwine as hospitality chair for arranging for the refreshments provided by Jeanne Dutton, Deloris Schneider, and Carly Hedges.
The minutes of the last meeting (January 10, 2011) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. That being the case, the members accepted them unanimously.
The Treasurer, Carol Rhodes, provided the Treasurer's Report for January.
Paint Outs Chair, Jacki Frey, read the list of the paint-out locations and dates for the year 2011. The list can be seen in the February issue of Brushstrokes on the BWS Blog.
Meeting Programs Co-Chair, Joyce Stumpf, read the list of planned programs for the rest of 2011. The list is tentative at the moment and the final list will be provided to members at a later date.
Activities/Workshop Chair, Deloris Schneider, announced that the first workshop has been scheduled on Saturday, May 28, and will be presented by Peggy Brown. Details will be provided as they are worked out with the teacher.
Hospitality/Cheer Co-Chair, Evelyn Alwine, announced that thanks to Dee Rockwood, the 2011 holiday party in December has been booked at Meadowood for Monday, December 19 and there will be no regular BWS meeting on December 12. Evelyn also passed around a sign-up sheet for members to volunteer to bring refreshments for future meetings.
Shows/Historian Chair, Tricia Wente, asked members have pictures taken of themselves painting in their parks and to provide those pictures to her. She also reminded members that if they were assigned a park to paint and find that they cannot provide at least one painting, to please contact her and she will assign the park to someone on the waiting list.
Jeanne Dutton provided information about a show that BWS has been invited to exhibit as part of “Creative Senior Month” (May). In conjunction with The Venue, BWS members (age 50 and over) may exhibit paintings that have either an IU landscape theme or a Mother’s Day theme. There are both size and price restrictions and The Venue takes a commission. The deadline for registering to participate is April 11. For more information and to register, contact Jeanne Dutton.
Brushstrokes editor, Nancy Metz, provided information about an art fair to be held in Carroll County sponsored by the Arts Council. It is on May 7th and the deadline for registration is March 1st. Contact Nancy for more information and an application form. Nancy thanked Deborah Rush for being the first to input to the “Inspirations” section of the Brushstrokes. Nancy asked other members who might like to talk about their favorite work and what inspired it to contact here. Nancy also said that there were sets of the BWS notecards available for purchase at $12/packet.
Joanne Swank invited members of BWS to attend the February 22 meeting of the Visual Arts Guild. The meeting will have a presentation about how the artist should handle taxes for art works sold. Kriste reminded the group that we are looking for an official liaison to report back and forth.
New Business:
Past President, Joanne Weddle, handed around copies of state of the Bloomington Watercolor Society 2010 report and thanked all of the members for the gift of watercolor brushes given to her for her service as president.
Carol Rhodes led a discussion about how BWS should handle information about new and nifty products that might be of interest to the members. It was decided that this information be shared vocally at BWS meetings, perhaps in a new section of Brushstrokes, but should not be sent via email to the membership list.
Kriste Lindberg mentioned the French Lick “Art on the Green” fair which is a juried artist fair to be held on October 8th and 9th. The deadline for submission is April 1st. This show is not an official show for BWS but a subset of the members could get together to submit an application or individuals could apply on their own. More information can be found at, http://www.indianafestivals.org/ms/members/view/1639/back:list .
Evelyn Alwine said that the hospital association of employees was looking for a voluntary teacher who might do a watercolor class for about 2 hours.
Jerry Harste mentioned that he had submitted a picture to the Missouri Watercolor Society that was accepted into their juried show.
Dan Alexander mentioned that the Week of Chocolate was quite successful for Options and the Jerry Harste had won 1st runner-up in the juried art show.
Jeanne Dutton motioned for adjournment and Carol Rhodes seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. and attention was transferred to the evening's speaker, Jacki Frey, who showed some examples of how to create a work using heart shapes.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2011