Sunday, November 9, 2008



First Christian Church
October 13, 2008

In attendance: Tina Allgood, Dan Alexander, Susan Blunck, Jeanne Dutton, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Charlotte Ann Griffin, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Cathy Korinek, Sara Steffey McQueen, Nancy Davis Metz, Kim Neubecker, Shelly Ritter, Alice Sharp, Bob Talbot, Robert Thrasher, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente
Visitors: Kriste Lindberg

A. The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m.

B. Jeanne Dutton welcomed guests and new members.

C. Minutes from the September 8 meeting have been posted on the webpage. There were no additions or corrections. Motion to approve was made by Sara McQueen and seconded by Cathy Korinek. Motion carried.

D. In the absence of the treasurer, her report was deferred to the November meeting.

E. Paint Outs – Alice Sharp thanked Bob Talbot for hosting BWS at his property on Rice Road on Wednesday, October 8.

The last paint out scheduled for this year will be Sunday, October 26, 10:00 a.m. at Oliver Winery. There will be a get-together following the paint out at 2:00 p.m.

F. Nominations – Alice Sharp, Chair.
Thanks were expressed to this year’s officers.
Alice reported that the secretary, Joanne Weddle, and treasurer, Carol Rhodes, have agreed to continue in their positions for another year.
Officers to be elected for next year are president, first vice president, and second vice president. After describing the duties of these offices and extending an invitation for members to consider holding these positions, Alice asked that anyone interested respond to her in the coming week by e-mail. A slate will be presented at the November meeting, installation will be held in November December at the Christmas party, and new officers will begin their terms January 1, 2009.

G. Program – Jacki Frey announced that Bill Borden will present a workshop on April 4. Any member with program ideas for future BWS meetings should contact Jacki. A creativity session may be offered in January.

H. By-Laws – Jeanne Dutton reported the following:
1. The final proposed by-laws are now available, as approved by the Board.
2. Changes include:
a. the board added a “Family” membership of $40
b. adding a “Hospitality & Cheer” Committee
c. the by-laws will be reviewed even numbered years and the secretary is now designated as the person responsible for initiating the review
d. electronic voting can be utilized if necessary.
3. Two weeks notice starts on October 14; votes can be accepted via email, in person, or by telephone. These votes should be directed to Jeanne Iler, our current By-Laws Chairperson.
4. The request to add the original five members to the Board was not approved by the current board. for these reasons:
a. Adding five people to the Board would make it too cumbersome.
b. All members are encouraged to present their ideas and opinions anytime to any officer.
5. Ballots were distributed and those in attendance voted for or against passage of the by-laws. Results will be posted on the web.
6. The By-Laws will be posted on the web at

I. Field Trip – Jeanne Dutton
1. The trip to Twin Rocker Paper Company in Brookston, Indiana, will take place on November
2. Cost - $9.00 for the tour, $10 per person for gas contribution to car drivers.
3. Lunch – Klein Brot Haus
4. Discounted paper goods
5. Meet and leave 7:15 – 7:30
6. Route – SR 46 to Spencer, north on US 231 to Brookston. Turn right at the one stoplight in Brookston, cross the tracks, and the business is on the left next to the Klein Brot Haus
7. Arrive 10:00 – 10:30
8. Tour till about 2:00
9. Return to Bloomington arriving at 5:00 or 5:30
10. Twin Rocker tours are limited to 25 people. A reservation sheet was passed.
11. Cancellations must be made by October 25.

J. Old Business – There was none.

K. New Business – There was no new business.

L. Refreshments – Thanks to those who provided munchies for the meeting – Tina Allgood, Shelly Ritter, Susan Blunck, and Betty Wagoner.

M. Cathy Korinek made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Jacki Frey.
Motion carried.

N. Jeanne Iler gave a presentation on the use of watercolor pencils.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Weddle, Secretary


Oliver Winery Paint Out

Here are some great photos, courtesy of Tricia Wente, of the final paint out of the season at Oliver Winery. A beautiful day, great comradarie, and some fine paintings - what more could we ask?

Monday, November 10
Monthly Meeting
6:00 p.m.
First Christian Church
Please use the Washington Street entrance.
Election of Officers for 2009 is on the agenda! After a short business meeting (our last of the year), Jacki Frey will present an interactive creative exercise. Bring your watercolor supplies and join in this fun session!

Sunday, November 16
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Pouring Paint Workshop
Jeanne Iler, Instructor
Cost: $15
Reservations are required, and at this time we have room for only four more participants. Email and let us know you want to attend. With limited space, please do not make reservations until you are sure you can attend.

Monday, December 8
6:30 p.m.
Come share the holiday with your friends and fellow artists at the
BWS Annual Christmas Party!
Installation of Officers for 2009, fun and fellowship in a beautiful artsy setting at Gallery North on the Square.
Members $10; Guests $12
Reservation deadline is December 1!!!
Email reservations to
Catering by Bloomington Cooking School.
Bring your own wine or enjoy Oliver Winery's Sky Dog wine. Punch will also be served.
There will be a watercolor contest with PRIZES!! Remember the 3-D watercolor/aqua-gami demonstration Jeanne and Sara presented a couple months ago? Well, create your own holiday decoration, bring it along, we'll use it for a centerpiece, and then members will vote for the Best of Show, First and Second places.
Rules? It has to be 3-D, and it has to be watercolor - watercolor collage, watercolor pencil, watercolor crayon - whatever watercolor form you choose is fine!

The weather was beautiful for a trip to Brookston, Indiana. We were greeted by Kathryn Clark, owner, who gave us the grand tour with an extensive explanation of the many aspects of papermaking.
Fibers are pounded using a Hollander beater, then added to water to create pulp. Using a gigantic blender, pigment is added to the pulp to create a variety of green, gold, pink and blue papers. Dyes are vegetable based and are fugitive, meaning they fade over time, but pigments are permanent.
Kathryn, elbow deep in a huge vat of pulp, demonstrated how to hand dip a screen, "breaking the wave" of water off the pulp to determine the weight and thickness, and then layering the paper to dry.
Kathryn is also an accomplished watercolor artist, and shared many examples of her art which was done on her handmade paper.
This tour was a great opportunity as Twinrocker hand-makes about 200 pieces of paper every day and is the only paper mill in America making paper by hand.
We all purchased quantities of their top quality paper in a variety of shapes and sizes, and a sampler will be available for viewing at the November meeting. Their website includes a history of the company and orders may be placed at
Thanks to Kathy Karnes for this photo of Kathryn in front of the shop, and the photo of Kathryn with Carol Rhodes in the workshop!

After the tour, we enjoyed lunch at Klein Brot Haus, a bakery next door to Twinrocker, and were pleased to have Marilyn Martin, the original organizer of BWS, join us. On the way home, we were privileged to view the incredible colors of autumn with the sun setting through the golden leaves. A fine time was had by all.


Jacki Frey is offering a full day painting workshop at her studio on Friday, December 12, from 9:00 - 3:00. The class fee is $35. For details or to reserve your space, email

Looking for interested artist for painting or drawing in a group atomosphere. No formal instruction.
Have you painted alone, then wondered what next to do in your work? How about doing a painting in a group and then ending with informal critque?
I am interested in starting up our drawing and/or painting again on a Friday morning once a month. Any medium will do. 9:30 to 12:30. Class will end with GENTLE CRITQUE of artist work. Cost $8. Coffee always provided and, with request, a model, too. Let me have your input. Email or call 812-320-6745.

BWS members Jacki Frey, Connie Brorson, and Tricia Wente are exhibiting in the Indiana Artist's Club, Inc. 2008 Membership Exhibition Nov. 7 through January 9, 2009. This show is on exhibit at the Columbus Learning Center, 4555 Central Ave. Columbus, Indiana.

Connie Brorson and Tricia Wente also have paintings in the Hoosier Salon's "Indiana Art, Holiday Style" show. The opening reception is Nov. 14th, from 5:30 until 8:30 p.m. at the Hoosier Salon Gallery in Broadripple, 714 E. 65th Street, Indianapolis.

"Body of Work" by the Experimental Artists is exhibiting now at Gallery North through November 29. BWS Members in the show are Cathy Korinek, Linda Meyer-Wright, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Sandy Taylor and Tricia Wente.

Sammye Dina Smith has several pieces currently at tuto bene, and is represented at the new Venue gallery in downtown Bloomington.

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly publication
of the Bloomington Watercolor Society
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, editor
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47407-5236