Dear BWS Members,
Welcome to the New Year as a part of the Bloomington Watercolor Society.
As you recall, on December 14, 2009 our members enjoyed a glorious Christmas party in the Waldron auditorium. The sparkling lights of Christmas trees surrounded us, members were dressed in their holiday finery, delicious food was available, and we had fun exchanging original works of art with each other. It was a most festive evening.
Included during December’s program was the installation of new officers led by Jeanne Iler, Nominations Committee Chair. I feel extremely honored to have been installed as your new president and look forward to serving our organization throughout 2010. Working with me will be Nancy Davis-Metz as 1st Vice President, Dan Alexander as 2nd Vice President, Charlotte Griffin as Secretary, and Carol Rhodes as Treasurer. Committee chair roles have been filled and we are now working on our schedule of programs, activities, workshops, and paint outs for the entire year. Our goal is to be able to give you a list of all upcoming dates at our February meeting. We are determined to meet that goal.
I have seen our watercolor society grow leaps and bounds in the four years since I became a member. Our numbers keep rising, our programs are outstanding, we have been privileged to have many opportunities to learn from visiting artists and our own membership, and member participation throughout each year has increased. All of these indications of growth have transpired through the tireless efforts of our own numbers. I feel confident that 2010 will continue to be a productive year and we will be an even more visible art presence in our community.
Our first meeting for this year is Monday, January 11, 6:00, First Christian Church. We hope you will be present when we have a guest artist coming to give a presentation on perspective. Won’t you start 2010 with a goal of attending every upcoming meeting? We look forward to seeing you.
Most sincerely,
Jo Weddle

Jo Weddle, center, enjoys a chuckle with Connie Brorson (left) and Dee Rockwood at the BWS Holiday Party.
Monday's program features a lesson on perspective by professional artist, Vesta Seville. Vesta, this editor's watercolor instructor in Indianapolis, moved to French Lick and opened the Artists Inn and Gallery (http://www.artistsinnandgallery.com/about-vesta.html), and has many paintings hanging in the West Baden and French Lick Resorts. You will certainly find her perspective lesson very educational.
Please bring your drawing paper, pencil, eraser, and a 12" or 18" clear ruler and draw along!
Kudos to Tina Allgood, 2008-2009 Hospitality and Cheer Chairperson for putting together a super-dooper Holiday Party! She sewed, baked, organized, etc. and all with a bad, bad knee! The doorprizes were the Aquagami GeoBalls used as centerpieces and made by Tina, Nancy, Susan Blunck, Danielle Willibey, and me.
Nancy Metz, our retiring president and new 1st Vice President, received a beautiful boxed set of Escoda sable brushes from all of us as a thank you for her year's worth of service. And Nancy graciously presented small gifts to the 2009 officers and committee chairs.
Many people pitched in and helped run errands, set up, clean up, and make it the fun time it was. Our appreciation goes to Lee Burckes, Events Coordinator at the Waldron, for her help and cooperation, too.
Thank you, everyone!!
It is a great pleasure to announce that the BWS Christmas Tree, beautifully decorated by many BWS artists, received the top bid at the silent auction during "Christmas at the Waldron!" Hooray for us! There were 15 trees decorated by various arts organizations and departments at the Waldron, and ours certainly was special, as it featured all original watercolor art ornaments!
Thanks to the seemingly endless energy of Tricia Wente, the Columbus Learning Center is now exhibiting the 2010 BWS Membership Show. Over 70 works of art by 38 BWS artists are displayed and the show is beautiful! The show will hang through the first week of August, and a reception and (hopefully!) paint out will be scheduled in the spring.
Thanks also go to Nancy Davis Metz and Kriste Lindberg for their help in hauling and hanging the show. It was a tremendous amount of work and it is well worth the 35 mile trip to see the exhibit.
Here's how to get there:
Take SR 46 EAST through Columbus.
When SR 46 goes to the right, go straight onto Central.
Keep going (it's quite a way) until you see the big IVTC sign on your right.
Take the next driveway to the right and you will be facing the Atrium, which is the main entrance to the CLC.
At the reception desk, you will find a map of the galleries. While there, be sure to stop by the Chihuly glass sculpture.
4555 Central
Columbus, Indiana
Winter Building Hours
Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Nancy Davis Metz hangs a painting;
the CLC gallery staff, Bruce, Chris, and Laurie, are getting it just right;
and BWS paintings lined the hallways at the CLC.
Sara Steffey McQueen has 22 pieces hanging at the Bloomingfoods stores during January. The east side store features her "Spiritual" art, and the near west side store has watercolor landscapes.
Gillian Harris’ painting, “Goldenseal (/Hydrastis canadensis/)" will be in an exhibit at the Joutras Gallery, Chicago Botanic Garden from Jan. 16-April 4 2010. Opening reception for this show, entitled "Losing Paradise?: Endangered Plants Here and Around the World" is January 23.
Sammye Dina Smith’s exhibit may be seen now through mid-January at the Monroe County Public Library.
Tricia Wente, Connie Brorson, and Jacki Frey are exhibiting in the membership show of the Indiana Artist Club through January. The show is located at the Hoosier Salon Gallery on 65th Street in Broadripple, Indianapolis.
Gallery North on the Square features "Wish We Were There: Works of Places Else" from January through February 28. The opening reception is this Friday, January 8, from 5:00 - 8:00. Cathy Korinek, Jeanne Iler, and Carolyn Rogers Richard are BWS members exhibiting at Gallery North.
Your editor is pleased to note that her painting, "Mexican Vase," is on the cover of the spring IVTC non-credit course catalog. You can find a copy as an insert in the Sunday Herald-Times, January 3.
The Madison Art Club is sponsoring a winter art retreat on January 22, 23 and 24 close to Bloomington. It will be at the Waycross Youth Camp on Bearcreek Road in Trevlac, which is on SR45 between Unionville and Helmsbug.
Price includes all meals and shared room or private, from $190 down to $90 depending on type of room you select. Artists will paint outside or inside, and share their ideas and art over dinner or lunch. Contact Bill Borden at bborden1@verizon.net for exact details. Jeanne Iler and Jacki Frey plan to attend, and you can find more info by emailing to jackifrey@hotmail.com.
From Miah Michaelson, Assistant Economic Development Officer for the Arts, Mayor’s Office, Bloomington:
BEAD (Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District) is currently collecting contact information for local performing and visual artists. This information will be used to help us better inform you about economic development opportunities that might be of interest. The information will also be used (only with your permission) to populate artist contact directories on the new BEAD website (coming soon!)
Editor’s Note: This survey took just a few minutes, and is worth the time. It’s looking to be a good way for our BWS artists to spread the word about their talents!
Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly
publication of the
Bloomington (IN) Watercolor Society
PO Box 5236 Bloomington IN 47408
Jo Weddle, 2010 President
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, editor