Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Minutes of Meeting Feb. 8, 2010

Bloomington Water Color Society
Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2010

Twenty-six members were in attendance.

Dan Alexander, Tina Allgood, Connie, Brorson, Patricia Brundle, Robert Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Jacki Frey, Beth Van Horst Gray*, Charlotte Griffin, Jerome Harste, Susanne Haverstock, Carla Hedges, Jeanne, Iler, Stephen Jackson, Kather Karnes, Sue Kim, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindberg, Nancy Davis Metz, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Tricia Wente, Violet Working*
* New Members

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. at the First Christian Church in Bloomington, IN, by Joanne Weddle, President. Joanne welcomed our guest Kathy Naber and thanked the Hospitality/Cheer Co-chairs, Kathy Karnes and Sue Haverstock for engaging the following people who provided the refreshments: Jeanne Iler, Sue Kim, and Sammye Dina Smith.

The minutes of the last meeting (January 11, 2010) were available on the blog for the members to read. There being no additions or corrections from the members in attendance, acceptance of the minutes as written was proposed by Jerome Harste and seconded by Jeanne Dutton. The membership concurred.

Charlotte Griffin, Secretary, read a note received from Nancy Davis Metz thanking the society for the gift of Kolinsky brushes given to her for her 2009 year of service as president.

Carol Rhodes, Treasurer, passed around copies of the Treasurer’s report showing that the society is being sustained by its membership dues. Acceptance of the Treasurer’s report was proposed by Kathy Korinek and seconded by Meri Reinhold and concurred upon by the members in attendance.

Joanne provided a handout containing the scheduled shows, programs, paint-outs, and workshops for the year 2010. The information is available in the Brushstrokes dated February 2, 2010. Members were advised that another workshop is being pursued with a target date of Saturday, August 14.

Nancy Davis Metz circulated copies of the “BWS State of the Society” which traditionally documents the activities of the society for the tenure of the president and represents the final responsibility of that president.

Old Business:
At the previous meeting a motion for BWS to become an Organizational member of the Bloomington Area Arts Council (BAAC) had been tabled. Nancy Metz proposed and Kathy Korinek seconded a motion that BWS become a member of BAAC at the $100 Organization level. Discussion followed including questions as to the advantages to BWS of such membership. The membership voted unanimously to take this action. Also, in an effort to lend help to the BAAC, volunteer applications along with a volunteer manual were made available to those interested in supporting the arts council.

Meri Reinhold provided status on the Notecard project. By May 1, members are encouraged to submit a piece of their art to be considered for inclusion in the set of cards. The printable area for the card is 4 by 5 ¼. Care should be taken about aspect ratios when photos are being taken of the art. The committee will not be responsible for cropping photos. The vehicle for submitting the art is to place a JPEG file on a Picasa site. Exact instructions will be sent out soon. All members and only members will have access to the site and at the June meeting, members will be able to vote for their favorites. The eight pieces of art that get the highest numbers of votes will become the set that will be printed in the summer. Volunteers within the membership will be needed to place the cards in glassine envelopes and to bundle the sets of eight. The sets would be available in September. Meri provided information about the pricing model for the cards. At the March meeting the members should be prepared to vote on the price to be put on each card set. Carol Rhodes reminded the membership that the purpose of the card sets is as much advertisement for BWS as it is profit.

There was no new business proposed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. based on a motion by Steve Jackson which was seconded by Nina Ost.

Following the business meeting, Jacki Frey provided a follow-on discussion of the perspective lessons learned during the January meeting. She provided practical tips on translating buildings in photos to buildings done in watercolor and she specified some reference books that members might want to add to their libraries. Other helpful examples of proper perspective were provided by members Jeanne Iler and Violet Working.

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2010