Monday, November 14, 2011

BWS Meeting Minutes-October 10, 2011

Members in attendance: Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Candi Bailey, Jan Britton, Patti Brundle, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Charlotte Griffin, Jerry Harste, Carla Hedges, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindberg, Sara McQueen, Nancy Metz, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Diane Probst, Meri Reinhold, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, Joanne Shank, John Shelton, Phyllis Taylor, Bob Thrasher, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Went.

Guests in Attendance: Donna Whitsitt

The meeting was called to order at the First Christian Church in the Great Hall on the second floor. BWS President, Kriste Lindberg, asked members to greet our guest.

Kriste thanked the Hospitality/Cheer chair, Evelyn Alwine, for the refreshments that were provided by Jo Weddle, Jeanne Dutton, Jerry Harste, and Kriste Lindberg. 

The minutes of the last meeting (September 12, 2011) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

The Treasurer's Report for October was read by Carol Rhodes, Treasurer.  Carol said that the workshop on October 1 has been paid for.  Some members have still not paid their membership dues and are subject to being dropped from the membership

Committee Reports

Membership: The Membership Update was provided by Betty Wagoner; the total membership is 71 paid members.

Paint Outs: Jeanne Dutton directed members to take a copy of the flyer available tables around the room that give the particulars about the next and last paint-out on October 15 at Musgrave Orchard.  That paint-out will be a pitch-in.  Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish that will go with chili. Email will be sent to all members so that those who missed the meeting will be informed.

Activities/Workshop Chair, Deloris Schneider, said that the Rena Brouwer workshop on October 1 was very educational and enjoyable.  A number of the attendees brought their paintings to the meeting so that the members to see their finished works.

Shows Chair, Tricia Wente handed out the postcard/invitations to the We Paint Parks exhibition.  She asked that no one send out the postcards until October 19 or later in order to keep the date fresh in the public’s eye.  Postage required is 29 cents.  If members have an email list and can create labels, they can give the printed labels to Jeanne Dutton who will place the postage on the cards and mail them.

The opening reception will be November 4 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Showers Atrium and that there will be a closing reception on Friday December 2, same hours and location.  BWS will pay for a harpist for the opening reception.  A signup sheet for bringing some type of refreshments was passed around. Tricia reminded those that are participating to please produce a brief paragraph of their experiences while painting at the parks and to include an image of their work as well as one of themselves when it is handed in.

Brushstrokes, Nancy Metz said that she will accept submissions for Brushstrokes at any time and members need not wait until the end/beginning of the month. 

Old Business:

Joanne Shank told the members about Visual Arts Guild meeting to be held on October 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. 

The nominating committee for next year’s officers and committee chairs has made a good start on filling the roster.  Jeanne Dutton passed out forms for members to use if they are interested in any of the positions.  She also passed out a form for members to make suggestions about next year’s programs, workshops, and conference instructors.

New Business:

1.    Scholarships:  A committee consisting of Joanne Weddle, Vi Working, and Sara McQueen along with Jeanne Dutton has been formed to expand on the idea of Scholarships that might provide stipends in the form of art supplies to young artists at the high school level who are considering art as their future career.  A proposal will be developed and presented to the membership.

2.    Honorary membership:  Jeanne Dutton has completed the awarding of an Honorary Membership to Heidi Heiser.

3.    BWS Gallery: Charlotte Griffin told members that BWS Web based gallery has been updated with works by Vi Working and Jerry Harste and encouraged members to submit some of their work.  See  

4.    Water Media Conference 2012:  Nancy Metz and Carol Rhoades reported on the progress toward a BWS sponsored Water Media Conference on September 21-23 of 2012 called “We Paint…the Springs”.  The conference will be held in the French Lick/West Baden area and will draw from the artist pool in the states of Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky and possibly from Saint Louis and Cincinnati.  Partnerships with Ivy Tech for publicity and fee collection and the Hotels in French Lick/West Baden have been negotiated. There is a go/no go cut off for running the conference on May 1 that is based on enrollment and room reservations.  A handout was provided showing a price of $199 for the whole conference and $179 for Friday and Saturday (9/21-9/22) only.  There are early bird registration discounts for registration by April 15, 2012.  Cancellations will not be accepted after April 30, 2012. 


Joanne Weddle handed out brochures from Bloom (the magazine) aimed at artists who wish to buy advertising space in Bloom’s Dec/Jan Guide to Regional Arts. Tricia Wente said that the magazine H&L (Home and Lifestyles) also is planning an issue focusing on art and that local artists can contact H&L for more information about ads.

Sara Steffey-McQueen announced that she has some of her works displayed at Sublime Design.

Joanne Shank announced that she has her works in both parts of Lennie’s Restaurant/Brew Pub. 

The meeting was adjourned.  Attention was transferred to the evening's program which was presented by Cathy Korinek and Joanne Weddle.  The program was entitled Art on the Go! Creative Travel Journaling.  Cathy shared her experience with travel journaling and passed around more than a half-dozen of her journals for members to peruse.  Joanne talked about her recent trip to Spain sponsored by an artist who organizes art based trips. 

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2011