Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2010

Members in Attendance

Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Susan Blunck, Connie Brorson, Pat Brundle, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Jackie Frey, Beth Grey, Charlotte Griffin, Cathy Haggerty, Jerry Harste, Carla Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Kathy Karnes, Marget Kingrey, Kriste Lindgerg, Nina Ost, Diana Probst, Meri Reinhold, Carol Rhodes, Dee Rockwood, Deborah Rush, Sammy B. Smith, Bob Thrasher, Betty Wagoner, Tricia Wente, Vi Working

Visitors and now new members

Jacquelyn Chiddister, Cassidy Young

The September meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by First Vice-President Nancy Metz in the absence of the President of the Society, Joanne Weddle. Nancy welcomed the 30 attendees out of 82 members back after a long hot summer. She thanked the Hospitality/Cheer Co-Chairs, Kathy Karnes and Sue Haverstock for the set up and extended thanks to the members who provided refreshments (Diane Probst, Evelyn Alwine and Kathy Haggerty).

Nancy asked the members for any corrections to the minutes of the June 14 meeting. Kathy Karnes moved that the minutes be accepted and Karla Hedges seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes without correction.

The treasurer’s report was given by Carol Rhodes. Acceptance of the treasurer’s report was proposed by Steven Jackson and seconded by Nina Ost. The members present accepted the report unanimously.

Committee Reports were made.

Jacki Frey, Programs/Meetings Chair, provided the following list of 2010 programs:

  • October 11 – “Composition” by Bob Talbot and Carol Rhodes
  • November 8 – New Officer Election and Artist Trading Card Demos
  • December 6 – BWS Holiday Celebration at Meadowood

Paint Out
Susan Blunck reminded the members that one more paint-out is scheduled for October 3 at Story, Indiana. Susan passsed around photos of Story and mentioned that food will be available from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the restaurant associated with the Bed and Breakfast in Story. People enjoyed the August 7 paint-out at Bob Talbot’s cabin; thanks to Bob Talbot for opening it to BWS. And despite the rain, a number of members participated in the TC Steele Great Outdoor Arts Contest. Susan’s painting of the Brown County Playhouse was awarded 3rd place in the watercolor category.

Kriste Lindberg reported that the BWS workshop by Lynn Diamente workshop on August 21 was an experience heavy in composition, and new technique. A road trip to French Lick with an overnight stay and a visit with Vest Seville was enjoyed by a number of the members. Future plans include a trip to Indianapolis to the Indianapolis Museum of Art when the Watercolor Society of Indiana has its show-opening reception on October 17. At least two members of BWS (Sara McQueen and Nancy Davis-Metz) have works on display for this show.

Tricia Wente presented past, current, and future show plans as follows:

  1. The Columbus Learning Center (CLC) came down in August after a 6 month run. The CLC then agreed to have a mini-show of the works that were created at the paint out held at the CLC. That mini-show has 10 works and can be found in the Library at the CLC.
  2. The Meadowood August 7 show was well received and at least one painting was sold. Thanks to Connie Brorson for all her work on that show.
  3. Five members participated as artist/documenters of the July International Harp Competition. There may be follow on use of the paintings done at this competition but that is still in negotiation.
  4. The BWS Artists Show for 2011 will be in November of 2011 and it will be at the Bloomington Showers Plaza. BWS is working with Bloomington Parks and Recreation to present a show theme relating to the many parks in Bloomington. Members in attendance at the September and the October meeting are encouraged to select a park (randomly out of hat) that will be that member’s source of inspiration from fall 2010 to fall of 2011. Members are encouraged to go to the park in various seasons and to keep a diary to share with the Parks and Rec staff about what they see at the park. Each member can submit one painting of the park to the November 2011 show. The work must be watercolor on paper. BWS has made a list of the member/park assignments; if members chose to trade parks, they should notify Tricia.

Signature Status Awards
Due to the loss of the pictures taken of the Signature awardees, new pictures were taken of awardees who attended the September meeting.

No report

Old Business
First Vice-President, Nancy Davis-Metz reported that the Notecards are scheduled to be available at the October meeting.

New Business
Nancy encouraged each member to volunteer in some way to keep BWS exciting. She gave out sign-up sheets for members to provide information about what committees or officer slots they would be willing to support and asked that the sheets be returned to her at end of the meeting.

The following announcements were made:

  1. Nancy Metz suggested that members consider entering the juried show at Mitchell, Indiana. It is called the Persimmon Festival and for $5 per entry (maximum 3) the artist can compete in categories of Landscape, Waterscape, Still Life, Portrait/People, Animals/Birds, and Abstract/Non-Objective/Fantasy. Categories are NOT by media; so oil and watercolor landscapes are judged in the same category. The deadline for entry is September 20 and works must be delivered to the library in Mitchell.
  2. Jeanne Iler told the members that Gallery North has two opportunities that members may want to take advantage of. First, members can rent a wall at the gallery to show and sell their art. The cost is $200 a month. The artists must manage their own sales. Second, membership in the Gallery North Coop is being made available for a short time with waiver of entrance fee and a discounted monthly contract. See Jeanne or any of the coop members for more detail.
  3. Dan Alexander solicited entries in the on-line auction and juried show associated with the fall 2010/spring 2011 “Art of Chocolate” and the “Week of Chocolate” which are fund raisers for Options for Better Living. Artists who contribute works can set a price for their work and they will receive amount. Any online bid for the work over and above that price will go to the charity. The work that is judged best in the show will be displayed at the Indiana University Art Museum. See Dan for more information and/or a brochure.
  4. Members are reminded to check the website and the blog for communications about BWS business and activities. The blog has dates and updates, names of new members, listings of opportunities, exhibits by artists, and more.
  5. The minutes of prior meetings will NOT be read at any of the BWS meeting; they will be posted on the blog and members should read them so that they can be voted upon at the next meeting.

Following the business meeting, members held a show-and-tell of paintings they produced this summer on vacation and at workshops.

Respectfully submitted,

Charlotte Ann Griffin, Secretary 2010