Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Meeting Minutes, November 12, 2012

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Members in attendance:   Bob Anderson, Evelyn Alwine, Candi Bailey, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Sandy Gaier, Susie Graham, Charlotte Griffin, Sue Haverstock, Jerry Harste, Carla Hedges, Margret Kingrey, Cathy Korinek, Meredith Metz, Nancy Metz, Nina Ost, Sherry Redman, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, John Shelton, Teresa Sterneman, Phyllis Taylor, Bob Thrasher, Susan Webb, Tricia Wente, Donna Whitsitt, Jean Vietor.

Guests: None

The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. at the First Christian Church on the first floor.  BWS President, Jeanne Dutton thanked Evelyn Alwine who sat in for the Hospitality Chair in arranging for meeting refreshments.  Refreshments and paper products were provided by Tina Allgood, Candi Bailey, Jerry Harste, and Carol Rhodes.

The minutes of the last meeting (October 8, 2012) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. Cathy Korinek motioned for acceptance and Margret Kingrey seconded the motion.  The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

Treasurer:  Carol Rhodes gave the treasurer’s report showing that there is sufficient money in the treasury to sustain activities.  She reported that the We Paint…the Springs Conference was a modest money maker (precise information available to members upon request). 

Secretary: As head of the by-law committee, Charlotte Griffin provided paper copies of the 2012 proposed changes to the by-laws.  The two week notification having been met she called for discussion.  There being no discussion, Carol Rhodes motioned for acceptance of the proposed changes and Phyllis Taylor seconded the motion.  The membership attending the meeting voted for the changes by show of hands.  Those members not attending will be contacted by email to obtain their vote.

2013 Slate of Officers: Nancy Metz has acted as chair of the Nominating Committee with the help of Tina Allgood and Phyllis Taylor. The slate proposed is as follows:

·         President: Carol Rhodes

·         1St Vice-President: Jeanne Dutton

·         2nd Vice-President: Cassidy Young

·         Secretary: Margret Kingrey

·         Treasurer: Charlotte Griffin

The membership accepted the slate as proposed.

Membership Show:  Tricia Wente, Show Chair, thanked the 31 members who submitted the works that make up the We Paint….the Springs and other Things at the Showers Atrium in downtown Bloomington.  The show will be up from November 2 through November 30 and if members have not seen it they are encouraged to take time to go there.  Member with works on display must pick up unsold paintings on November 30 between 10:00 am and noon.

Tricia sent out special thanks to these people who helped make the show a success:

·         Publicity

o   Postcard Design: Heidi Heiser

o   Poster Design: Deborah Rush

o   Show program: Jeanne Dutton

·         Show Set Up

o   Helpers at Take in: Bob Anderson, Jodi Estell, and Jeanne Dutton

o   Saturday Morning Monitors:  Bob Anders, Steve Bailey, Debra Rush, & Jeanne Dutton

o   Reception Table:  Jo Weddle (Coordinator), Jeanne Dutton and all members who brought yummy food

·         City Hall Staff

o   Coordination: Miah Michaelson

o   Installation:  Andrea Chwee

·         Harp Music at Reception November 2

o   Jacobs School of Music Harpist: Jasmin Jawad


·         Jeanne Dutton reminded members that the Holiday Party/Meeting that will be held at Meadowood on December 17.  This year the party will include a sit-down dinner including wine and non-alcoholic drinks.  The charge will be $12 for members and $15 for guests; the cost to members is being subsidized out of the treasury.  Reservation and payments for the party were taken at the meeting.  Those who did not attend the meeting may make reservations and pay via the BWS web site pages at

·         Jeanne Dutton reminded members that the Holiday party activity is “Aquagami.”  3D objects, and art made from watercolor paper should be brought by members.  Attendees will vote for their favorite.

Old Business:
  • Notecards: Margret Kingrey offered packets of 8 BWS notecards for $12 to anyone who desired them.
  • Tote Bags: Heavy duty tote bags with the BWS cloud logo are available for purchase at $6 each.  These are extras from the conference and purchase will go into the financial calculations for the conference. 


  • Phyllis Taylor brought a copy of the Brown County newspaper showing member Dan Alexander’s picture at TC Steele where he did Halloween Scare-i-catures.

The business meeting ended at 6:35 p.m. and after a short break Nancy Metz, Nina Ost, and Jeanne Dutton set up demos of Aquagami projects.  They provided templates for some of the projects and showed finished examples. 

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2012