Members in
Tina Allgood, Bob Anderson, Jan Britton,
Candi Bailey, Bob Burris, Connie Brorson,
Ria Collee, Zoe Dean, Jeanne Dutton, Jodi Estell, Julia Ferguson, Jacki Frey,
Charlotte Griffin, Jerry Harste, Sue
Haverstock, Margret Kingrey, Joan MacDermid, Linda Meyer-Wright, Kim
Neubecker, Diane Probst, Sherry Redman, Meri Reinhold, Deborah Rush,
Joanne Shank, Deloris Schneider, John
Shelton, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente,
Donna Whitsitt, Vi Working, Cassidy Young.
Guests: None
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. at the First Christian Church in the Great Hall on the second floor. BWS President, Jeanne Dutton, expressed thank you to all members for their contributions to the Henryville School art supply collection; the art teacher there is very thankful for the help. The town that was hit by a tornado and the art teacher still needs more art paper (drawing tablets, watercolor paper). If you members have any they can add, call Jeanne.
Jeanne thanked the Hospitality/Cheer chair, Jo Weddle and her helpers for arranging for meeting refreshments. Refreshments were provided by Candi Bailey, Ria Collee, Jodi Estell, and Sue Haverstock.
The minutes of the last meeting (March 12, 2012) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. Meri Reinhold motioned for acceptance and Julia Ferguson seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.
The Treasurer's Report was read by the Treasurer Carol Rhodes. The report was accepted based on a motion by Connie Brorson seconded by Cassidy Young.
Publicity: Deborah Rush has been busy creating BWS Publicity in the form of Rack Cards to be provided to new members, city business sites, the conference center etc. She also created a nice hand out about the first of the 2012 paint-outs.
Membership/Signature Status: Betty Wagoner reported that the membership level stands at 76 members. She reminded members that this year is a year for induction of members to Signature Status. Any member who wishes to apply should contact one of the Signature Committee members (Betty Wagoner, Tricia Wente, or Bob Burris) by April 30 to tell them of the member's intent to apply. The application form is available on the BWS website at A filled-in application along with the required works and documentation will be due on May 11.
Newsletter: Nancy Metz thanked everyone for their timely input to the recently published newsletter.
Activities/Workshop: Chair, Deloris Schneider, reported that the Judy Mudd Workshop was quite successful and directed members to view the portraits that attendees created in the workshop many of which were on display at the meeting. The workshop for the fall will be the “We paint the springs conference” which has a landscape and a floral session available.
Programs: Cassidy Young, Program chair, introduced Johanna Silva, a representative of the Winsor Newton Corporation, as speaker at this April meeting and reminded attendees that the May program will be about including figures in your paintings, offered by Betty Wagoner.
Scholarship Committee: Jeanne Dutton stated that the agreement with the MCCSC Foundation has been signed and that BWS is committed to fund the first scholarship out of the treasury. Future scholarships can also be funded through interest on contributions to a designated fund at the foundation. Phyllis Taylor has designed a Donor Card that can be used for contributing to that fund. Copies of the Donor Card were passed to all attendees.
Conference Committee: Nancy Metz reminded attendees that BWS must have a minimum number of room rented and conference registrations for the “We Paint ….the Springs” conference to take place. For those who would want to attend but not stay in the Hotel, carpools can be arranged. The deadline for early registration has been extended to April 27. Members are encouraged to act now if they are interested in the conference.
Paint Outs:
- Charlotte Griffin is
host for the April paint-out on
April 21 at Hilltop Garden and Nature Center.
As part of the agreement for use of Hilltop, members will be allowed to
display paintings of birds, flowers, or Hilltop landscapes at Hilltop on May 19
as part of the “Celebrate Urban Birds Day”. The May 19 activities are co-sponsored by Monroe County Parks and
Recreation, Bloomington City Parks and Recreation, and the Habitat Stewards of
Bloomington. See Celebrate
Urban Birds. Members are invited to
paint on April 21 and submit works for display on May 19. If you have a bird that you did in Rena
Brouwer’s workshop, it would be a wonderful tie-in to the day. The works do not have to be matted and framed
but some covering of plastic or glass would be advised. Any easels that can be loaned for use that
day would be appreciated. Here are some
things that are in bloom at Hilltop in early April and others will be showing
by April 21.
- The May paint-out will be at the T.C. Steele Historic Site. On May 19, BWS members have the option of entering the T.C. Steele competition or just using the historic site as the subject of their plein-air painting that day. There are fees for attendance and parking for this day at T.C. Steele and artists who compete must pre-register. See Festival of Flowers Paint Out for information about the T.C. Steele event.
- The June paint-out will be hosted by Connie Brorson at Meadowood. There will be a box-lunch provided at the Meadowood paint-out. Email will be sent out prior to the June 16 Paint-out at Meadowood soliciting a count of attendees so that the needed number of lunches will be available.
If you are looking for inspiration for you Spring paintings, you
were reminded about events associated with the Spring Wildflower Foray. Betty Wagoner, BWS VP, will be conducting a
two-hour Art Trek through the TC Steele property at 10:00 a.m. on April 28. Julia Ferguson, BWS member, will have her bird
paintings on display. Gillian Harris,
BWS member and botanical illustrator, will be leading a Creek Walk on April 28
at 3:30 p.m.
More information at
Zoe Dean announced that the Delta Theta Tau Sorority sponsored raffle
for a Ken Bucklew watercolor awarded the painting to Dan Witham of Hilltop Restaurant. Delta
Theta Tau Sorority, Inc is a national women's organization dedicated to the
advancement of philanthropy and charity.
The raffle derived over $1000 to be used for a scholarship for a student
majoring in Social Services.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2012