Tuesday, November 6, 2007


November, 2007


Monday, November 12, 6:00 p.m.
NOTE LOCATION: Monroe County Public Library, Room 1B

Election of officers will take place at the business meeting, then we will adjourn for the creativity exercise presented by Jacki Frey, "Various Fun Techniques with Watercolor."

Supplies to bring:

Small pieces of watercolor paper--10 x 12.
Strathmore Illustrator Board (if you have it on hand)
Spray bottles, assorted paint colors, and a variety of brushes
Exacto knives
Jacki will provide mat boards to create stamps.
It should be fun!

BWS Members Show
Now through November 10

Rosemary Miller Gallery, John Waldron Art Center

BWS 2nd Annual Autumn Gallery Show
November 15th – December 15th
tutto bène Wine Café and More
Opening Reception (and everyone is invited!): November 18, Sunday, 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Opening Reception

The Members Exhibit at the Waldron was very well received, as anyone who was able to attend the opening reception can confirm. With close to 100 people attending, it was a delightful evening!
Putting together a show is a challenging project: writing the proposal, coordinating the efforts of the artists, the host gallery, and the publicity. Wow! A job well done, Tricia!
And thanks, too, to Nancy Davis Metz for organizing the reception and to all who contributed food and wine and help at the opening. We also express our appreciation to the Waldron staff for their willing work in making the evening a success.

What an incredible day we had! A lovely breeze, colored trees, and glorious sunshine reflecting off the lake – add to that two very welcome pots of chili, cider, cornbread, desserts, and excellent company – it just doesn’t get much better than that.
Many, many thanks to Alice and Paul Sharp, Activities co-chairs, for their efforts in scheduling, organizing, publicizing, and attending the monthly paint outs. Can’t wait till next year!

Jeanne Iler, Instructor

Wednesday, November 14, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

"Textured Birch Trees"

Monday, November 26, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
"Textured Landscapes"
$15 plus supplies

All Jeanne's classes take place at Michael’s on the west side of Bloomington.

Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Instructor
Wednesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
November 14 and 28, December 5 and 12
“Beginning Watercolor”

Cost $85.00 This is very much a beginning watercolor class which will feature the basics of composition, techniques, and color, plus a fun time painting. It is part of the IVTC’s Center for Lifelong Learning program. Enrollment is limited to 10, so don’t hesitate!

For registration info and forms, please go to http://www.bloomington.ivytech.edu/CLL/register.html


The Brown County Art Guild is exhibiting a Seniors Show from November 15th through the 30th. Any artist age 55+ is eligible to enter, and entries are due on November 14th.

Go to http://www.browncounty.org/artguild.html to find out more.

Art Works of Martinsville offers an opportunity for not only you, but for your children and grandchildren to display their holiday themed artwork in a gallery. The show is opening December 1, Saturday, during their holiday open house.

Look at http://www.artworksofmartinsville.com/ for all the news.

The last Gallery Walk of the year is coming Friday, December 7th. Look for members work at Bellevue Gallery, By Hand Gallery, and Gallery North on the Square.


Several people have asked, “How do I document my paintings?” In answer to that, the board was polled and they offered this information:

Stillframes, a company in Columbus, Indiana is popular. Robert Anderson, owner and operator, has 20 years experience and does excellent work, not only photographing, but in producing slides, CDs, business cards, prints, and many other products. Several members have recommended his work. Find Bob at http://www.stillframes.com/

Photo Solutions here in Bloomington does fine work, too. They can be found downtown at 115 Madison Street, and on the web at

There certainly are other vendors available in the area and then, of course, there is always the final solution – do it yourself! Carolyn Rogers Richard shoots her own photos, then utilizes an HP printer that uses archival inks and makes prints up to 11X14.

Shop around, ask questions, compare prices. See what’s available and ask what uses the vendor can suggest for your paintings. Greeting cards are a nice way to show off your work and keep in touch with friends and family. It’s fun! And how satisfying to see your own work in print!


“Signature Member” status procedure was voted upon and accepted at the October meeting, with thanks to Jeanne Iler and Meri Reinhold for their efforts. Members wishing to apply may contact Jeanne Iler at jeanne2@bluemarble.net for an application.


Chinese brush painting. How to properly frame a painting. Photoshop. These are all ideas for upcoming programs at the BWS meetings. Do you have suggestions for programs? What would you like to hear about or see demonstrated? Jacki Frey is the program chair, so just bombard her with ideas – she loves to get lots of emails! Or contact any of the other officers.


Jacki Frey was accepted into the juried art show at the Irvington Historical Society in Indianapolis. The show goes up at the end of October and may be viewed at the Bona Thompson Memorial Center, 5350 University Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219.

Jacki is also the featured artist at the Brown County Art Gallery November 5th through the 18th.

Johnnie Belinda was just accepted into membership by the Association of Life Casters International (ALI). For those of you who are not familiar with life casting, check it out at http://www.lifecasting.org/. It’s an awe inspiring medium, for sure!

“Exposure of Body and Mind” is the title of Johnnie’s show at Lennie’s on 10th Street. The exhibit hangs from November 22 through January 22.

Shelley Frederick is a featured artist in the October-December issue of IntoArt. The article, “Shelley Cannon Frederick, Artist in Transition,” is an insightful and informative article about a very talented and versatile artist. Check it out on page 10 of IntoArt, which is a free publication. You can pick up copies at most galleries in Bloomington and surrounding areas.

Donna Kluesner was awarded two first place ribbons at the Apple Festival Art Show held at Bloomfield in October.

Sandy Taylor is participating in the Unitarian Universalist Holiday Bazaar on November 30th, 10:00-7:00, and on December 1st, 9:00-4:00. This is an outstanding arts and craft show – don’t miss it!

Nicole Elkins-Barkley, a brand new member, entered the Bloomingfoods Employee Art Exhibit, and is participating in the Christmas show at Art Works of Martinsville.

Tina Allgood is currently exhibiting two paintings in Nashville, one at the Brown County Art Guild Patron Show, and one in the Brown County Art Gallery Patron Show. Both shows run now through November 15th.

Linda Meyer-Wright, another new member, was accepted into the juried (and strongly competitive) Watercolor Society of Indiana show.

Congratulations to all!

Brushstrokes is published monthly by the

Bloomington Watercolor Society

Jeanne Ellen Dutton, secretary
