Members in attendance: Bob Anderson, Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Candi Bailey, Jan Britton, Connie Brorson, Bob Burris, Cynthia Currie, Zoe Dean, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Jackie Frey, Charlotte Griffin, Jerry Harste, Sue Haverstock, Margret Kingrey, Kriste Lindberg, Nancy Metz, Sara McQueen, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Sherry Redman, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, John Shelton, Phyllis Taylor, Betty Wagoner, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, Donna Whitsitt, Jean Vieter, Vi Working, Cassidy Young, Sandy Zywar-Gaier.
Guests: None
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. at the First Christian Church on the first floor. BWS President, Jeanne Dutton thanked the Hospitality/Cheer chair, Jo Weddle and her helpers for arranging for meeting refreshments. Refreshments and paper products were provided by Sherry Redman, Betty Wagoner, Jo Weddle and Donna Whitsitt.
The minutes of the last meeting (June 11, 2012) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. Sara Steffey-McQueen motioned for acceptance and Jerry Harste seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.
Treasurer: Carol Rhodes gave the treasurer’s report showing that there is sufficient money in the bank to sustain activities. As a gentle reminder, Betty Wagoner passed around the membership list that contains a column of members still owing membership dues for this year.
Conference: Nancy Metz reported that there were 64 signed up for the We Paint…the Spring conference with most people choosing to come for the whole weekend. She encouraged non-attendees to come down to French Lick as a day trip to paint, to see the conference gallery works, or just look around during the September 21-23 weekend. Conference subcommittee reports were as follows:
· Charlotte Griffin, Programs, handed out a form so that members
who are attending could signify their choice for the Saturday Morning session
and to specify whether they wished to participate in the Guided Paint-out. The rest of the attendees will be solicited
for their choices via email or telephone.
The handout contained price information about Guest Meal Tickets that
were available for purchase at the meeting.
· Jo Weddle, Volunteers, said that all of the volunteer spots had
been filled but if anyone would like to be on the list as emergency substitute
they should contact her. Those who have
volunteered should expect an email soon about what their duties are and other
information that will help them.
Programs: Cassidy Young, Program chair, handed out a colorful schedule of the Fall Schedule. She reminded members that the October meeting program is presented by Connie Brorson. Connie told attendees that the program is a “Creative Exercise” that may be used to jumpstart an artist into a painting. Bring paper, paint or watercolor pencils and a creative attitude.
Paint Outs: Betty Wagoner, 2nd Vice-President, reminded members that she and Kriste Lindberg are the hosts for the October 13 paint out at the Oliver Winery. This is a pot-luck picnic at which chili will be provided and attendees are asked to bring a side dish, dessert, salad or appetizer to share.
Cemetery Project 2013: Betty Wagoner announced BWS participation in the Monroe History Museum Cemetery calendar project. Somewhat like the We Paint…the Parks project during this coming year, members are encouraged to create works representing a Monroe county cemetery for use on a Historical Society calendar in 2014. The due date for the historic cemetery works is August 2013. Currently the Bloomington Photography club is working with the Historical Society to create the 2013 calendar on the same subject. Betty passed around a signup sheet so that people could express interest in participating. She encouraged everyone to look on the Historical Society web site for the “Cemetery of the Month” to get ideas of where the cemeteries are and what they look like.
Old Business:
Notecards: Margret Kingrey offered packets of 8 BWS notecards for $12 to anyone who desired them. She has replenished Venue’s supply that had sold out.
o Evelyn Alwine announced
a concert on February 14 by the Southern Indiana Wind Ensemble. It will take place at Bloomington High School
North, and artists are invited to display Valentine oriented art in the foyer. Art may be for sale, if the artist
wishes. The organizers ask that, from
any sales, a small commission be given to either the ensemble or BHSN. More information at a future meeting.
o Charlotte Griffin
announced that if people are interested in dyeing using indigo there is a Free
University sponsored workshop on the process on Sunday, September 16, from noon
to 4 at Hilltop Garden and Nature Center.
The workshop is called Colors from
o Sara Steffey-McQueen
announced her September show at Meadowood and invited all to view it.
o Jeanne Dutton announced
her September show at the Venue and thanked those who came to the opening.
After the business session, it was show and share time. Jerry Harste, Deborah Rush, Jackie Frey, Bob Burris, Donna Whitsitt, and Candi Bailey each brought works created during the summer.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2012