Friday, October 12, 2012

BWS Membership Show 2012 Prospectus

WE PAINT…the SPRINGS & other things!
BWS 2012 MEMBERSHIP SHOW, NOV 2nd - 30th
Showers Plaza, City Hall, 401 N. Morton Street
Bloomington, IN
DUES must be current for 2012-2013 in order to participate.
Submit paintings created without the help of an instructor.  They must be created from the artist's original reference materials painted with aqua media on watercolor paper.  Please note, the term watercolor shall be deemed to exclude encaustic or oil.  Watercolor paintings can include other mediums (collage, pastel, pen & ink, etc.) as long as their use does not exceed 10% of the work. Please follow rules designated in our by-laws.  
No copies of published imagery permitted.
Frame with flat hangers.  No sawtooth hooks or screw eyes permitted.  Wires should be stretched tightly and attached approximately 1/3 down the vertical dimension. 
Glass or plexiglass is acceptable, but if larger than 24" x 30", please use plexiglass.
Content:  Imagery must be suitable for public viewing in the City Hall Atrium, or it will not be hung. 
Consent to photograph artworks for a catalogue, publicity, or archive purposes is permitted by the artist.
Labels:  Submit the form with Name, Title and Price clearly filled out as instructed.  Make certain all information forms are properly attached to the work: one on the upper left hand corner on the BACK of the painting, and one on the FRONT GLASS.  Include:
  • TITLE of the WORK
Delivery: Wednesday Oct 31st  between 10:00am and 12:00 noon to the Showers Atrium.  Please make arrangements with your friends for delivery if you are unable to make the delivery yourself.
Pricing:  There will be no commission taken from the sale of your works.  Paintings do not need to be for sale.    Artist information will be available for potential clients.  Patrons will be directed to contact the artist directly for sales.
Works must remain on display throughout the show period, and paintings will be available for buyers after take down on Nov 30.
Reception:  Friday, Nov 2nd, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Atrium of City Hall, Showers Plaza.   Please sign up for reception food by contacting Jo Weddle at or just bring something to share. 

Pick Up:  Friday, Nov 30th, 10:00am, Showers Atrium
Any questions???  Contact  Tricia directly:  (812) 333-3907; email, or contact any BWS board member.

Thanks to all participating artists!
Tricia Wente, BWS Show Chair

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Meeting Minutes-October 8, 2012

Bloomington Watercolor Society

Members in attendance:   Bob Anderson, Evelyn Alwine, Jan Britton, Connie Brorson, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Julia Ferguson, Jackie Frey, Susan Graham*, Charlotte Griffin, Jerry Harste, Carla Hedges, Stephen Jackson, Margret Kingrey, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindberg, Meredith Metz, Nancy Metz, Maribeth McKaig, Sara McQueen, Patty Mabrey*, Deborah Rush, Joanne Shank, John Shelton, Teresa Sterneman*, Phyllis Taylor, Bob Thrasher, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, Donna Whitsitt, Jean Vietor, Vi Working,.

*New member

New Member not in attendance: Marlene Greenwalt

Guests: None

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. at the First Christian Church on the first floor.  BWS President, Jeanne Dutton thanked the Hospitality/Cheer chair, Jo Weddle and her helpers for arranging for meeting refreshments.  Refreshments and paper products were provided by Margret Kingrey, Evelyn Alwine, Carla Hedges, Joanne Shank, and Bob Thrasher. 

The minutes of the last meeting (September 10, 2012) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. Cathy Korinek motioned for acceptance and Margret Kingrey seconded the motion.  The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

Treasurer:  Jeanne Dutton gave the treasurer’s report showing that there is sufficient money in the bank to sustain activities.

Secretary: As head of the by-law committee, Charlotte Griffin provided paper copies of the 2012 proposed changes to the by-laws.  This action along with email to members represents the two week notification required for the by-laws to be changed.  Voting will occur at the November meeting with an email vote following if required.

Conference: Nancy Metz reported that there were 65 artists from 5 states attending the We Paint…the Springs conference.  Comments about the conference were uniformly positive.   She thanked the conference subcommittee heads, the member-teachers, and the volunteers who all helped make the conference run without major hitches. The final financial report for the conference will be available at the November meeting; however, she hastened to tell the membership that the conference was not meant to be a profit making venture (although a small profit was made) but rather was meant to enhance goodwill and recognition for BWS as an organization.  Measured against that goal the conference was successful.

2013 Call for Officers & Committee Chairs:  Jeanne Dutton passed around interest sheets to members in attendance requesting that they fill in their names if interested in being an officer or chairing a committee.  The form also contained space to suggest programs and  paint-out locations for 2013.  Nancy Metz will head up the Nominating Committee.

Membership Show:  Tricia Wente, Show Chair, passed out a prospectus for the November member’s show which will be at the Showers Atrium in downtown Bloomington from November 2 through November 30.  Each member may submit one work.  Works must be delivered on October 31 between 10 a.m. and noon.  The theme of the show is “We Paint…the Springs & other Things.”   There will be an opening reception on November 2 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Members, who wish to, should bring finger food to share at the reception.


·         Jan Britton presented the plans for the Holiday Party/Meeting that will be held at Meadowood on December 17.  This year the party will include a sit down dinner (including Salad, Chicken, Vegetables, Berry dessert) along with wine and non-alcoholic drinks.  The charge will be $12 for members and $15 for guests.  Reservation and payments for the party are needed at the November meeting.   

·         Jeanne Dutton reminded members that the Holiday party activity is “Aquagami.”  To learn about “Aquagami” attend the November meeting and stay for the program after the business meeting.

Paint Outs: Kriste Lindberg, 1st Vice-President, reminded members that she and Betty Wagoner are the hosts for the October 13 paint out at the Oliver Winery from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  This is a pot-luck picnic at which red and white chili will be provided and attendees are asked to bring a side dish, dessert, salad or appetizer to share. A colorful handout was made available about the paint-out; it was designed by Deborah Rush.

Cemetery Project 2013:  Betty Wagoner gave more detail about the BWS participation in the Monroe History Museum Cemetery calendar project.  She showed a map that is available from the Bloomington Visitor Center for $3 that shows many of the cemeteries in Bloomington and Monroe County. She also had some photos of markers and landscapes at some of the cemeteries. The due date for the historic cemetery works is July of 2013. She encouraged everyone to look on the Historical Society web site for the “Cemetery of the Month” to get ideas of where the cemeteries are and what they look like.  Members should contact Betty if they want to select a specific cemetery to paint. 

Old Business:

Notecards: Margret Kingrey offered packets of 8 BWS notecards for $12 to anyone who desired them.

Tote Bags: Heavy duty tote bags with the BWS cloud logo are available for purchase at $6 each.  These are extras from the conference and purchase will go into the financial calculations for the conference.  


o   Evelyn Alwine is the contact point for artists you wish to display art for sale at the concert on February 14, 2013, by the Southern Indiana Wind Ensemble.  The concert will take place at Bloomington High School North and artists are invited to display Valentine oriented art in the foyer.  If the artists wishes, the art may be for sale.  The organizers ask that, from any sales, a small commission be given to either the ensemble or BHSN.

A copy of the current Membership Roster was passed out to those in attendance.

The business meeting ended at 6:50 p.m. and after a short break Connie Brorson ran a session on creativity.  The group of attendees was split into 3 groups.  Each person placed a piece of watercolor paper on their workspace.  Then each person in the small group took a turn at adding a line/squiggle/blob on the other’s paper.  After all additions were made the original artist was to make something artful out of the paper.  Artists were encouraged to take the paper home and work on it.  Results are to be shown at the November meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2012