Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
Location: First Christian Church
November 8, 2010
Members in Attendance:
Evelyn Alwine, Dan Alexander, Jan Britton, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Charlotte Griffin, Beth V. Grey, Cathy Haggerty, Jerry Harste, Sue Haverstock, Jeanne Iler, Steve Jackson, Kathy Karnes, Marget Kingrey, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindgerg,. Sara Mc Queen, Meredith Metz, Nancy Davis Metz, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, Sammye Dina Smith, Bob Thrasher, Jean Vietor, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Jo Weddle, Tricia Wente, Vi Working, Cassidy Young
New Members:
The November meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by President Joanne Weddle. Joanne welcomed the 35 attendees out of the membership of 86. She thanked the Hospitality/Cheer Co-Chairs, Kathy Karnes and Sue Haverstock for the set up and extended thanks to the members who provided refreshments (Tina Allgood, Jan Britton, and Sue Haverstock).
Jo asked the members for any corrections to the minutes of the October 11th meeting. Kathy Karnes moved that the minutes be accepted and Margret Kingrey seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes without correction.
The treasurer’s report was given by Carol Rhodes. Acceptance of the treasurer’s report was proposed by Sara McQueen and seconded by Jeanne Dutton. The members present accepted the report unanimously.
Committee Reports were made.
December 6 is the BWS Holiday Celebration and it will be held at Meadowood this year. Reservations should be sent to Sue Haverstock at shaverst@comcast.com by December 1 and payment should be made by that date (see the November 5, 2010, Brushstrokes for details on how to make payment). The cost will be $12 for members and $15 for non-members. The activity for the evening besides socializing and holiday merriment will be the trading of Artist Trading Cards. So come prepared with cards to exchange.
Paint Out
No report. Season has ended.
Kriste Lindberg reported that the trip to the Indianapolis Museum of Art for the Watercolor Society of Indiana Show opening and reception on October 17 was a good time. She encouraged all members to take in the show. Three members of BWS (Sara Steffey McQueen, Nancy Metz, and Kathy Rice) have works on display in this show.
Tricia Wente reported on the The Columbus Learning Center mini-show of the BWS works that were created at the paint-out held at the CLC. That mini-show has ten works and can be found in the Library at the CLC; the display is on-going through to next year. If an artist has a picture in this show that they want to retake possession of, the artist should contact Tricia.
Tricia said the “paint-your-park” activities have begun. All the parks run by the Parks and Recreation portion of the city have been assigned to artists. If an artist still desires a park, contact Tricia; there may be vacancies come up and it is possible to have multiple artists assigned to a single park.
The assigned artist should use his/her park as the theme for paintings over the 2010-2011 year for our BWS show in the fall of 2011. Members will be allowed to submit one painting to the show in late September or early October of 2011.
Signature Status Awards
No activities at this time.
No report
Old Business:
First Vice-President, Nancy Davis-Metz reported that There were only 8 sets of notecards left. The activity of creating and selling the notecards has made money in the order of $700. Margret Kingrey motioned that BWS should order 50 more sets of the notecards. Tricia Wente seconded that motion. Margret volunteered to contact various stores in the area about their willingness to sell our cards and to report back in January.
Jo called for members submit suggestions for new 2011 programs and to prioritize their interest in the current list of program suggestions. Forms were filled-out and turned-in at the meeting.
New Business:
By-law revisions had been sent out to all members for review. Charlotte Griffin thanked Carol Rhodes, Nancy Metz, Jeanne Iler, and Tricia Wente for their input the the by-law changes. Others who helped greatly were Jeanne Dutton and Jo Weddle. Meri Reinhold moved acceptance of the by-law changes and Kathy Karnes seconded the motion. All members in attendance agreed. However, the 35 members attending do not represent the 2/3 vote required for making the changes. The Secretary will contact members who were unable to attend the meeting to get their vote and will report to the membership via email.
Jeanne Dutton presented the results of nominating committee’s search for officers for 2011. Jeanne thanked the members of the committee, Tina Allgood and Connie Brorson for their help. The Slate of
• President, Kriste Lindberg
• 1st Vice President, Jo Weddle
• 2nd Vice President, Betty Wagoner
• Secretary, Charlotte Griffin
• Treasurer, Carol Rhodes
was accepted based on a motion by Meri Reinhold which was seconded by Jeanne Iler.
Dan Alexander introduced Karol Stewart from “Reframe” Karol talked briefly about her store called reframe. She then talked about her involvement with the Art of Chocolate fund raiser for Options for Better Living coming just after the holidays. Artists are invited to submit art for both an online auction and a juried showing. More detail and an entry form can be found at http://www.weekofchocolate.com/index.htm
The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. based on a motion by Carol Rhodes that was seconded by Jan Britton.
Following the business meeting Jerry Harste and Nancy Davis Metz gave a presentation about Artist Trading Cards. They had a prepared handout and slides of examples from Jerry’s collection. Each attendee was given 5 blank trading cards to start creating ATCs and many attendees broke out their watercolors and took the challenge immediately.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Ann Griffin, Secretary 2010
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