Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Meeting Minutes March 12, 2012

Bloomington Watercolor Society

Members in attendance: Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Jan Britton, Candi Bailey, Bob Burris, Zoe Dean, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Julia Ferguson, Charlotte Griffin, Sue Haverstock, Steve Jackson, Nina Ost, Diane Probst, Sherry Redman*, Meri Reinhold, Deborah Rush, Joanne Shank, Deloris Schneider, John Shelton, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, Cassidy Young.
*New member

Guests: Gillian Stoops, Jamie Hickman Thompson

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. at the First Christian Church in the Great Hall on the second floor.  BWS President, Jeanne Dutton, introduced the newest member, Sherry Redman.

Jeanne thanked the Hospitality/Cheer chair, Jo Weddle and her helpers for arranging for meeting refreshments.  Refreshments were provided by Betty Wagoner, Evelyn Alwine, John Shelton, Meri Reinhold and Linda Endris. 

The minutes of the last meeting (February 13, 2012) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. Meri Reinhold motioned for acceptance and Tricia Wente seconded the motion.  The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

The Treasurer's Report was read by Jeanne Dutton in the absence of the Treasurer Carol Rhodes.  The report was accepted without vote.

Jeanne Dutton reminded members to register for the We Paint…the Springs conference and requested that they do so on or before April 15. 


Activities/Workshop Chair, Deloris Schneider, reported that the Judy Mudd Workshop is fully subscribed with a waiting list of 4.  She had a supply list available to participants.  She suggested that participants arrive at 8:30 a.m. for the workshop so that the workshop can begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. on March 31.    On Friday, March 30, members will take Judy to dinner.  An email will be sent to members so reservations can be made. 

Programs:  Cassidy Young, Program chair, has arranged for a representative of the Winsor Newton Corporation to speak at the April meeting.  The sales representative can be expected to speak about the Winsor Newton watercolor palette. 

Scholarship Committee:  Jeanne Dutton asked for discussion of the BWS Scholarship Proposal that was made available to all members via email.  There was some concern about what schools would benefit from the scholarship and whether New Tech would be included.  Also, there was discussion of expanding beyond MCCSC.  The answer to the concerns is that this is only the beginning of the program and as experience grows the scholarship targets can expand.  Nina Ost proposed acceptance of the proposal with the proviso that the word “visual” be included in the definition of the degree that a student would need to be pursuing.  (This would then read, in the document,”pursuing a degree in visual fine arts, arts education, architecture or design from an accredited college, university, or school of design.)  Tricia Wente seconded the motion and the members voted to accept the proposal as modified by Nina.

Old Business:

Notecards: Margret Kingrey was ill and could not attend the meeting but  she sent word that the notecards have been printed and are ready to be picked up.

New Business:

Signature Status Applications: Tricia Wente announced that members are welcome to apply for BWS Signature status within the next 4 weeks.  She had application forms available as well as slips of paper with the web address for members to us in downloading the application form if desired.  The application form is available on the BWS website at


o   Joanne Shank encouraged members to take part in the planned Open Studio Tour which will be held on June 3-4.  It is a way for artists to show and sell their art.  Cost per artist is $50 if registering between March 3 and April 3.  It is possible for multiple artists to “share” a studio at the Rose Tech Distillery Studio.  Artists should be present to show their work during the tour.

o   Joanne Shank also announced that the Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington will be holding an Artist After Hours meeting on March 21st at 5:30 p.m. at the Printers Collective at 401 W 6th Street Suite J.  The meeting will focus on local “Visual Artist’s Organizations” and encourage networking among the organization. 

o   Charlotte Griffin made copies available of information about the events associated with the TC Steele Spring Wildflower Foray.  Betty Wagoner will be conducting a two-hour Art Trek through the TC Steele property at 10:00 on April 28. 

o   Zoe Dean announced that the Delta Theta Tau Sorority is sponsoring a raffle for a Ken Bucklew watercolor.  Tickets were available at the meeting and may be acquired through Zoe at zdean@bluemarble.net.  Delta Theta Tau Sorority, Inc is a national women's organization dedicated to the advancement of philanthropy and charity.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m. The evening program was presented by Cassidy Young. Cassidy gave a presentation concerning Perspective including not only Linear Perspective but visual effects that provide perspective such as object size, overlapping, shadow, and the effects that convey distant objects.  She used both her computer to show images of works showing perspective and a projector to demonstrate some tricks for getting single point perspective correct.

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2012