Monday, February 2, 2009

Meeting Minutes - January 2009

January 12, 2009

Members In attendance:

Tina Allgood, Susan Blunck, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Charlotte Ann Griffin, Gillian Harris, Susanne Haverstock, Carla Hedges, Steve Jackson, Clindy Kersey, Kriste Lindberg, Nancy Davis Metz, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Carol Rhodes, Alice Sharp, Paul Sharp, Bob Thrasher, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente.

Guests: Jan Britton

Nancy Davis Metz, president, called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. at First Christian Church. In her first meeting as president, Nancy stated that her goals were to keep the society moving forward in the same manner it has in the past and to expedite efficiently all business meetings.

A. Minutes from November 10, 2008. Seeing no additions or corrections, a motion was made by Carol Rhodes to approve the minutes. After a second by Jeanne Dutton, the motion was passed.

B. Treasurer’s Report
1. Carol Rhodes reported that the bank balance at the start of the New Year was $1,548.06. Cost of the Christmas party was approximately $200.
2. Carol asked whether or not we want to pursue having tax exempt status. The paperwork for applying is quite extensive though there is not a fee to file. Jacki Frey will check to see ways this may be done and who can assist.
3. A room at First Christian Church has been reserved for all BWS meetings this year (9 months, January – November, excluding July and August).
4. Motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Tricia Wente and seconded by Steve Jackson. Motion carried.

C. Committee and Board Reports
1. Programs/Workshops
a. February 9 – Jeanne McLeish, watercolorist and framer from Mooresville, will give a 1 ½ hour demonstration on drawing and layering.
b. March 9 – The program will be given by Dan Alexander, a BWS member who is a cartoonist and watercolor artist.
c. April 4 – A Saturday workshop will be conducted by Bill Borden from 9:30 – 4:00. Cost is $50 for BWS members with a limit of 20 participants. Details and deadlines for registration will be available at the February meeting.
d. April 13 – There will be a show-and-share session from the Borden workshop followed by creativity exercises led by Nancy Davis Metz.
2. Paint Outs – Steve Jackson is developing a schedule of dates and locations for spring, summer and fall.
3. Hospitality – Tina Allgood requested volunteers to provide refreshments for upcoming meetings. A sign-up sheet was circulated.

D. Old Business
1. BWS Bylaws – Copies of the bylaws which were approved in October are available on the BWS website. Click on the “About Us” link.

E. New Business
1. Brushstrokes – See the January issue for a listing of a wide variety of painting opportunities and classes that are available.

2. The BWS Board will be developing a directory of exhibit opportunities. Shelly Ritter and Nancy Metz will lead this endeavor. Anyone interested in helping should contact Shelly or Nancy.

3. Outreach opportunities are available to members. Shelly Ritter leads sessions at Redbud on Tuesdays from 10:30 – Noon. Members are invited to assist and/or help teach.

4. Two Cents Worth. Nancy invited members to respond to a questionnaire by telling:
a. one thing they really like about BWS,
b. one thing they would like to change in BWS, and
c. ideas for programs, paint-outs, show venues, workshops, etc.

F. Announcements – Jodi Estell announced that the Indiana Watercolor Society has lowered their dues. Memberships can be made through their website.

G. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn was made by Jacki Frey and seconded by Jeanne Dutton. Meeting adjourned at 7:00.

H. Program by Gillian Harris, a BWS member and botanical artist. Gillian’s watercolor illustrations grace the pages of Perennials: Short and Tall by Moya Andrews, a book recently published by the IU Press. Gillian also won first place in Gallery North’s “Art for All Seasons” juried show.

Respectfully submitted,
Joanne Weddle, Secretary




February 9, Monday

BWS Monthly Meeting

6:00 p.m.

First Christian Church

A demonstration by Mooresville watercolor artist Jeanne McLeish will be our program after a short business meeting.

Jeanne presented a workshop to BWS members a couple years ago - excellent! - and she uses a layering technique that gives her paintings a glow. You will be sure to enjoy her demo! Check out Jeanne's work at

February 6, Gallery Walk Friday

5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Gallery North on the Square hosts the opening reception of the National Society of Arts and Letters, Bloomington Chapter. This competition includes young emerging artists from the area, and includes 2D and 3D artwork. BWS member Cathy Korinek is the coordinator for the exhibit.

February 13, Friday

Open Studio

Jacki Frey Studio

10:00 - 1:00


Please RSVP to Jacki at 320-6745, or

February 14, Saturday


February 20, Friday

Painting Florals

An all day workshop offered by Jacki Frey.

9:00 to 3:00 p.m.


Reservations, please.

Bring images of your own choice or use Jacki's. She will be painting irises in honor of the upcoming Spring (yes, it will only be six more weeks, according to Punxsutawney Phil!).

Oils, acrylics, or watercolors. Instruction will be provided about painting on a gesso surface, using a granulation liquid for more texture, and negative painting in the shadow areas.

February 21 and 22

The T.C. Steele State Historic Site is offering portrait drawing workshops.

The first session, February 21st from 1-3 p.m., will focus on portrait drawing fundamentals with a demonstration by instructor Michael Lierly.

The second session, February 22 from 1-4 p.m., is actual portrait drawing with the instructor’s assistance. Participants can choose to do self-portraits, portraits of each other or other subjects. These workshops will take place in T.C. Steele’s large studio, so participants can choose to copy one of his portraits. Spaces are limited and each session costs $15.

For more information or to register, please contact or (812) 677-2003.

February 27, Friday

Brown Bag Lunch

BWS members Jeanne Iler and Carolyn Rogers Richard, along with two other Gallery North members, Lee Chapman and Anabel Hopkins, will present a program on Abstract Art at the YMCA. The demo includes varied approaches to abstract art, including acrylics, watercolor, and computer art. For complete information, call the Y at 332-5555.

February 18-March 1


Celebrating its 25th year in 2009, ArtsWeek is an annual winter festival showcasing the unique richness of artistic expression in and around Bloomington, Ind. Check out the many events on


APRIL 4, Saturday

9:00 - 4:00
The Bloomington Watercolor Society Spring Workshop
featuring Indiana watercolor artist, Bill Borden
Cost: $50 for members/$60 for non-members

Because of the limited space of 20 participants, members will get first chance at registration, beginning at Monday's meeting.

Email reservations can be made after Monday at

The deadline for payment is March 9 at the BWS monthly meeting.
After March 9, those on the waiting list and non-members will be able to register.
Carol Rhodes, our treasurer, has set up a system so that members may pay on-line. Details for on-line payment will be made available at the meeting, or members may pay by check.

@ IVTC Center for Lifelong Learning

Beginning Watercolor Part II

Jeanne Ellen Dutton

Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

February 18 - March 11

Downtown campus


For Jeanne Iler's March and April classes at IVTC, please check out the website at

@ the Waldron

Linda Meyer-Wright, Jacki Frey and Dan Alexander classes can be found at

@ People's University (Bloomington Parks and Recreation)

Jeanne Iler's classes for March, April and May can be found at

For information about Rob O'Dell workshops, please go to

Thanks and Congratulations!

Many thanks to Gillian Harris for her presentation at the January meeting. The very specialized techniques of botanical illustration were discussed, and Gillian shared many of her excellent paintings and drawings with the group. If you would like to see some of her work, it's available at

Bonnie Gordon-Lucas, whose delightful illustrations are well known, has been awarded a 2009 Mom’s Choice Gold Award® for her bilingual Get Better! Mejorate! Communication Cards For Kids & Adults recovering at home. The cards were produced for the American Cancer Society. For a complete listing of the awards, check out

Also, one of Bonnie's illustrations was published in the February 2009 issue of LADYBUG, a magazine for young children. Good work, Bonnie!

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society
Nancy Davis Metz, 2009 President

Jeanne Ellen Dutton, editor
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47408-5236