Sunday, July 3, 2011

Meeting Minutes June 2011

Bloomington Watercolor Society

June 13, 2011
Members in attendance:

Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Candi, Bailey, Bob Burris, Marie Carpenter, Cynthia Currie*, Zoe Dean, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jackey Frey, Charlotte Griffin, Jerome Harste, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Kriste Lindberg, Nancy Metz, Kim Neubecker, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, Joanne Shank, Bob Talbot, Betty Wagoner, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, Vi Working.
* New member

Guests in Attendance:
Becky Buher, George Brooke

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. at the First Christian Church with Kriste Lindberg, President, presiding. Kriste asked members to greet our guests and new member.

The minutes of the last meeting (May 9, 2011) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

The Treasurer's Report for March was read by Carol Rhodes, Treasurer. Dues are still flowing in so the status of the treasury is in flux but there are sufficient funds to continue operations as planned. Members are reminded that dues must be paid by the end of June.

Committee Reports

Membership Update, was provide by Betty Wagoner and with the addition of a new member at the June meeting the total membership is 95.

Paint Outs Chair, Jackie Frey, encouraged members to come to the next paint-out on Saturday, June 18 at the Farmer’s Market. She stated that although there may be much activity at the market there are always scenes that can be captured with a camera and transferred to paper. Jackie mentioned that the last paint-out at T.C. Steele brought recognition to a number of the members of BWS. See the BWS Blog.

Activities/Workshop Chair, Deloris Schneider, mentioned that she has had contact with Rena Brouwer about the Fall Workshop and that Rena wanted to know how the workshop should be oriented. The membership desired that the workshop be oriented toward tips and techniques. The date of the Brouwer workshop has been set as Saturday, October 1st.

Shows Chair, Tricia Wente told the members that the We Paint Parks will run from November 4 to December 4 and that all parks must be covered; so if anyone cannot paint the park assigned to them they should hand it back to Tricia so she can assign it to someone on the waiting list. More information will be sent out later in the summer about requirements for the We Paint Parks show.

Jeanne Dutton provided a summary of the Creative Senior Show at the Venue. Some of the members sold paintings and the Venue was impressed by the business-like manner that BWS displayed in setting up the show.

Brushstrokes, Nancy Metz requested that anyone who had photos from the Peggy Brown workshop provide here with a copy.

Old Business:

Joanne Swank invited members of BWS to attend the June 27 meeting of the Visual Arts Guild to be held at the Library. She will send out an email with more details because it is questionable whether the speaker will be able to speak due to involvement with the recent tornado. (Note: This meeting has since been cancelled; Joanne will send an e-mail out informing people about rescheduling.)

Jeanne Dutton and attendees gave the membership information about the meeting that they attended with the Watercolor Society of Indiana. Networking in the form of communication will continue.

New Business:

Kriste mentioned that there will be work over the summer to give BWS a presence on Facebook. More information will be provided at the next BWS meeting.

Kriste reminded the members that BWS takes a summer break for the months of July and August. But that everyone should continue to paint and plan to bring their summer works to a Fall meeting.


Betty Waggoner will be guiding a hike of the trails at T. C. Steele on July 2 at 10:00 if anyone wants to get ideas for Indiana Landscapes.

Jeanne Iler suggested that the Executive committee consider a proposal to use some of the funds accumulating in the BWS treasury to lower the cost to members for attendance at BWS workshops. This use of funds is in keeping with the BWS charter to encourage continued learning by its members.

The meeting was adjourned at 6.55 p.m. and attention was transferred to the evening's program by Jean Vietor. Jean demonstrated the use of transparent acrylic washes to provide the base for painting rocks and trees using such things as toothbrushes, small strips of cardboard, and fingers.

Many attendees took advantage of the exchange table during the break time.

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2011