Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Meeting Minutes, November 14, 2011

Members in attendance: Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Candi Bailey, Jan Britton, Patti Brundle, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Bob Ferguson, Beth Gray, Charlotte Griffin, Sue Haverstock, Jerry Harste, Carla Hedges, Steve Jackson, Margret Kingrey, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindberg, Sara McQueen, Meredith Metz, Nancy Metz, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, John Shelton, Phyllis Taylor, Bob Thrasher, Jean Vietor, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, Vi Working, Cassidy Young.

New Member: Donna Whitsitt

The meeting was called to order at the First Christian Church in the Great Hall on the second floor at 6:12 p.m. President, Kriste Lindberg introduced our new member, Donna Whitsitt who has a show of her works currently up at The Venue.

Kriste thanked the Hospitality/Cheer chair, Evelyn Alwine, for the refreshments that were provided by Tina Allgood, Vi Working, Deloris Schneider, and Jo Weddle.

The minutes of the last meeting (October 10, 2011) were handed out for members to read.  No additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance.  Joanne Weddle proposed acceptance and Cathy Korinek seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

The Treasurer's Report for October was read by Jeanne Dutton.  Jeanne mentioned that income was coming in from sale of note cards at The Venue.  Replenishing of the supply of cards is in the offing.

Committee Reports

Membership: The Membership Update was provided by Betty Wagoner; the total membership is 73 paid members.

Paint Outs: The last paint-out on October 15 at Musgrave Orchard was a success.  Many pumpkins to paint and good food were available.  John Shelton brought the work he created at the paint-out for others to see.

Meetings and Programs, interim chair, Kriste Lindberg, reminded members that the program for the holiday party on December 19 is installation of officers and an Artist Trading Card trading session.  Jeanne Dutton passed around a piece of paper on which members  could provide suggestions for programs for next year.

Hospitality/Cheer Chair, Evelyn Alwine, reminded members that reservations and payment for the Holiday party have a deadline of December 9.  Cost is $12 per member and $15 per guest.  Pay by check sent to the BWS post office address (see web) or use Paypal on or after November 20 when a special payment button will be available.

Shows/Historian Chair, Tricia Wente thanked all the people who worked so hard to make the “We Paint Parks” exhibition a success.   Bob Anderson, Connie Brorson, Jodie Estelle, and Kriste Lindberg helped by being at City Hall most of the morning of November 3 to receive the paintings as they were delivered by the members.  Evelyn Alwine coordinated a small feast available to all who attended the reception on November 4.  Deloris Schneider loaned a festive silk flower arrangement for the buffet table and Jeanne Dutton did a rush job of compiling all of the information about the parks pictures into a program list and a notebook.

Members can expect an email later in the month reminding them about the closing reception on December 2nd and about the timing and process for picking up their art work.

Brushstrokes, Nancy Metz gave special thanks to Jeanne Dutton for publishing the Brushstrokes in November.

Old Business:

Jeanne Dutton reported that the scholarship committee made up of herself, and Vi Working, Joanne Weddle, and Sara Steffey-McQueen, has met and will be providing a report at the January meeting. 

Charlotte Griffin said that the BWS Online Gallery needs more input and that members can contact her if they need some help.

Nancy Metz gave a status report on the activities related to the We Paint – the Springs Conference.  She said that the professional artists that have been booked for the Saturday afternoon sessions at the conference are Bill Borden and Cathy Hillegas

·         The sponsorship committee headed by Beth Gray will be sending prospectus to various art related businesses in and attempt to raise some money for some of the expenses.

·         The Program committee headed by Charlotte Griffin distributed a form to all attending members inviting them to propose a class that they would like to teach during the Saturday morning session of the conference.  The form will also be delivered via email and may be filled out online, saved and sent via email.  Alternatively, members may simply fill in a blank form with pencil and mail it.

The nominating committee, headed by Tricia Wente, reported that after a lengthy and thorough search to fill all offices and asking many members for their service, the nominating committee proposes the following slate:
  • President: Jeanne Dutton
  • 1st VP: Kriste Lindberg
  • 2nd VP: Betty Wagoner
  • Secretary: Charlotte Griffin
  • Treasurer: Carol Rhodes
The executive board approved an exception to the by-laws which state that the first three officers may not succeed themselves, and Betty Wagoner will continue as 2nd vice president.  The exception was requested by the nominating committee for practical reasons, including the time involved to train a new person and Betty's willingness to continue working with the membership responsibilities while chairing the Signature status process this coming spring.

New Business:

No new business was raised.


An ad-hoc road trip is being pulled together for December 3 to the Indianapolis Museum of Art to see the Indiana Watercolor Society Show before it is taken down. 

The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.  Attention was transferred to the evening's program which was presented by Jerry Harste.  The program was on the definition of and creation of Artist Trading Cards.  First Jerry gave the members a look at some stocking stuffers that members might consider for their children or grandchildren.  Jerry projected copies of a couple of books for children that are “Art” related and educational (about names of colors and what art is).  Jerry also shared a tip about the use of Adobe Photoshop (Filter-Artistic-Cutout) for seeing the darks and lights of a photo you have taken.  He also demoed an App on his iPad called Color Splash which is ostensibly for photographers but useful for artists. 

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2011