Members in attendance:
Dan Alexander, Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Susan Blunck, Jan Britton, Patti Brundle, Robert Burris, Elaine Byers, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Charlotte Griffin, Gillian Harris, Jerome C. Harste, Sue Haverstock, Carl Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Kathy Karnes, Sue Kim, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindberg, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Carol Rhodes, Michele(Shel) Ritter, Dee Rockwood, John Shelton, Sammye Dina Smith, Jean Vietor, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, and Tricia Wente.
Roger Byers, Gale Clifton, Julie Fry and Gladys Newsom.
The meeting was called to order at 6:12 p.m. at the First Christian Church with Jeanne Dutton, First Vice President, presiding. Jeanne thanked those who provided refreshments for the meeting – Jeanne Iler, Clindy Kersey, Tina Allgood, and Jodi Estell. She also welcomed the guests listed above.
Minutes from October 12, 2009 were distributed and seeing no additions or corrections, a motion was made by Jerome Harst to approve the minutes. After a second by Jeanne Iler, the minutes were approved.
The Treasurer, Carol Rhodes, distributed her report highlighting the bank balances by month including the November information. She reported that the membership number has now risen to 71. Jeanne Iler motioned that the report be accepted and Kathy Karnes seconded the motion. The membership approved the acceptance.
Committee and Board reports:
- Member shows
1. Tricia Wente reported that the Showers Building Show has been installed and that 38 paintings from members are on display. She thanked Bob Anderson and Jeanne Dutton for their great assistance in putting the show up. The members applauded Tricia’s time and effort.
2. Tricia reminded the members about the Columbus show that will run from early January to the beginning of August. Signup for the show must be in Tricia’s hand by December 14. Two works are allowed, one of which must not have been shown elsewhere. More information about the show can be found on the BWS web site.
Old Business:
1. Jeanne Dutton reminded members to send their bios and images to either Carol Rhodes ( or Jeanne Dutton (
2. BWS rack cards have been printed and were made available to members. Thank you to Jeanne Iler and Jerome Harste for use of their paintings on the rack card.
New Business:
1. Jeanne Iler, representing the nominating committee, put forth the 2010 slate of officers, that being the following:
• President – Joanne Weddle
• 1st Vice President(Show Chair) – Nancy Metz
• 2nd Vice President (Membership Chair) – Dan Alexander
• Secretary – Charlotte Griffin
• Treasurer – Carol Rhodes
Jeanne Dutton called for nominations from the floor and received none. Steve Jackson moved to elect the slate as put forth and Tricia Wente seconded the motion. The membership approved the slate unanimously. The new officers will be installed at the December holiday meeting.
2. Jeanne Dutton informed the membership that BWS has agreed to create an Aquagami tree as part of the décor for "Christmas at the Waldron." On November 23, there will be a workshop at the First Christian Church at 6:00 p.m. to create the ornaments for the tree. All members are encouraged to attend.
3. The December meeting will be a Holiday party to be held at the Waldron on December 14 at 6:30 p.m. Food will be catered and the tentative cost will be $12 for members and $15 for non-members.
Jeanne Dutton congratulated those members whose works have recently won prizes.
• Tricia Wente for her portrait Phin that was accepted by the International Society of Acrylic Painters.
• Sue Kim for her painting Super Sweet 100 that was given the Theodore Englehart Honorary Award by the Watercolor Society of Indiana.
• Linda Meyer-Wright for her painting Under the Same Moon that was given the Eugene B. Glick award by the Watercolor Society of Indiana.
• Nancy Davis Metz who won 3rd place in the Kentucky Watercolor Society’s New member show.
The business meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Art Program:
While refreshments were consumed, an Artist Trading Card session was exercised. A drawing for the prize of an ATC carrying case was offered to all who brought 3 cards to trade. Susan Blunck was the lucky winner.
The rest of the evening’s program was given by Jeanne Iler who recapped the Rena Brouwer workshop with the help of those who attended the workshop. Jeanne also discussed and demonstrated Chinese watercolor techniques and tools that can be used in work that BWS members are doing. She provided brushes and paper for those who wanted to try the techniques.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin, Secretary-elect