Monday, January 17, 2011

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
Location: First Christian Church
January 10, 2011

Members in Attendance:

Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Candi Bailey, Patti Brundle, Bob Burris, Marie Carpenter, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Charlotte Griffin, Gillian Harris, Jerry Harste, Sue Haverstock, Carla Hedges, Stephen Jackson, Marget Kingrey, Kim Neubecker, Kriste Lindberg, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, Joanne Shank, Betty Wagoner, Tricia Wente,

New Members:
Candi Bailey

Anna Schieber

The January meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by President Kriste Lindberg. She welcomed the 25 attendees out of the membership of 90, introduced our new member Candi Bailey, as well as a visitor Anna Schieber. She thanked the Hospitality/Cheer Co-Chairs, Evelyn Alwine and Dee Rockwood for the set up and extended thanks to the members who provided refreshments (Evelyn Alwine, Charlotte Griffin, Kriste Lindberg, and Tricia Wente).

Charlotte Griffin asked the members for any corrections to the minutes of the November meeting and there being none, Margret Kingrey moved that the minutes be accepted and Gillian Harris seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes without correction.

The treasurer’s report was given by Carol Rhodes. A full report on the state of the treasury and the society is planned for February as part of the BWS 2010 review being put together by past president Jo Weddle.

Committee Reports were made.

Membership Update
A spreadsheet containing member information was passed around for members to update. Updates have been placed in the google docs spreadsheet that is kept online.

No report.

Paint Outs
Jacki Frey, Chair, passed out a typewritten list of the paint-outs scheduled for the year 2011. There is only one that may change and it is the final one in October at the Musgrave Orchard. Due to the fact that the Orchard is up for sale, the last paint-out may be moved to Riddle Point at Lake Lemon. That location is amenable to the pitch-in meal that is planned for that paint-out since Riddle Point has a large shelter. Members will be informed if this change is made.

Deloris Schneider, Chair, passed around a sheet of paper on which members could add any suggestions that they had for teachers of workshops to be offered in the Spring and Fall through BWS. She will be working on schedules for the workshops and will let the membership have information as soon as possible.

Tricia Wente reported that The Columbus Learning Center mini-show of the BWS works is coming down and artists will be contacted about picking up their paintings.

Tricia reported on the BWS Show 2011 “paint-your-park” (We Paint Parks!) activities. All the parks run by the City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation have been assigned to artists. It is important that all parks be represented in the Fall BWS show. If a member has been assigned a park and will not be able to paint at least one picture, the artist should contact Tricia so that she can reassign the park to one of the members who is on the waiting list.

Signature Status Awards
There was report at this time and no activities are scheduled until 2012.

No report.

Kriste mentioned that brushstrokes may be expanded to include an exhibit of some members work with a brief explanation about the work. Members who wish to take part in this should contact Kriste or Nancy Metz.

Old Business:
Kriste thanked Sue Haverstock and Kat Karnes for their work in arranging the December holiday party. It was quite a success and the trading of Artist Trading Cards was perhaps the highlight (aside from the wonderful food and décor at Meadowood).

Margret Kingrey reported on her endeavors to contact various stores in the area about their willingness to sell our notecards. She contacted several art stores and it was suggested that the cards should only be offered at one art store but could be sold at other types of stores such as book or antique stores and possibly the Historical Society. The Venue art store would be willing to negotiate offering the BWS cards. The local Howard Book Store would be more interested in cards with images of Bloomington buildings and other Historic sites. Margret will continue to solicit information from Bloomington based entities. A committee for creation of a set of 2011 notecards will be formed.

Joanne Shank handed out flyers inviting people to the Visual Arts Guild artist networking meeting on January 18 at 7:00 p.m. at the Irish Lion. The guild is initiating an on-going exchange of information, sharing resources and creating new opportunities for visual artists in the Bloomington area. A number of officers of BWS are planning to attend and will report back to the membership.

New Business:

It was suggested that because the Holiday party at Meadowood was so nice and calendars are scheduled well in advance, BWS should make arrangements through members who live at Meadowood to have this year’s party there, again. It should be scheduled for the regular meeting day for BWS if at all possible. Evelyn Alwine will work with Sue Haverstock to find out the requirements and contacts.

Kriste Lindberg reminded the members that the next worldwide “sketch-crawl” is on January 22 (see Gillian Harris suggested that members check out which uses Google street view as a resource for traveling the world to find interesting locations and subjects to paint.

Carla Hedges mentioned that she had a photograph accepted for publication in Bloom magazine.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. based on a motion by Jeanne Dutton that was seconded by Carol Rhodes.

Following the business meeting Tricia Wente gave a presentation about submitting works of art to juried shows and about the basic rules for the BWS show in 2011. She provided a list of shows into which it would be worthwhile to try to have your work accepted.

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Ann Griffin, Secretary 2011