Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
Location: First Christian Church
October 11, 2010
Members in Attendance:
Tina Allgood, Bob Anderson, Pat Brundle, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Charlotte Griffin, Gillian Harris, Jerry Harste, Carla Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Kathy Karnes, Marget Kingrey, Cathy Korineck, Kriste Lindgerg, Maribeth McKaig, Nancy Davis Metz, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Carol Rhodes, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Deborah Rush, John Shelton, Sammye Dina Smith, Bob Talbot, Michelle Talbot, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Jo Weddle, Cassidy Young
New Members:
A new student member has joined. Her name is Sara Fry Miller.
The October meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by President Joanne Weddle. Joanne welcomed the 30 attendees out of the membership of 86. She thanked the Hospitality/Cheer Co-Chairs, Kathy Karnes and Sue Haverstock for the set up and extended thanks to the members who provided refreshments (Jerry Harste, Jo Weddle, Jeanne Dutton, Kathy Karnes, and Kriste Lindberg).
Jo asked the members for any corrections to the minutes of the September 13th meeting. Meri Reinhold moved that the minutes be accepted and Jeanne Dutton seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes without correction.
The treasurer’s report was given by Carol Rhodes. Acceptance of the treasurer’s report was proposed by Bob Talbot and seconded by Michelle Talbot. The members present accepted the report unanimously.
Committee Reports were made.
Jo passed around a few copies of the program list for the rest of 2010 as shown below:
• November 8 – New Officer Election and Artist Trading Card Demos
• December 6 – BWS Holiday Celebration at Meadowood
Paint Out
Jo surveyed the attendees asking how many had been to the paint-out at Story, Indiana. A half dozen or so of the members had attended and had enjoyed the town and the restaurant.
Jeanne Dutton reminded members about plans for a trip to Indianapolis to the Indianapolis Museum of Art when the Watercolor Society of Indiana has its show-opening reception on October 17. Two members of BWS (Sara Steffey McQueen and Nancy Metz) have works on display for this show. The plan is to meet in the First Christian Church parking lot at noon and to depart around 12:15.
Kriste Lindberg reminded the membership that October 16 is a designated “SketchCrawl” day. Artists around the world go out and sketch something and put in on a blog for the world to see. Participation is optional and free: see http://www.sketchcrawl.com/
The Columbus Learning Center has a mini-show of the BWS works that were created at the paint-out held at the CLC. That mini-show has ten works and can be found in the Library at the CLC; the display is on-going.
A selection of parks to be used as themes for paintings over the 2010-2011 year for our BWS show in 2011 is still available. Ten parks do not yet have a home. Members are encouraged to “pick a park” out of the hat.
Signature Status Awards:
No activities at this time.
No report
Old Business:
First Vice-President, Nancy Davis-Metz reported that the she had the BWS notecard packets with her and the members could purchase them on the break.
Jo called for members to sign-up for BWS committees and officer positions in preparation for the election of new officers in November.
New Business:
The following announcements were made:
1. Dan Alexander solicited entries in the on-line auction and juried show associated with the fall 2010/spring 2011 “Art of Chocolate” and the “Week of Chocolate” which are fund raisers for Options for Better Living. Artists who contribute works can set a price for their work and they will receive that amount. Any online bid for the work over and above that price will go to the charity. The work that is judged best in the show will be displayed at the Indiana University Art Museum. See Dan for more information and/or a brochure.
2. Charlotte Griffin asked any volunteers who have experience and time to do face painting for a children’s event called the Hilltop Great Pumpkin Party on October 23 to contact her.
3. Jo mentioned finding a small shop near Showers plaza called Re-Frame. This store makes frames out of recycled wood found in the Bloomington area providing a more sustainable form of art work framing.
4. Members are reminded to check the website and the blog for communications about BWS business and activities. The blog has dates and updates, names of new members, listings of opportunities, exhibits by artists, and more.
5. The minutes of prior meetings will NOT be read at any of the BWS meeting; they will be posted on the blog and members should read them so that they can be voted upon at the next meeting.
6. The November meeting will include by-laws revisions and the slate of officers for 2011.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. based on a motion by Nina Ost that was seconded by Deloris Schneider.
Following the business meeting Bob Talbot and Carol Rhodes gave a presentation about composition. They had a prepared handout and brought examples of pictures and works that exemplified good composition.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Ann Griffin, Secretary 2010
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