July 18th, Wednesday
Jeanne Iler's Watercolor Class
1-4 p.m. Cost $20.00 plus supplies.
Projects: resist and paper wrinkling techniques using rice paper and watercolor paper.
July 28, Saturday
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. BWS Paint Out
Duckworth Design Art Studio and Flower Farm
7807 Lampkins Ridge Road, east of Bloomington.
This paint out will be hosted by Cheryl Gregg Duckworth, a local artist whose paintings can be seen at
Anyone interested in painting outdoors or learning more about plein air painting is welcome to attend. Cheryl has provided the following directions to the Flower Farm:
Take third street East, past the mall, cross Smith Road, and past the old Ryan's Steak House.
Turn RIGHT onto 446.
Go one mile to the flashing blinker light. There is a church on the left.
Turn LEFT onto Lampkins Ridge Road. Lampkins Ridge is very winding. It is only 4 miles long, but seems longer! Stay on this road. There is a small road that veers off to the left, about half way to Cheryl's.
When you are almost to Cheryl's place, you will go down a long hill. As you go down the hill, Cheryl's place is on the left. It is a Red Brick Ranch in the middle of 8 acres and surrounded by a lot of white pines. The address on the mailbox is 7807. There is a fairly long gravel driveway, and a Grey Polebarn. Please park anywhere! Alongside the polebarn is fine - it is closest to the main garden.
June 2007
Annual Dues are Due!
Your Bloomington Watercolor Society dues time comes around every June. Don’t forget to re-enroll as a full member! Only $25 for a standard membership, and $10 for student or associate. Mail check payable to Bloomington Watercolor Society and send to:
Carol Rhodes
1317 E. Fairwood Dr.
Bloomington, IN 47408
July 5 - July 31
"Skinny Dippin'" at Gallery North on the Square
This exhibit will showcase artist members’ interpretations of that theme in paintings, sculpture, drawings, and photography. BWS members whose work are being show include Jeanne Iler, Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Cathy Korinek, Linda Meyer-Wright, and Carolyn Rogers Richard.
Gallery North is in the Wicks Building at 116 W. 6th St. Gallery hours are 11-6, Wednesdays through Saturdays, except holidays. The gallery telephone is 339-5729, or you may call 320-2200. 1 -31
Reza Pshgahi show at Gallery North on the Square
Featuring beautiful glass sculptures and abstract paintings.
August 3
5:00-8:00 p.m. Reception for Reza Pishgahi show at Gallery North
The June Paint Out at Katy Lyn's outside Ellettsville proved to be hot, dry, dusty - and fun! Many thanks to Jeanne and Park Iler who treated twelve of us to a cook-out at their home. Thanks, also, t
o Alice for her coordination of the paint out and to the owner who so graciously allowed us to invade his ghost town. Incidentally, the old, rusty iron cell that lingers on the front lawn of the "Main Street"? It's authentic - it came out of the old Ellettsville jail.
Many BWS members are globe trotting this summer and promising many paintings and photos to share when we meet this fall.
Nina Ost has been hanging at the beach... St. Pete Beach, Florida. She is taking a painting class from a long term teacher who is 85 years old!
Jenny and James Yang just came back from a trip to Seattle where they reunited with family and friends (14 in total) and they all visited Glacier Park for one week. During the trip in the Mountains, James said he was thrilled by the magnificent beauty of nature and painted about 25 watercolor pictures.
Jacki Frey traveled to visit her new grandbaby - don't think she had much time for painting, though!
Bonnie Gordon-Lucas visited family in the Czech Republic, took lots of photos, and painted with granddaughter Amelia. She returned in time for July & August's A Fair of the Arts, a Jewish arts show at Beth Shalom, Fourth Street Festival & the Penrod Society.
Shelley Frederick writes, "Hola from Mexico City all. What a wonderful place for Painting and seeing incredible art. I have visited many mercados and seen wonderful sights. And am off to see Frieda's Blue house. Until then, hasta luego!"
CONGRATULATIONS to all the following members!
Jeanne Iler has a pastel exhibit during July at the Gallery on the Green in Nashville, Indiana.
Connie Brorson was accepted into the Hoosier Salon exhibit.
Jacki Frey won 1st in Watercolor at the T. C. Steel paintout in May.
Carolyn Roger Richard's Age of Aquarium watercolor that was displayed at the Monroe Bank Show has sold.
Gallery North on the Square, an artists owned and operated fine art gallery, is issuing a call for artists. We currently have space for two new artist members. Artists will be asked to complete an application form and to submit 4-5 pieces for a jurying process by the membership on the first Wednesday of each month. Work can be picked up the following day. Our website can be seen at Please call Carolyn at 320-2200 or email her at for membership details including fees and requirements. Five BWS members are already Gallery North artists! We look forward to hearing from you!
Mural Artists are wanted for a mural project at the Bedford Southern Indiana Pediatrics Office, the largest pediatric group in southcentral Indiana. The themes are surrealism and jungle-style, similar to Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are. The space is approximately 9 feet by 12 feet, with detail ideally focused mainly on the floor to half way up so small children can explore the images easily. For more information, please contact Elda Simpson at or 812-320- 9674.
The event will be September 8th and 9th in Brown County. For more information, please contact Barb Davis at 812-360-0478 or Donna Ray at 812-988-926.
Visual arts are welcome to enter the first annual juried Beaux Arts Fair to be held at the French Lick Winery Saturday, October 6, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event is part of the ongoing French Lick Sesquicentennial and will be paired with a wine tasting festival. Cash prizes in the amount of $500, $300, and $200 are available. Setup will take place the evening before, followed by an artists' reception. There is a $25 booth fee for a 12 x 12 space. Please submit a web link, photos or slides along with the application. For more information or an application, please contact Jim Stickler at