Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Meeting Minutes September 12, 2011

Bloomington Watercolor Society

Members in attendance: Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Connie Borson, Jan Britton, Patti Brundle, Ria Collee, Sammye Dina-Smith, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Beth Gray, Charlotte Griffin, Gillian Harris. Carla Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Kathy Karnes, Chung Kim, Cathy Korinek, Margret Kingrey, Kriste Lindberg, Sara McQueen, Meredith Metz, Nancy Metz, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Diane Probst, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, John Shelton, Kathy Truelove-Barton*, Jean Vietor, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, Leslie Williamson, Vi Working, Cassidy Young.
 * New member
Guests in Attendance: Rita Shoufler

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. at the First Christian Church in a new room (the Great Hall on the second floor).  This room offers more space than the room on the first floor in addition to the usual access to a kitchen and rest rooms as did the meeting room we had on the first floor.  Future meetings may be held in this larger room. BWS President, Kriste Lindberg, asked members to greet our guests and new member.

Kriste thanked the Hospitality/Cheer chair, Evelyn Alwine, for the refreshments that were provided by Jo Weddle and Jeanne Dutton. 

The minutes of the last meeting (June 12, 2011) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

The Treasurer's Report for September was read by Carol Rhodes, Treasurer.  The treasury has been moved to a bank that is more compatible with our needs.  Carol said that some members have not paid their membership dues which were required by the end of June
and called for payment.  The treasury is fairly flush at the moment but there are a number of events for which the money is earmarked such as the Fall Workshop, the Membership

show, and the Holiday party.

Committee Reports
Membership Update, was provided by Betty Wagoner; the total membership is 95, (although as many as 30 members are subject to being dropped for non-payment of dues).

Paint Outs Chair, Jacki Frey, said that because of weather the attendance at the TC Steele paint-out was somewhat low but that Deborah Rush got a second place award.  The next and last paint-out is scheduled for October 15 at Musgrave Orchard.  That paint-out will be a pitch-in.  Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish that will go with chili. More information will be forthcoming.

Activities/Workshop Chair, Deloris Schneider, reminded members that September 12 is the last day for signup before the Rena Brouwer workshop will be opened to non-member attendance. 

Shows Chair, Tricia Wente told the members that the We Paint Parks opening reception will be November 4 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and that there will be a closing reception on Friday December 2 at the same hours.  BWS will pay for a harpist for the opening reception.  A signup sheet for bringing some type of refreshments will be passed around at the next meeting. Kriste reminded those that are participating to please produce a brief paragraph of their experiences while painting at the parks and to include an image of their work as well as one of themselves when it is handed in.

Kriste mentioned that BWS was represented at the B-Line Trail opening (three members – Charlotte Griffin, Nancy Metz, and Kriste Lindberg – attended and hosted a demonstration of skills for attendees) and that the Parks and Recreation appreciated the attendance.

Brushstrokes, Nancy Metz requested that stories and pictures for the next issue of Brushstrokes be sent to her.

Old Business:

Sara Steffey McQueen represented BWS at a recent Visual Arts Guild meeting.   Her assessment was that the Guild is struggling with its exact mission and operation.

Jeanne Dutton is chairing the Nominating Committee. She requested that any member who is interested in an officer or chairman position please contact her.  The nominating committee must come up with a slate for next year. More information will be forthcoming.

New Business:

1.    Scholarships:  The board is looking into the idea of providing stipends in the form of art supplies to young artists at the high school level who are considering art as their future career.  A proposal will be developed and presented to the membership.

2.    Honorary membership:  Jeanne Dutton nominated Heidi Heiser for a Honorary membership based on her many years of providing BWS with the graphic designs for its BWS show announcements.  Margret Kingrey seconded the nomination and the membership voted unanimously to send a letter of thanks and a certificate acknowledging this award.

3.    BWS Gallery: Charlotte Griffin told members that BWS is working on a Web based gallery to show off some of the member’s art.  An email will be sent to all members with the URL of the site that is under construction. 

4.    Water Media Conference 2012:  Nancy Metz asked for a membership vote on committing to run a Water Media Conference in the Fall of 2012 called “We Paint the Springs”.  The conference would be held in the French Lick/West Baden area and would draw from the artist pool in the states of Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky and possibly from Saint Louis and Cincinnati.  Partnerships with Ivy Tech for publicity and fee collection and the Hotels in French Lick/West Baden have been negotiated.  Margret Kingrey motioned that BWS take on this conference project in form defining and managing the conference and its content.  Sara Steffey-McQueen seconded the motion.  All members agreed to move the project forward.  Comments were made that the show that results as part of the conference would be the BWS 2012 Show as well as Fall Workshop.
  • Nina Ost announced her publication of a children’s book.  She had a copy to show the membership.

  • Sara Steffey-McQueen announced that she has some of her works displayed at Sublime Design.

  • Dan Alexander announced that he has some of his works at Glorious Moment.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m. and attention was transferred to the evening's program by Jeanne Dutton.  Jeanne provided examples of splatter painting.  She demonstrated the use toothbrushes, watercolor brushes and spray bottles in creating backgrounds.  She described how use of masking liquid, shaped pieces of paper, a possibly stencils can be used to create the work’s content.

Many attendees took advantage of the exchange table during the break time.

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2011