Meeting Minutes
Members in Attendance:
Dan Alexander, Tina Allgood, Bob Anderson, Patti Brundle, Bob Burris, Barbara Cappy, Marie Carpenter, Gale Clifton, Zoe Dean, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Bonnie Gordon-Lucas, Beth Gray, Charlotte Griffin, Cathy Haggerty, Gillian Harris, Jerry Harste, Sue Haverstock, Carla Hedges, Kathy Karnes, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindberg, Sara McQueen, Rosemary Messick, Nancy Davis-Metz, Meredith Metz, Linda Meyer-Wright, Karen Naber, Kim Neubecker, Diane Probst, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Jeanne Shank, Sammye Dina Smith, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, James Yang
Marie Touraev, Deloris Schneider, Michele Rutter
The March 8, 2010 meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Joanne Weddle, President. Joanne welcomed guests and members and thanked Dan Alexander, Carla Hedges, and Gale Clifton for bringing refreshments. She introduced the newest members of BWS (Karen Naber, Michael Nagy, Diane Probst, Brenda Story, and Christy Wiesenhahn).
Joanne then gave the floor to Kriste Lindberg who introduced Gretchen Scott, Chairman of the Steering Committee for Bloomington in Bloom. Gretchen described Bloomington in Bloom as a competition between cities of like size nationwide in various categories. In particular there is one category of beautiful yards and Gretchen requested that members of BWS volunteer to paint pictures of the winning yards in the four Bloomington zip-codes. Although there is no remuneration for the pictures, there may be a book published containing the pictures and there will be attribution and publicity for the artist. Artists interested in this opportunity should contact Cathy Korinek. It was also suggested that, if the owner of the yard were willing, a BWS paint-out might be scheduled at one or more of the yards. For those who might want more information about Bloomington in Bloom, Gretchen mentioned their website at .
The minutes of the February 8, 2010 have been posted on the blog for membership review. Approval of the minutes was proposed by Jerry Harste, seconded by Cathy Korinek and voted on in the affirmative by those members present.
The treasurer’s report was passed around to the members and was discussed. Acceptance of the treasurer’s report was proposed by Nancy Metz and seconded by Tricia Wente. The members present accepted the report unanimously.
Kriste Lindberg, Activities/Workshop Chair, reported on the first BWS workshop that will held on May 22, 2010, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at First Christian Church. The teacher will be Sandy Maudlin who will teach about watercolor on Yupo. The cost of the class was proposed by Kathy Karnes to be set at $55 and Nancy Metz seconded the proposal. The membership agreed to have the cost set at $55. It was noted that there may be a materials cost associated with Yupo which will raise the total cost to the attendees by about $5. The class is limited to 20 attendees and if the class is not filled by BWS members, non-members may enroll at a cost of $65 plus materials cost. Kriste and Carol Rhodes will work to make sure that members can enroll in the class via PayPal next week. Kriste told the members that Lynn Diamente has been contracted with to present the second BWS workshop on or about August 14 and that details will be forthcoming closer to that date. Kriste asked how many members had looked at the new “Road Trip” bulletin board on the Web site and found that about 20% of those present had done so. She encouraged more to use this communication vehicle. Kriste also mentioned that she had stopped by the member’s exhibit in Columbus and she brought back a show bill from the learning center to pass around.
Shows Chair, Tricia Wente, told the members about the BWS membership show at the Columbus Learning Center. There are 29 members with from 1 to 3 watercolors on display at the Learning Center in Columbus, Indiana. This show was put up on January 11 and will continue until August, of 2010. Tricia reminded the members of the April 17 reception and paint-out from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and requested that they signup as to whether they plan to attend, whether they might act as a greeter for visitors, and what they might bring for the luncheon. Two lists were made available for the sign-up (one for planned attendance and one for food)
Second Vice-President, Dan Alexander solicited those members who would be interested in becoming signature members of BWS to sign-up on the list either at this meeting or at the next (April) meeting or to contact Dan via e-mail. The requirements and advantages of signature membership can be found on the web site for members to review.
Old Business:
Nancy Davis-Metz handed out information about the deadlines, process and pricing for the notecards that BWS will be creating and selling. A critical requirement will be that any art submitted to be one of the notecard fronts have an aspect ratio of 3.75 by 5.0. Nancy showed the members a way to verify that the art meets this criteria. It was also mentioned that a 300 or more pixel ratio would be preferred and that only JPEG file types would be accepted. At the next meeting, a demonstration of how to submit an image to be judged for inclusion in the notecard set to the Picasa web site will be presented. Attached is the hand out. The membership voted that the cost of a set of 8 cards should be set at $12 based on a motion by Jerry Harste and seconded by Carla Hedges.
There was no New Business.
The following announcements were made:
1. Members are reminded to check the website and the blog for communications about BWS business and activities.
2. In particular the minutes of prior meetings will NOT be read at the following meeting; they will be posted on the blog and members should read them so that they can be voted upon at the next meeting.
3. Zoe Dean announced that the Delta Theta Tau Soroity is sponsoring a raffle for a Ken Bucklew watercolor. Tickets were available at the meeting or through Zoe.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. based on a motion by Sara McQueen which was seconded by Gillian Harris.
Following the business meeting a program was presented by member Linda Meyer-Wright called “Texture beyond salt”. Linda demonstrated how to create interesting backgrounds and/or complete art works in watercolor using common items such as wax paper, Reynolds Wrap, coffee grounds, etc.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Ann Griffin, Secretary 2010
Attachment-Notecard Information
1. May 1 – This is the deadline for submitting good quality JPEG file of art to the Picasa site. Final cards are 4.25” x 5.5” and there is a .25” border on all sides therefore the art will be 3.75” by 5.0” Artists may paint larger than this but the ratio of height to width must remain the same.
2. May 10 BWS Meeting – Officially, the voting date and rules will be announced.
3. June 14 BWS Meeting – Voting by paper ballot will occur. Members may vote for their two favorites.
4. The top 8 vote-getters will be selected for inclusion in the card set.
5. During the summer of 2010, the cards will be printed and packaged.
6. September 13 BWS Meeting – Card set distribution and sales begins. Card sets will be purchased by members to resell to others.
7. Sale price – 8 card set will be $12.