Sunday, June 3, 2007

Meeting Minutes, May 14, 2007

Bloomington Watercolor Society

Attendees: Tina Allgood, Candi Bailey, Linda Barrett, Connie Brorson, Robert Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Tricia Hillenburg, Sara Steffey McQueen, Carol Rhodes, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Sammye Smith, Samantha Stacy, Susan Webb, and James Yang.

Carolyn Rogers Richard, vice-president, called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. at the Rose Bay, John Waldron Art Center, in the absence of president, Tricia Wente, and welcomed our newest member, Linda Barrett.

The April 9, 2007 minutes were distributed via the blog. No additions or corrections were offered. Sammye Smith moved to approve, seconded by Jacki Frey, and the minutes were approved.

Carol Rhodes, treasurer, reports a balance of $1205.66 in the treasury. Dues will be due next month, in June. Those who have joined February or later do not owe dues until June, 2008. The dues are $25.00 for regular members; $10 for students or associate members. Members may pay Carol Rhodes directly; meanwhile, Carol will investigate the possibility of arranging payment of dues on-line through the Bloomington Arts web site.

Jacki Frey moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Susan Webb seconded the motion, and the report was approved.

Our next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 10, 2007. Summer activities include the workshop and paint outs. Members were encouraged to watch their email for announcements of activities and information over the summer.


Monroe Bank Show ends Saturday at noon, May 19. Paintings must be picked up between 12:00 noon and 12:30. This conflicts with the T.C. Steele Festival of Flowers paint out, so if members need assistance picking up their pieces, contact Tricia Wente, Jeanne Dutton, or Carolyn Rogers Richard.

For anyone interested in participating in the Baker Gallery, contact Jonna Risher at the JWAC. She can arrange a tour for anyone who wishes to see the suite.

Five people attended the paint out at Spring Mill State Park. It rained again this year, but those who attended had a good time in the Pioneer Village.

The next paint out is scheduled at Kady Lynn’s on June 16. Reminders will be sent via email.

Our next show is at the Waldron, October 30 to November 11. Tricia Wente is in charge of the show and will distribute more information at the September meeting.

Carolyn thanked Samantha Stacy and Jodi Estell for bringing the refreshments. The refreshments are brought on a rotation basis, so if you wish to help, please contact Jodi Estell, hospitality chairlady.

No new business was presented.

A motion to adjourn was made by Connie Brorson, seconded by Tricia Hillenburg.

At this point, Carolyn turned the meeting over to Jacki Frey who introduced our guest speaker, Mrs. Joan Stanley-Baker, a professor of art history. Mrs. Stanley-Baker gave a delightful and informative presentation on the cultural differences between China and Japan and their effect upon the art of ceramics. Many thanks were and are given to her for a very pleasurable evening.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Ellen Dutton
Secretary, BWS