Monday, May 10
6:00 pm
First Christian Church
After a brief business meeting, Nancy Davis Metz, 1st VP, will present some great new ideas for us.
“Visioning, stretching, tuning, breathing exercises, playing or singing scales -- all valid warm-ups for the athlete, dancer, singer or musician. As a painter, how do you warm up for a watercolor session?”
Nancy will share some warm-up exercises from various watercolor artists/instructors. Bring your paints and paper so you can try some of these exercises that get you ready to tackle whatever project you're working on.
The following BWS members signed up to bring refreshments for the May 10 meeting (Thank you!):
Jodi Estell, Cake;
Stephen Jackson, Veggies;
Barb Cappy, Iced Tea;
Friday, May 7
Tricia Wente's exhibit, "A Retrospective: Selected People Paintings in Acrylics. 30 Years!"
Saturday, May 15
It’s a Triple Play! The TC Steele Festival of Flowers Paint Out, the BWS May Paint Out, and Worldwide SketchCrawl!
Because many BWS members participate in the annual Festival of Flowers Paint Out, it was decided that this year we would just double up and let it serve as the BWS May Paint Out. The 11th Annual Festival of Flowers Paint Out is also the same day as the Worldwide Sketchcrawl, so you can come to the paint out and (if you want) we'll also enter your work in Sketchcrawl!
To participate and have your artwork judged at TC Steele, you must register by May 11. However, the TC Steele event is open to the public, so everyone is invited to come and wander and enjoy the day. Artists may spontaneously bring sketchbooks and paint as they please, but no work can be part of the judging unless pre-registered.). See more details on our BWS Activities page.
Gates at TC Steele open at 7:00 a.m. Judging takes place at 2:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony is scheduled at 3:00 p.m. Bring your own lunch, wander the historic grounds, and enjoy the tour of the historic buildings. Tours start at 9:15 a.m.
About Sketchcrawl, “drawing marathons from around the world,” check out
Paraphrased from their website, the fun is to “record nonstop what is around you with pencil and watercolors. It is much more interesting to do the marathon with a group of artists instead of all by oneself, so SketchCrawl is communal. After a whole day of drawing, it proves to be interesting and inspiring to share and compare other people's drawings and thoughts. Different takes on our surroundings, different details, different sensibilities. SketchCrawl has become a worldwide event: having people from different corners of the world join in a day of sketching and journaling and then, thanks to the Internet, having everyone share the results on an online forum. So there is a website full of shared pictures friends and artists from around the world … and, hopefully, plenty SketchCrawls ahead.
See drawings, how to enter, and the dates at Kriste Lindberg, Carol Rhodes and Nancy Davis Metz participated in February and submitted drawings last time. Those can be viewed by linking to the website, then typing “Bloomington” into the Search box. It will take you to the B’ton page. And look! Kriste got a nice comment from Chicago on her sketch!
May 15
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Art in the Garden
15 BWS artists will be exhibiting at this event which is open to the public. Come out and enjoy this afternoon in the garden with music by Janiece Jaffe and plants for sale by the Meadowood Garden Club.
2010 BWS Membership Exhibit
The April Paint Out and Reception for the 2010 Membership Show was a great success! We had a beautiful sunny day (just a tad bit windy!), 30% of our BWS members came to paint or just enjoy the event, and we had many visitors of whom we lost count!
Abigail St. Pierre provided the harp music. It was a wonderful addition to the reception and brought BWS into another event – the International Harp Competition at I.U. this coming summer. Watch for more details about that!
It’s a pleasure to report that at least one painting has sold from the exhibit. Dan Alexander’s painting of a farm scene was purchased by a visitor from Jennings County who said it reminded her of her home. Good job, Dan!
Of course, many, many thanks go to Tricia Wente (seen below with friend and fellow BWS artist, Bob Anderson) for her hours and hours of hard work putting the show and reception together.
And thanks to all of those who came to paint, contributed the delicious dishes for the reception table, spread the word, and pitched in with the little details that made it so nice.
Remember, the exhibit is up through August 3 so, if you haven't been there yet, make it a summer outing - you will be glad you did!
Critique Time
Wednesday, May 4, ArtWorks of Martinsville is having its first-of-the-month critique at 6:30 p.m. Bring in something you are working on and need help with, or just bring in something to share. Light snacks and coffee provided, and definitely good conversation! Meet at Kathryn Maxwell's art gallery and framing at 75 E. Washington Street, Martinsville.
For details, contact Sally Hedges at, .
"Have Fun with Watercolor!"
Jeanne Iler’s watercolor class takes place on Tuesdays, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. from May 18 through June 1. Projects include creating movement in paintings, using collage plus watercolor to create texture, and painting a coastal scene with different skies. Classes take place at the Allison-Jukebox Community Center, 351 S. Washington Street. Please register by May 12 with the Bloomington Parks and Recreation by calling 349-3700. Or go to for all the details and a link to register.
Please note: Jeanne is also teaching a jewelry class. Information is available at the same website.
To keep up on opportunities here in the Bloomington area, subscribe to the BEAD news at The e-newsletter comes out often and includes tons of information!
Arts in the Park Festival
The Friends of McCormick's Creek State Park want to welcome members of BWS to consider participating in the McCormick’s Creek Arts in the Park Festival, continuing in its fifth year, on Saturday, June 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
25 artists will be invited to participate in a variety of art mediums with hopefully no more than 3-4 in each category. The majority of artists will be selected from Owen, Greene, Clay, Putnam, Morgan and Monroe counties. Lunch plates will be available at a reasonable cost. Also included in the day’s events is a new community tent to try hands-on art activities and a new line-up of musicians.
The Art Fair is in the parking lot directly in front of the Nature Center. The Music Stage will be on one end of the parking lot and the Welcome/Information Center and Food Vendor will be on the other end. There will be seven local bands playing throughout the day, including a special Friday night performance of Wilderness Songs by Tim Grimm, Krista Detor, and Scott Russell Sanders.
The vendor booth fee is $40, the same as last year. Please note: ** Members of your group can be part of the same booth. Each booth is about 16 feet long and 10 feet wide.
Art Vendors should provide their own display tent if they see fit (strongly encouraged!) We can provide a 6 foot table and volunteers to help with set-up if needed.
Please contact Andrea Oeding at and provide your name, USPS address to receive the vendor permit and request form. Call 812-639-7032 or email with questions.
This event is supported by a grant from the Indiana Arts Commission.
The Boys and Girls Club
The Lincoln Street Boys and Girls Club seeks practicing artists in the Bloomington community to participate in their ArtCore Visiting Artist Series. Mature artists as well as student artists are invited to visit their art program, speak to the youth about their art practices and to either lead a related workshop or to work with the Art Director to have a workshop planned around their visit. They are asking artists working in all mediums in the Bloomington area to submit brief descriptions of their art practice, along with 3-5 digital images (if available), as well as workshop ideas. Please include your availability based on the following times as well as whether you would like to come for one day or several.
The ArtCore program runs Mondays through Thursdays, 4:30-6:30pm, every week through May 30. Depending on the art offering, it can be split into two, one-hour sessions (ages 5-8 and ages 9-13), or can be all ages for the full two hours. Contact Matthew Searle, Art Director, at or at (812) 332-5311.
At the Tri Kappa Art Show in Paoli, Nancy Davis Metz received a 2nd place in watercolor for "Shy Daffodil" and an honorable mention for "Gossip Girls."
Jeanne Iler took 1st in drawing at the Tri Kappa Art Show, plus several other awards.
Gillian Harris' botanical work is traveling in the national exhibition, "Losing Paradise? Endangered Plants Here and Around the World.” The American Society of Botanical Artists’ first national traveling exhibition is headed to the New York Botanical Garden and will be on exhibit May 6 through July 25. The exhibit moves to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. and opens there on August 1. Link to to view the blogspot dedicated to “Losing Paradise?”
Brushstrokes is an (almost)
monthly publication of the
Bloomington (IN) Watercolor Society
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47407-5236
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, editor
Jo Weddle, 2010 president