Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2010 Membership Show Guidelines


JANUARY 8 to AUGUST 3, 2010

Columbus Learning Center
4555 Central Ave. Suite 2100
Columbus, IN 47203


(Painting by Robert Burris, "Irwin Gardens")

All artwork must be original and the work of the artist submitting it. We are asking for one new watercolor (never before exhibited) painted according to the BWS painting description in our by-laws.
There will be allowed up to two other paintings per artist for display. These supplementary paintings may be of any watercolor, acrylic, or mixed media the artist wishes to enter. Since this is a watercolor show, it would be best to submit mostly watercolors.
Paintings must be received ready to hang with flat hangers and wire.
Sawtooth hangers and eye hooks are not permitted.

Works on paper should be under glass or otherwise protected.
If painting dimensions are over 24” x 30”, they must be framed with Plexiglass.

Friday, December 11, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 12, 9:00 - Noon

Tricia’s Art House
1000 West 17th Street located directly behind Steele Beard Electric. Turn right/north on lane directly west of Skateland and drive between the big office building and the warehouse and you will see the Art House behind a large fence. Look for the BWS sign by the driveway.

The paintings will be stored until their delivery by the committee to Columbus on January 5th.

All artwork will be insured by the CLC while in the building. Artist must provide value of artwork for insurance purposes.

Promotional Information will be available only through Chris Beach of the CLC and must be left with her. BWS members can leave info with their paintings when they deliver to Tricia and Jeanne. That info will then be given to Chris for her reference during the show duration. Information as to the location of information will be included with the exhibition.

Consent to photograph artworks for a catalogue , publicity or archive purposes is granted by the artist.

The appropriateness of any work in an exhibition will be left to the discretion of the committee. It is not the intent to censor work, but the Columbus Learning Center is a city-owned public building and all work will reflect upon the integrity of the institution. The committee is sensitive to the issue of free artistic expression and will address any controversy with the artist in writing.

Submit the paintings with Title, Artist, Medium and Price (or marked NFS) clearly filled out as instructed, and the labels securely attached on both the front and back of the painting.

The CLC will charge no commission for sales during this show. Paintings do not need to be for sale. Artist information will be handled by Chris Beach and, in the event of a sale, the artist will be contacted and then will be given the opportunity to replace the sold painting with another work.

We will schedule a reception and paint out in the spring and will make new post cards cards for artists to send out at that time.

Notification of Show:
Postcards will be produced for all the artists to mail out and distribute to the public and should be ready early January.

End of Show pick up times will be determined after transporting the works back to Bloomington by our committee. The show will come down August of 2010.

Contact me directly at tricia@wente.com or (812) 824-9578.
Alternate contact: Jeanne.dutton@att.net or (812) 331-1628.

Thanks for participating in this BWS event!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Meeting Minutes, November 9, 2009

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2009

Members in attendance:
Dan Alexander, Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Susan Blunck, Jan Britton, Patti Brundle, Robert Burris, Elaine Byers, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Charlotte Griffin, Gillian Harris, Jerome C. Harste, Sue Haverstock, Carl Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Kathy Karnes, Sue Kim, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindberg, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Carol Rhodes, Michele(Shel) Ritter, Dee Rockwood, John Shelton, Sammye Dina Smith, Jean Vietor, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, and Tricia Wente.

Roger Byers, Gale Clifton, Julie Fry and Gladys Newsom.

The meeting was called to order at 6:12 p.m. at the First Christian Church with Jeanne Dutton, First Vice President, presiding. Jeanne thanked those who provided refreshments for the meeting – Jeanne Iler, Clindy Kersey, Tina Allgood, and Jodi Estell. She also welcomed the guests listed above.

Minutes from October 12, 2009 were distributed and seeing no additions or corrections, a motion was made by Jerome Harst to approve the minutes. After a second by Jeanne Iler, the minutes were approved.

The Treasurer, Carol Rhodes, distributed her report highlighting the bank balances by month including the November information. She reported that the membership number has now risen to 71. Jeanne Iler motioned that the report be accepted and Kathy Karnes seconded the motion. The membership approved the acceptance.

Committee and Board reports:
- Member shows
1. Tricia Wente reported that the Showers Building Show has been installed and that 38 paintings from members are on display. She thanked Bob Anderson and Jeanne Dutton for their great assistance in putting the show up. The members applauded Tricia’s time and effort.
2. Tricia reminded the members about the Columbus show that will run from early January to the beginning of August. Signup for the show must be in Tricia’s hand by December 14. Two works are allowed, one of which must not have been shown elsewhere. More information about the show can be found on the BWS web site.

Old Business:
1. Jeanne Dutton reminded members to send their bios and images to either Carol Rhodes (csrhodes@indiana.edu) or Jeanne Dutton (jeanne.Dutton@att.net).
2. BWS rack cards have been printed and were made available to members. Thank you to Jeanne Iler and Jerome Harste for use of their paintings on the rack card.

New Business:
1. Jeanne Iler, representing the nominating committee, put forth the 2010 slate of officers, that being the following:
• President – Joanne Weddle
• 1st Vice President(Show Chair) – Nancy Metz
• 2nd Vice President (Membership Chair) – Dan Alexander
• Secretary – Charlotte Griffin
• Treasurer – Carol Rhodes

Jeanne Dutton called for nominations from the floor and received none. Steve Jackson moved to elect the slate as put forth and Tricia Wente seconded the motion. The membership approved the slate unanimously. The new officers will be installed at the December holiday meeting.

2. Jeanne Dutton informed the membership that BWS has agreed to create an Aquagami tree as part of the décor for "Christmas at the Waldron." On November 23, there will be a workshop at the First Christian Church at 6:00 p.m. to create the ornaments for the tree. All members are encouraged to attend.

3. The December meeting will be a Holiday party to be held at the Waldron on December 14 at 6:30 p.m. Food will be catered and the tentative cost will be $12 for members and $15 for non-members.

Jeanne Dutton congratulated those members whose works have recently won prizes.
• Tricia Wente for her portrait Phin that was accepted by the International Society of Acrylic Painters.
• Sue Kim for her painting Super Sweet 100 that was given the Theodore Englehart Honorary Award by the Watercolor Society of Indiana.
• Linda Meyer-Wright for her painting Under the Same Moon that was given the Eugene B. Glick award by the Watercolor Society of Indiana.
• Nancy Davis Metz who won 3rd place in the Kentucky Watercolor Society’s New member show.

The business meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Art Program:
While refreshments were consumed, an Artist Trading Card session was exercised. A drawing for the prize of an ATC carrying case was offered to all who brought 3 cards to trade. Susan Blunck was the lucky winner.

The rest of the evening’s program was given by Jeanne Iler who recapped the Rena Brouwer workshop with the help of those who attended the workshop. Jeanne also discussed and demonstrated Chinese watercolor techniques and tools that can be used in work that BWS members are doing. She provided brushes and paper for those who wanted to try the techniques.

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin, Secretary-elect

Monday, November 9, 2009

Meeting Minutes, October 12, 2009

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2009

Members In attendance:
Dan Alexander, Bob Anderson, Susan Blunck, Jan Britton, Bob Burris, Elaine Byers, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jacki Frey, Jerome Harste, Sue Haverstock, Stephen Jackson, Sue Kim, Kristi Lindberg, Nancy Metz, Kim Neubecker, Meri Reinhold, Joanne Shank, Sammye Dina Smith, Joyce Stumpf, Bob Talbot, Bob Thrasher, Betty Wagoner, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente

Guests: Roger Byers, Gale Clifton, Michelle Talbot

Nancy Davis Metz, president, called the meeting to order at 6:14 p.m. at First Christian Church. Nancy thanked those who had provided refreshments for the meeting – Tina Allgood, Sara Steffey McQueen and Jacki Frey. Nancy then welcomed three guests - Roger Byers, Gail Clifton and Michelle Talbot – and a new member, Elaine Byers.

A. Minutes from September 14, 2009. Seeing no additions or corrections, a motion was made by Meri Reinhold to approve the minutes. After a second by Jan Britton the minutes were approved.

B. Treasurer’s Report – Since Carol Rhodes was in St. Louis for a conference, she sent her report showing a current balance of $3,168.09 and a total of 68 members.

C. Committee and Board Reports
1. Member Shows – Tricia Wente
a. 2009 show - Showers Building, up the stairwell.
i) One painting per member. Sign-up due this evening. Paintings are to be delivered Nov. 5 between 9:00 and 12:00 and taken down on November 30.
ii) Reception - Friday, November 6, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
iii) No commission will be taken and there is no entry fee. Work is to be a watercolor on paper.
b. 2010 show – Columbus Learning Center
i) On display January 8 – August 7
ii) Two paintings per member. First one must be a new painting. Additional one can be a secondary painting.
iii) There will be a reception halfway through the exhibit.
iv) No commission and no entry fee. Prices will not be out for viewing.
v) Recommending separate section for BWS signature members.

2. Rena Brouwer Workshop – Jacki Frey
a. Saturday, October 31, Monroe County Public Library, Room 1C
b. Limited to 20. $50 fee. There are two open slots available.
c. Members can register this evening or on Pay Pal.
d. A supply list is available through Jacki.
e. Since this workshop is on Halloween, attendees could come in costume.
f. Hours are 9:00 – 4:00. Bring a brown bag lunch.

3. Program – Jeanne Dutton
a. BWS is a member of the Brown County Art Gallery.
b. October 16, 6:00 – 8:30, reception. Artists will be present to sign their art in calendars selling for $12.00.

4. Nominating Committee – Jeanne Iler, Susan Blunck and Linda Endris have been serving on nominations for the 2010 slate of officers to be elected in November. Susan Blunck read the following recommendations and reminded members that nominations can be made from the floor at the next meeting.
a. President – Joanne Weddle
b. 1st Vice President(Show Chair) – Nancy Metz
c. 2nd Vice President (Membership Chair) – Dan Alexander
d. Secretary – Charlotte Griffin
e. Treasurer – Carol Rhodes

D. Old Business
1. Card Project - BWS members will be invited to submit paintings for notecards which will be sold as a fundraiser. The committee consisting of Meri Reinhold, Bonnie Gordon-Lucas, and Dan Alexander will have a report at the November meeting.

2. Members were reminded to send bios and images to Carol Rhodes and Jeanne Dutton for the Website. Send to: csrhodes@indiana.edu or jeannedutton@att.net

E. New Business
1. Membership List – Jeanne Dutton distributed copies of the membership list.

F. Announcements – A listing of upcoming workshops, displays and conferences were
given. Members can view these opportunities on the BWS blog.

G. Next BWS Meeting – November 9, 6:00, First Christian Church

H. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 6:45.

I. Program – Nancy Metz gave a presentation on Artist Trading Cards.

Respectfully submitted,
Joanne Weddle, Secretary


November 2009
Monday, November 9, 6:00 pm
First Christian Church
Please use Washington Street entrance.
Important business meeting! Election of the 2010 officers will be held and the slate has been announced by the nominating committee. The proposed officers include Joanne Weddle for president, Nancy Davis Metz for 1st vice president, Dan Alexander for 2nd vice president, Charlotte Griffin for secretary, and Carol Rhodes for treasurer. Nominations may also be made at the meeting.

Artist Trading Cards will be the first part of the program. If you bring three to trade, your name will be entered into a drawing for a very special prize! Be prepared to trade! For ATC information, look to your right on this blog.

Jeanne Iler will demonstrate Rena Brouwer’s techniques from the October 31 workshop. BRING YOUR SUPPLIES for an evening of fun and painting!


We had a lovely, if chilly, day and what a fun time! Nancy and family built a roaring fire to keep us warm.. Thanks to all who contributed to the carry-in meal: chili, cornbread, and lots of munchies and desserts. We actually got a little painting done, too!

Nancy Metz paints in the sunshine; right, we all relax over a hot bowl of chili.

Sammye Dina Smith currently has work exhibiting at the Patron Show in Nashville, and will have another piece in the Senior Show later this month. (See more about this show under the Opportunities section below.)

Tricia Wente’s portrait, Phin, was accepted into an International Online Show sponsored by the International Society of Acrylic Painters. Juried by Maxine Master field, You can view the show at http://www.isap-online.com

The Watercolor Society of Indiana presented TWO of our members with awards on October 18 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Sue Kim won the Theodore Englehart Honorary Award for her painting, “Super Sweet 100.” Linda Meyer-Wright won the Eugene B. Glick Award for her work, "Under the Same Moon." Check these paintings, and the other winners, at http://www.watercolorsocietyofindiana.org/gallery_award.html

Nancy Davis Metz won third place in the Kentucky Watercolor Society's New Member Show at the Mellwood Arts and Entertainment Center in Louisville, Kentucky. The show will hang through November 15. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Saturday 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 4 p.m. The address is 1860 Mellwood Ave.

Now through November 28th, don’t miss the 2009 BWS MEMBERSHIP SHOW at the City Hall Atrium – what a beautiful exhibit!
The Friday evening reception was well attended and everyone enjoyed the show, the refreshments, and the camaraderie. Much credit goes to Tricia Wente, show chair, for her many hours of detailed work putting this show together.
A big “Thank you” also to Bob Anderson, who helped receive the paintings at City Hall, and to all the members who submitted paintings, brought food, and worked to set up and clean up. We also send our gratitude to the staff of Showers Plaza, Erin Coom and Miah Michaelson.

Kathy Karnes, first time exhibitor, with her painting, "I Found my Marbles!"

Meredith Metz, the youngest artist member of BWS, enjoys a glass of punch at the reception.

Six new members have joined BWS in the last two months, and we send a hearty welcome to all of them! Glad you decided to become a part of this great group of artists.
Hello to Evelyn Alwine, Patricia Brundle, Elaine Byers, Bill and Millie Elliott, and Dee Rockwood.

Brown County Art Guild
Nov. 15-30 Senior Citizens Show
Any Senior (55+) is eligible.
Entries due November 14th.
For full information, please contact the BCAG at (812) 988-6185 or e-mail: bcag@kiva.net

Washington County Courthouse Competition
Salem, Indiana
The Washington County Bar Association is soliciting original pieces of artwork in oils, watercolor, pen and ink, or other media of art depicting the Washington County Courthouse.
The contest entries will be judged by Washington County Bar Association members. First Place will receive $450, and the piece will be displayed in the Indiana Bar Association Office located in Indianapolis, along with the donations provided by other counties.
Second- and third-place winners will receive $300 and $200, respectively, and will remain property of the Washington County Bar Association and be displayed in the circuit and superior courts.
Deadline for entries: 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 30. All entries must be submitted to the clerk's office located on the first floor of the Washington County Courthouse. Include the name, address and contact information of the artist. Artists are asked not to sign their works of art until after the judging is complete as the bar association wants all entries to be anonymous before being judged. Prize winners will be announced in the Washington County Circuit Courtroom on Monday, December 14, at 10:00 a.m.

The Art Alliance of Brown County is hosting the Indiana Public Art Conference at the Season’s Lodge and Conference Center in Nashville. Author and expert on public art, Lynn Basa from the Art Institute of Chicago explain the actual process of writing a public art application. Local public artists will also speak. Fee is $75, lunch and snacks included. November 13, Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The registration form can be obtained at www.artalliancebrowncounty.com.

Rising Sun, Indiana is hosting INTERIORS, a competition of artwork celebrating interior spaces and furnishings. Prizes total $1000 in cash, and you can get all the details by contacting Sandra Wiehe (513)309-4967 or email sandrawiehe@aol.com.

Hoosier Salon Traveling Exhibit is at the Brown County Art Guild, now through November 30, 48 S Van Buren in Nashville. Friends of BWS with work in this show are Bill Borden, Peggy Brown, and Jeanne McLeish.

The Brown County Craft Guild hosts the Winter Art and Craft Fair, November 27 and 28, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. at the Season’s Conference Center in Nashville. Admission $1.00.

Fun website for plein air artists: http://lipking.blip.tv/

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly
publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Nancy Davis Metz, President 2009
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Editor
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47407-5236

Monday, October 19, 2009

Artist Trading Cards

October 19, 2009

At the October 12, 2009 meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society, president Nancy Davis Metz treated us to a presentation about Artist Trading Cards (ATC). Nancy distributed blank watercolor cards to the members who quickly began creating their own ATCs.

After painting on half and full sheets of watercolor paper, adjusting one's mind to a seemingly tiny "canvas" requires a great deal of thought! But members were up to the challenge and painted some awe inspiring work, including flowers, salamanders, landscapes, even tiny portraits!

Here is a synopsis of Nancy's presentation as well as some weblinks you may enjoy visiting for inspiration.

The BASICS....

...of making the cards
  • ATCs must be 2.5" x 3.5" (64x89mm).
  • On the back of each ATC, the artists writes all or part of the following information: name, contact info, title of the ATC and number, if it's part of an edition.
  • That's it! The rest is up to you. You can use any materials you want and any techniques that interest you.
...of trading the cards
  • ATCs are TRADED, never sold! The whole idea is about artists meeting and exchanging their works.
  • Trade only the cards you are proud of.
  • Trade only cards YOU have created. (It's considered bad form to give away cards you've received through trade.)
  • Never refuse a trade.
...of collecting the cards
  • Store the cards you've received through trade in 9-pocket sheets (Commercially made for baseball card collectors).
  • Or store them in boxes so you can flip through your cards easily.
  • Place cards in panels or frames to display.
  • Use photo corners to mount ATCs in a scrapbook.
Some ATC tips gleaned from multiple online sources:

ATCs are NOT scaled down versions of bigger artworks. Consider the size and scale of the card. THINK SMALL!

Here are four methods for getting the right format:

  1. Cut watercolor paper to correct size before you start working on the card.
  2. Work on a large sheet of watercolor paper, then cut it into the individual cards.
  3. Use baseball cards (or other commercial trading cards) or playing cards if you like rounded corners. Cover them with paper or paint and you have ready-to-work cards.
  4. Buy a pack of ATC (they run about $2.50 for a pack of 10).

Recycle your paper scraps by collaging them onto your ATCs.

Create a series of ATCs around a theme (cats, southwest folk culture, a number, etc.).

Design a 9-card series that fit together in a puzzle fashion, when arranged, in the 9 pockets of a binder sheet.

Invite friends to an ATC Jam where collaborative cards are made. One artist starts a card and passes it on to the next artist, who then adds something before passing it on to a third artist.

Some Online Resources:
Google "artist trading cards" and you will get more than a million sites! Here are three to get you started:

www.louispohlgallery.com/artist-trading-cards.html includes some beautiful ideas from Hawaii.
Submitted by your Brushstrokes editor.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The BWS 2009 Membership Show
November 6 - 29, 2009
Bloomington City Hall Atrium

The exhibit is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

which has not been previously exhibited.
No prints will be accepted for exhibition.

DUES must be paid for 2009

Submit paintings created without the help of an instructor. They must be created from the artist's original reference materials painted with aqua media on watercolor paper. Please note, the term watercolor shall be deemed to exclude encaustic or oil. Watercolor paintings may include other mediums (collage, pastel, pen & ink, etc.) as long as their use does not exceed 10% of the work. No copies of published imagery permitted.

Frame with flat hangers. No sawtooth hooks or screw eyes permitted. Wires should be stretched tightly and attached approximately 1/3 down the vertical dimension. Glass or plexiglass is acceptable but, if larger than 24" x 30," please use plexiglass.

Imagery must be suitable for public viewing in the Atrium, or it will not be hung.

Labels and delivery of artwork:
Submit the form with Name, Title and Price clearly filled out as instructed. Make certain all information forms are properly attached to the work. (These forms were distributed at the October meeting, and will be available at the delivery desk.)

Thursday, November 5th between 9:00 and Noon at the City Hall Atrium.

There is no commission taken for this show. Paintings do not need to be for sale. Artist information will be available for potential clients, and they will be directed to contact the Mayor's Office.

Works must remain on display throughout the show period, and paintings will be available for buyers after take down on the 30th.

Friday, November 6th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Atrium of City Hall.
Members are asked to provide cheeseballs, crackers, or cookies.
Please email tricia@wente.com to let her know what you would like to contribute.

Pick Up:
Monday, November 30th , 9:00 A.M. until noon.

There is no insurance provided by the City or BWS for this show.

Please contact Tricia@wente.com if you would like to have invitational postcards to send. Postcards and posters will be placed around downtown.

Deadline for intent to participate:
October 12th

Any questions???
Email tricia@wente.com, or contact any board member.

Get busy and create some beautiful works!

Thanks to all participating artists!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


October, 2009

Good News, Fun News, and Kudos

The September Paint Out on the Clear Creek Trail provided some beautiful sites for painting, for sure! Six members attended along with one guest, and we could not have asked for a more beautiful day!

Farm near the Clear Creek Trail (Left);
Clear Creek in the morning(Below);
Wild Flowers on the Trail (Lower Left).
Photos courtesy of the editor.


The 2009 BWS Membership Show will take place November 6 -29 at the Bloomington City Hall Atrium. The opening reception will take place from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. on Friday, November 6. Don’t be shy! ALL members are heartily encouraged to submit one new painting, not shown before. For complete information, please email members@bloomingtonwatercolor.org or contact the Show Chair, Tricia Wente, at tricia@wente.com.

Three members of BWS scored in the 2009 Persimmon Festival Art Exhibit! Sammye Dina Smith took First Place in Landscape with her work, “Williams Dam” and Honorable Mention in Waterscape for “Mountain Lake.” Mary Jo Cannedy won Honorable Mention in Waterscape for "In Monet's Garden." And Nancy Davis Metz was awarded Third Place in Still Life for her painting, “Water Pots.”

BWS members also did very well at the T.C. Steele Great Outdoor Paint Out on September 12. Bob Burris took the Blue Ribbon in watercolor, while Jacki Frey and Sammye Dina Smith both won Honorable Mention.

Tricia Wente had her recent landscape painting accepted into the Hoosier Salon show, which will take place at the One America Building in downtown Indianapolis October 14th through the 29th.


Tricia also has a painting included in a show sponsored by the Central Indiana Land Trust. Named the "Nature Awakens Creativity" project for the Spirit and Place Festival, the paintings were to be inspired by one of the Central Indiana preserves. Tricia chose the Blue Bluff Nature Preserve in Morgan County for her subject.
The show will be on display at the Indianapolis Art Center library from October 1 through November 14.
Other BWS friends exhibiting in this show are William Borden, Ratcliff Forest; Rena Brouwer, Portal to the Heavens; Jeanne McLeish, Summer, Mossy Point; and Jerry Smith, Hajji Hollow Transition.
This exhibit will not have an opening reception, but on November 10 at 7:00 p.m., the Spirit and Place Festival’s literary and music winners will perform in the IAC auditorium. Attendees will be invited to view the exhibition at that time. If you would like to attend this function, please contact Eric MacDougall at eandjmacdougall@comcast.net or (317) 340-0903. Full details of this year’s event can be found at www.spiritandplace.org. The festival is sponsored in part by the IU School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI.

OCTOBER 2, Friday
Gallery Walk

Opening Reception
406 Gallery
Bob Talbot, a member of BWS, exhibits his photographic art at the 406 Gallery, 406 South Walnut Street, during the month of October. This show is a retrospective of his 50 year career as a photographer. The opening reception takes place during Gallery Walk, Friday October 2, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Bob presented a program last spring to BWS about photographing your artwork, and would like to visit with his watercolor friends during this opening.

Opening Reception

Glorious Moments Gallery
Shel Ritter, BWS 2nd vice president and abstract expressionist artist, is exhibiting at Glorious Moments, a new gallery to Bloomington. It is located at 109 East Kirkwood, across from Farm Bloomington restaurant. The opening reception for this month-long exhibit is during Gallery Walk, 5:00-8:00 p.m.

OCTOBER 11, Sunday
Paint Out and Carry In Luncheon
Sycamore Shelter at Lower Cascades Park
11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Lunch at 1:00
The 2009 season draws to a close this day, and everyone is invited to bring your family, friends, and a covered dish! And don't forget your paints and camera!
A pot of chili and homemade cornbread will be provided along with lemonade and tableware. Just bring something delicious and join in for a pleasant afternoon.

BWS Meeting
6:00 p.m.
First Christian Church
Grab your own Santa Maria and sail on down to the BWS meeting!
After a short business session, Nancy Metz will present a program about the latest international rage - Artist Trading Cards. This is a fun and fanciful way to share your art and start your collection of famous artists’ work, right here in Bloomington! Bring your paint supplies and have an evening of fun.
AND - if you are painting, have painted, or are planning to paint a picture with a Halloween theme, bring it along to share!

OCTOBER 15, Thursday
Open Painting Studio at the Jacki Frey Studio
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Still life inside or plein air on the deck, weather permitting. Cost is $5.00.
Please RSVP to JackiFrey@hotmail.com or 320-6745.

OCTOBER 18, Sunday
Opening Reception and Awards Presentations
Watercolor Society of Indiana Annual Juried Exhibition
Indianapolis Museum of Art
2:00 p.m.
BWS members Linda Meyer-Wright and Sue Kim both have art work accepted into this juried exhibit, and we are hoping for great news about their awards!
The reception if free and open to the public.

OCTOBER 29, Thursday
FREE Mural Painting Workshop
9:00 a.m. – all day
Brown County Public Library
The Art Alliance of Brown County is holding a Mural Workshop. Brett Volpp will explain the mural design process, use of a grid, what to use on what surfaces, etc. The Art Alliance will work with Brett’s landscape design to set up the mural and then proceed to begin painting it on the back and side walls of the Ordinary Restaurant in downtown Nashville. The Art Alliance will provide all paint and materials (bring a drop cloth if you can and your own brush if you prefer). We hope you will learn skills that will qualify you to pursue lucrative public art project commissions or murals for fun. The workshop will be postponed in case of rain. RSVP to Anabel Hopkins at (812) 340-8781.

OCTOBER 31, Saturday
BWS Autumn Workshop
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Monroe County Public Library
Visiting Instructor will be well-known Hoosier artist, Rena Brouwer,
http://www.renabrouwer.com/ Cost is $50 per member; $60 per non-member. Registration will be opened to non-members on October 13. Registration fee must be received by October 17. Reservations not paid by that time will be cancelled and the space opened to those on the waiting list. Class size is strictly limited to 20, so don’t delay! Contact Jeanne Dutton at members@BloomingtonWatercolor.org to register; or Jacki Frey at JackiFrey@hotmail.com for details.

NOVEMBER 13, Friday
Indiana Public Art Conference
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the Art Alliance of Brown County
Season’s Lodge and Conference Center in Nashville
If you have any interest in pursuing public art, you need to learn how to do it from the experts! We have the best here, including Lynn Basa from the Art Institute of Chicago, a major national expert and author of a book on the subject. She will take us through the actual process of writing a public art application. Local public artists will also speak. This conference applies to a variety of mediums.
Fee is $75, lunch and snacks included. To register, please go to
http://www.artalliancebrowncounty.com/ Questions? Call Anabel Hopkins at (812) 340-8781.


Washington County Courthouse Competition
Salem, Indiana
The Washington County Bar Association is soliciting original pieces of artwork in oils, watercolor, pen and ink, or other media of art depicting the Washington County Courthouse.
The contest entries will be judged by Washington County Bar Association members. First Place will receive $450, and the piece will be displayed in the Indiana Bar Association Office located in Indianapolis, along with the donations provided by other counties.
Second- and third-place winners will receive $300 and $200, respectively, and will remain property of the Washington County Bar Association and be displayed in the circuit and superior courts.
Deadline for entries: 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 30. All entries must be submitted to the clerk's office located on the first floor of the Washington County Courthouse. Include the name, address and contact information of the artist. Artists are asked not to sign their works of art until after the judging is complete as the bar association wants all entries to be anonymous before being judged.
Prize winners will be announced in the Washington County Circuit Courtroom on Monday, December 14, at 10:00 a.m.


At IVTC’s Center for Lifelong Learning

Beginning Watercolor, Part II
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Instructor

Tuesdays, October 20 - November 17, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Watercolor painting is fun! This course is designed specifically as a continuing introduction to this relaxing medium. Students will explore new techniques and styles, and discussion of the basics of perspective, composition, and color will continue. Students will be asked to work on projects outside the classroom, and gentle critiques and advice will be provided. Note: If students have some experience in watercolor, it is not necessary to have taken Part I. Previous students may follow the instructor or bring their own paintings.

Basic Jewelry and More!
Jeanne Iler, Instructo

Wednesdays, October 28 – November 18, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Learn the essential skills to design and make your own jewelry. You will learn how to bend wire and add beads to make jewelry to either wear or give as gifts. Classes will include: drop earrings, tiger tail bracelets, memory wire bracelet and earring, chandelier earrings using a jeweler’s jig, twisted wire jewelry, and wire-wrapped pendants.

At Peoples University

Watercolors and More!
Jeanne Iler, Instructor

Taught at the Allison-Jukebox Community Center
Tuesdays, October 20 – November 3, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
The introductory class in mixed media painting provides creative ideas and technical knowledge for watercolorists. Projects include textures, soft pastels, and collage.

At the Waldron Art Center

Watercolor for the Beginning and Intermediate Painter
Jacki Frey, Instructor
Tuesdays, October 27 – December 1, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Beginners and intermediate students welcomed! Explore watercolor techniques and styles through painting the still life, scenery, floral and abstract subject matters. Bring your choice of photos to use for a favorite painting as well.

Stretch Your Wings in Watercolor
Linda Meyer-Wright, Instructor

Mondays, October 26 – Dec. 7, 1:00 – 3:30pm
Fridays, October 30 – Dec.18 (no class November 27), 1:00 – 3:30pm
Explore your creativity through watercolor. This class offers alternatives and individual instruction for anyone working in watercolor. Are you a beginner? You will learn basic techniques and create work you didn’t know you had in you.
Been at it awhile but looking for something new? Tired of painting tight? This class will loosen you up and open you up to something different. Experience what paint can do with and without brushes – we will work with pouring, spraying, printing, and collage.

Cartooning and Caricatures
Dan Alexander, Instructor

Tuesdays, October 27 – December 8, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Anyone can learn to draw sharp and cool caricatures presented in an entertaining style. The easy-to-learn techniques and basic processes will make the art of visual narrative and comic portrait drawing simple, even for young beginners. The course will cover the basics of cartooning and fundamentals of caricature. Perspective, layout, character design, and writing or following a script or gag will be just some of the topics covered in the course. Enjoy!

Mixed Media Collage Exploration
Linda Meyer-Wright

Thursdays, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
October 29 – December 17 (no class November 26)
Take a collage safari to unvisited places where you will learn to work with traditional and unexpected materials. Collage art is green art – you will learn to recycle many of the unsuspecting collage materials you already have. We will also work with image transfers, your photographs, and wax collage to create art that is not limited by labels or boundaries. This is an opportunity for you to create personal art that speaks to you and the viewer.

Acrylic Portrait Painting
Dan Alexander

Thursday evenings, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m.
October 29 – December 17 (no class November 26)
Portrait painting with acrylics is a safe and affordable technique that provides great enjoyment with suitable challenge. Students will learn prep, color theory, composition, use of media, and framing of a finished piece. This class is recommended for adults or teens with a strong interest in painting.


Although applications for Signature Status will not be called for until late 2010, the BWS Board will try to provide information, through Brushstrokes, regarding possible juried shows. By being accepted into juried shows, BWS artists who wish to apply for Signature Status will up the points required to achieve this status. Information is included in the by-laws which are accessible through our home page, http://www.bloomingtonwatercolor.org/.
If you receive information regarding calls for entry into shows, please forward that information to members@bloomingtonwatercolor.org.

notBig: A Small Works Competition in the Chicago Arts District
The Logsdon 1909 Gallery in Chicago, Illinois announces a call to artists for a juried show, December 11, 2009 to January 2, 2010, that is open to all individual artists working in the contemporary arts. $500 first. $200 for second. $100 for third. +Purchase Awards. Juror: Doug Stapleton. This is an open call for any medium including painting, sculpture, ceramics, collage, mixed media, photography and glass. There is no intended theme for the work; it just needs to fit the criteria of being "small art." No works over 12 inches in any direction.
Entry fee is $20 for 3 images. Deadline: October 31, 2009. Visit http://www.logsdongallery.jimdo.com/ for prospectus.
Questions? Please contact Marco Logsdon at logsdongallery@gmail.com or call 312-666-8966.

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly
publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Nancy Davis Metz, President 2009
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Editor
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47407-5236

September 14 Meeting Minutes

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2009

Members In attendance: Dan Alexander, Tina Allgood, Bob Anderson, Susan Blunck, Janet Britton, Patti Brundle, Bob Burris, Zoe Dean, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Bonnie Gordon-Lucas, Gillian Harris, Jerome Harste, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Clindy Kersey, Sue Kim, Sara McQueen, Rosemary Messick, Nancy Metz, Nina Ost, Carol Rhodes, Michele Ritter, Dee Rockwood, Joanne Shank, John Shelton, Sammye Smith, Bob Talbot, Bob Thrasher, Betty Wagoner, Joanne Weddle, Susan Webb, Tricia Wente

Nancy Davis Metz, president, called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. at First Christian Church. Nancy thanked those who had provided refreshments for the meeting – Tina Allgood, Shelly Ritter, and Stephen Jackson. Tina circulated a sheet asking for refreshment volunteers for future meetings. Nancy then welcomed new members Dee Rockwood, Patti Brundle and Rosemary Messick.

A. Minutes from June 8, 2009. Seeing no additions or corrections, a motion was made by Jeanne Iler to approve the minutes. After a second by Zoe Dean, the minutes were approved.

B. Treasurer’s Report – Our current balance is $2,604.59. We currently have 54 paid members with 10 members whose dues are past due. A reminder will be sent to these members.

C. Committee and Board Reports

Member Shows – Tricia Wente

2009 show - Showers Building, up the stairwell.
One new painting per member. Sign-up due this evening or at the next meeting on October 12. Paintings to be delivered Nov. 5 between 9:00 and 12:00 and taken down on November 30. Reception Friday, November 6, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. No commission taken and no entry fee. Work must be a watercolor on paper.

2010 show – Columbus Learning Center
On display January 8 – August 7
Two paintings per member. First must be a new painting. Additional one can be a secondary painting.
Reception halfway through the exhibit. No commission and no entry fee. Prices not out for viewing. Recommending separate section for BWS signature members.

Framing – Tricia Wente
Harder wood works well.
Use acid-free matting. Double mat works nicely.
Metal frame with Lucite plastic is least expensive way to frame.
Artists should count framing cost in price of painting.

Rena Brouwer Workshop – Jacki Frey
Saturday, October 31, Monroe County Public Library, Room 1C, 9:00 – 4:00
Limited to 20. $50 fee. Can register this evening or on Pay Pal.
A supply list is available through Jacki.

Paint Outs – Steve Jackson
September 19 – South end of the Clear Creek Trail off That Road, 9:00 – 2:00.
October 11 – Lower Cascades Sycamore Shelter house. 11:00 – 4:00. Pitch-in lunch at 1:00. Bring families.

D. Old Business - There was no old business.

E. New Business

1. Members should send bios and images to Carol Rhodes (csrhodes@indiana.edu) and Jeanne Dutton (jeanne.dutton@att.net) for the website.

2. Volunteer Form – Nancy distributed a form asking members to indicate their interest in serving as an officer for 2010. Forms that were not completed at this evening’s meeting can be sent to Nancy Davis Metz at P. O. Box 5236, 47407, by September 20.

F. Announcements

September 17, Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 a.m. Jacki Frey Studio. Cost $5.00.
RSVP to jackifrey@hotmail.com or call 812-320-6745. Bring your own work, do a study of an existing still life or plein aire of trees and creek from back deck.

September 21, Monday, 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Persimmon Festival Art Show. Six categories: landscape, waterscape, still life, portrait/figure, animals, and abstract/non-objective/fantasy. $5 entry fee per entry. Limit 3 entries. Contact Phyllis Westfall (812-279-4734) or Dottie Sherwood (812-849-3508).

October 2, Friday, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Gallery Walk

October 3, Saturday. 50th Anniversary Fall Foliage Festival Paint Out sponsored by ArtWorks, Art League and Arts Council of Martinsville. For complete information and registration, call Artworks of Martinsville at 765-342-2320, or go to http://www.artworksofmartinsville.com/.

Several announcements were made regarding BWS members that have won awards and have art on display at local galleries. Go to the BWS website to read about these displays (www.bloomingtonwatercolor.org, or www.bloomingtonwatercolor.blogspot.com).

Next BWS Meeting – October 12, Monday, 6:00 p.m., First Christian Church, Kirkwood and Washington.

G. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn was made by Jacki Frey and seconded by Jeanne Iler. Meeting ended at 7:07

H. Program on framing was presented by Dan Alexander.

Respectfully submitted,
Joanne Weddle, Secretary

Friday, August 28, 2009


September 2009


BWS is well represented at all times across the area, not just by the quality of our art, but by the quality of our members! Here are a few of the latest activities.


On left, Connie Brorson at the opening of her show, "Sitting Pretty," at Gallery North.

Below, Nancy Davis Metz, BWS president, with daughter Meredith at the opening of the student/instructor show at the Waldron.

Above, Tricia Wente at By Hand Gallery.

Sue Kim and Linda Meyer-Wright both have paintings accepted into the Watercolor Society of Indiana’s annual juried show. The exhibit opens with an awards reception on October 18 at the IMA.

Tricia Wente’s portrait of a little boy and his dog appeared in the July/August issue of "Sophisticated Living," published in the Louisville area. The painting is shown displayed in the family room of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Medley III.

James Yang was invited to demonstrate his Chinese calligraphy skills at the Indiana State Fair on August 23. The purpose of the exhibit was to show the state’s rich cultural heritage as well as “the emergence of folkways brought to the state by its immigrant communities.”

Shelly Ritter is currently exhibiting her new “mystic nun series” at the Glorious Moments Gallery on Kirkwood across from Farm Bloomington.

On August 21 and 22, the first (hopefully annual) Awesome Artists Yard Sale was held to benefit the Fourth Street Art Fair. Twelve artists sold art, art supplies, and everything from tiny bells to fur coats to chairs. The 4th Street Café served coffee and cold drinks, box lunches, and sweet treats. The weather on Friday was absolutely gorgeous and the turnout of customers was incredible. Thanks to the organizers for all their hard work!

Several BWS artists participated and we all had a great time - just check out these photos!

Carolyn Rogers Richard (center) and Linda Meyer-Wright with Linda's sister, Joni, on left.

Bonnie Gordon-Lucas and her Kissie Head.

Jeanne Iler assisting one of the many customers.

AUGUST 29, Saturday
9:00 – 2:00
BWS Plein Air Paint out at Butler Winery

Butler Winery was named "Best Uniquely Bloomington Attraction" for 2009, so there will be lots of fun stuff to paint (and imbibe!).
6200 E. Robinson Road, Bloomington, 47408
Tasting room opens at 10:00. Bring a sack lunch and have a great day with your fellow artists.
FYI - Results just in from the 2009 Indy International Wine Competition: Butler’s 2008 Chambourcin Rosé received a double gold, and won Rosé Wine of the Year. The Chambourcin Rosé was also awarded the Indiana-grown French American Wine of the Year!
How to get there:
Take College Avenue north, then turn right onto Old SR 37.
Go 3.2 miles and turn right onto Robinson Road and go 3.4 miles.
Take SR 45 North past New Unionville.
Turn left onto Tunnel Road.
Go about a mile and turn left onto Robinson Road.
To find the map, go to http://www.butlerwinery.com/map.html

SEPTEMBER 14, Monday
6:00 p.m.
BWS First Meeting of Autumn
First Christian Church
Been painting this summer? Bring in your favorites for a show-and-share.
Tricia will provide lots of information for the upcoming November membership show (everyone is encouraged to enter!); we will announce the fall schedule of programs and events; and registration begins for the October 31 workshop with Rena Brouwer. It will be good to see everyone again, and Tina Allgood, hospitality and cheer chairperson, will be bringing one of her awesome cakes! Don’t miss it!

SEPTEMBER 5 and 6, Saturday and Sunday
Fourth Street Art Festival, Bloomington
10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Bonnie Gordon-Lucas, BWS member, designed the T-shirt for this year’s Fourth Street Festival! Good job, Bonnie! Look for her booth at the festival.

SEPTEMBER 12, Saturday
21st Annual Great Outdoor Art Contest
T.C. Steele State Historic Site
Artists must pre-register by September 6. Fees are $10 for adults and $5 for teenagers and children. For information, call 812.677.2003, email catkinson@dnr.in.gov, or visit

SEPTEMBER 12, Saturday
9:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Penrod Art Fair
Bonnie Gordon-Lucas will be in booth Yellow-24, so stop in and say hello!
All information is available at www.penrod.org/

SEPTEMBER 17, Thursday
9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Jacki Frey Studio
Cost $5. "Bring in your own work or do a study of an existing still life which I will have set up or paint pleine aire of the trees and creek from my back deck. This is a fun group of artist who want to share painting time and then, at the end of the session, we view our work as a group."
RSVP to jackfrey@hotmail.com or (812) 320-6745

OCTOBER 2, Friday
Gallery Walk, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

OCTOBER 3, Saturday
50th Anniversary Fall Foliage Festival Paint Out
Sponsored by ArtWorks, Art League and Arts Council of Martinsville.
This contest is open to artists of all ages, whether amateur or professional. Using their own supplies, participants create original artwork in any medium listed below.
The entry fee is $25.00 for adults, payable before September 15, 2009 .
Children under 16 may enter free of charge. All artists, whatever their age, must pre-register to participate. Monetary awards and ribbons will be awarded, including a $500 prize for Best of Show. Pre-registration is required before September 15, 2009.
For complete information and registration, call Artworks of Martinsville at 765-342-2320, or go to http://www.artworksofmartinsville.com/

BWS Meeting
6:00 p.m.
First Christian Church

OCTOBER 31, Saturday
BWS Autumn Workshop
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Monroe County Public Library

Visiting Instructor will be well known Hoosier artist, Rena Brouwer, http://www.renabrouwer.com/
Cost is $50 per person.
Registration begins at the September 14 BWS meeting, and all information will be provided at that time. Registration fee MUST be received by October 17, and members may pay by check or on-line after September 14. Class size is limited to 20 only, so plan early - you won't want to miss it!


Here are some good links for exploring what other watercolor organizations and artists are doing.

Watercolor Society of Indiana,www.watercolorsocietyofindiana.org
Indiana Plein Air Painters Association (IPAPA), http://www.inpainters.org/
Hoosier Salon, http://www.hoosiersalon.org/
American Watercolor Society, http://www.americanwatercolorsociety.com/
National Watercolor Society, www.nationalwatercolorsociety.org/index.html


AT IVTC’s Center for Lifelong Learning
For all the details and enrollment information, link to http://cll.bloomington.ivytech.edu/classes/art.html

Beginning Watercolor, Part I
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Instructor
Watercolor painting is fun and rewarding, and this course is designed specifically as an introduction for the very beginning student. The basics of the art will be covered, including perspective and composition, papers, brushes, and paints. Traditional and experimental techniques will be presented, and students will complete a painting, ready to be matted and framed. Students will be asked to work on projects outside the classroom, and gentle critiques and guidance will be provided. For the first class, students should bring 140# watercolor paper, and any brushes and watercolors they have on hand. The instructor will provide a complete list of supplies needed for the remaining classes.
Tuesdays, September 8 - October 6, 2009, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $89
(Note: After a break of one week, Part II will continue for the next five weeks.)

Creative Drawing
Jeanne Iler, Instructor

Explore drawing through different materials and methods, including your own “right” brain. In this 4-part class, Instructor Jeanne Iler will help you discover your right brain through exercises, like contour, linear, and upside-down drawing, and the application of drawing techniques such as cross-hatching and rendering. You’ll learn perspective and proportions while drawing still life objects. You’ll then be challenged with pastel, charcoal, colored pencils, and graphite.
Wednesdays, September 9 – 30, 2009, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $79

Basic Jewelry and More!
Jeanne Iler, Instructor

Learn the essential skills to design and make your own jewelry. You will learn how to bend wire and add beads to make jewelry to either wear or give as gifts. Classes will include: drop earrings, tiger tail bracelets, memory wire bracelet and earring, chandelier earrings using a jeweler’s jig, twisted wire jewelry, and wire-wrapped pendants.
Wednesdays, October 28 – November 18, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $79

Check on line at http://bloomington.in.gov/arts-and-crafts for enrollment instructions.

Beginning Knitting
Jeanne Iler, Instructor

Start knitting by learning the basics in just 2 hours, then start a project. Your needles will be flying in no time
Thursdays, September 10, 17 and 24, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m

Link to www.artlives.org for complete details and supply costs.

Cartooning and Carricatures
Dan Alexander, Instructor
Tuesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
September 8 – October 20 and
October 27 – December 8
Anyone can learn to draw sharp and cool caricatures presented in an entertaining style. The easy-to-learn techniques and basic processes will make the art of visual narrative and comic portrait drawing simple, even for young beginners. The course will cover the basics of cartooning and fundamentals of caricature. Perspective, layout, character design, and writing or following a script or gag will be just some of the topics covered in the course. Enjoy!
Tuition: $130 nonmembers/$104 members

Watercolor for the Beginning and Intermediate Painter
Jacki Frey, Instructor
Tuesdays, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
First session, September 8 – October 20 (no class September 29)
Second session, October 27 – December 1
Beginners and intermediate students welcomed! Explore watercolor techniques and styles through painting the still life, scenery, floral and abstract subject matters. Bring your choice of photos to use for a favorite painting as well.
Tuition, $120 nonmembers/$96 members

Mixed Media Collage Exploration
Linda Meyer-Wright

Thursdays, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
September 10 – October 22 and
October 29 – December 17 (no class November 26)
Take a collage safari to unvisited places where you will learn to work with traditional and unexpected materials. Collage art is green art – you will learn to recycle many of the unsuspecting collage materials you already have. We will also work with image transfers, your photographs, and wax collage to create art that is not limited by labels or boundaries. This is an opportunity for you to create personal art that speaks to you and the viewer.
Tuition: $145 nonmembers/$116 members

Acrylic Portrait Painting
Dan Alexander

Thursday evenings, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m.
September 10 – October 22 and
October 29 – 17 (no class November 26)
Portrait painting with acrylics is a safe and affordable technique that provides great enjoyment with suitable challenge. Students will learn prep, color theory, composition, use of media, and framing of a finished piece. This class is recommended for adults or teens with a strong interest in painting.
Tuition: $180 nonmembers/$144 members

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly
publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Nancy Davis Metz, President 2009
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Editor
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47407-5236

Friday, July 24, 2009


Summer 2009


Saturday, July 25, 9:00 – 2:00p.m.
IU Arboretum
Where Fee Lane meets 10th Street. The arboretum is located just west of the Herman B. Wells Library. We’ll be there! Parking available in the Visitors Lot.
(If you are unsure where to go, link to www.IUB.edu and type “campus map” in the search box.)

Saturday, August 29, 9:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Butler Winery
Butler Winery was named "Best Uniquely Bloomington Attraction" for 2009, so there will be lots of fun stuff to paint (and imbibe!).
6200 E. Robinson RoadBloomington, 47408
To find the map, go to http://www.butlerwinery.com/map.html

Our first meeting of fall will be September 14 at First Christian Church, 6:00 p.m. At that time, we will officially open reservations for the Rena Brouwer workshop on October 31. There is only space for 20 people, so don’t miss the meeting and the opportunity to sign up! It will fill quickly.

The BWS Membership Show will take place in November at the Atrium, City Hall. Hope you all are busy painting this summer because everyone is welcome and encouraged to submit one work of art for that show. Then, in January, we will exhibit at the Columbus Learning Center. That’s a big show, and we will need two paintings per person to fill the space.
At September’s meeting, Tricia Wente will discuss matting, framing, and how to prepare your art for a gallery exhibit. Lots of valuable information will be presented, especially for the beginning exhibitors. See you there!

Anytime you want to paint out, Shelly Ritter, BWS 2nd vice president, offers her farm. Nature's Sanctuary/Worker Farm. Artists are always welcome to come out to paint, draw and/or photograph that next masterpiece in serenity and nature. Contact Shelly at shelnew70@yahoo.com or call 812-679-8879. You can't leave without some sort of nature's bounty in hand.

Here are some fun photos from the June Paint Out at Shelly's farm. It was hot, but the beautiful trees provided shade and a soft, summer breeze made everything a perfect setting for a paint out.
Thanks to Tricia for sharing her photos.
Below: Steve Jackson, paint out coordinator, sketching; Shelly's Egg Mobile; Betty Wagoner studying the scenery.


One Day Workshop
Jacki Frey Studio
Thursday, August 20th
9:00 - 3:30
The theme for the day is hollyhocks with wet into wet background. Large photos of hollyhocks are available or bring your own floral subject. Also bring a brown bag for noon lunch. Coffee and lemonade provided. Jacki has easels and tables and water containers. Inside or outside settings, and the deck is shaded and cool.
Cost: $35
Please RSVP to Jacki at (812) 320-6745 or jackifrey@hotmail.com.

Tom Lynch Watercolor Workshop
August 18-20
9:30 – 4:30 (one hour lunch break)
First Presbyterian Church (15th & L St), Bedford on August 18, 19, 20.
$180 for 3 days
Mail check or money order made out to Lawrence County Art Association along with your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address to: Mary Jo Cannedy, 1011 17th Street, Bedford, IN 47421. (e-mail: splinterc@sbcglobal.net)

Watercolor: Wet on Wet
William Duncan
August 15, September 12, October 3, November 7, December 19.
9:00 – 4:00
Noblesville, Indiana
One Day Cost: $40
Hamilton County Art Center, 195 S. 5th Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 (corner of 5th and Cherry Streets)
Each class will explore a different element of design. For all levels.
To reserve a space, send a $40 check payable to William Duncan to:
William Duncan
602 Coventry Way
Noblesville, IN 46062
Include a phone number and email address.
Email: vtduncan@comcast.net
Phone: 317-877-3050; Cell: 317-695-8346

Alvaro Castagnet Workshop
Sponsored by the Watercolor Society of Indiana
$450 for members; $460 for non-members
Tuesday – Saturday, September 15 - 19
For complete information, go to http://www.watercolorsocietyofindiana.org/ and click on Events Calendar. If you would like to carpool with someone from Bloomington, please email Sue Kim at chskim@indiana.edu


Beginning Watercolor, Part I
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Instructor
Watercolor painting is fun and rewarding, and this course is designed specifically as an introduction for the very beginning student. The basics of the art will be covered, including perspective and composition, papers, brushes, and paints. Traditional and experimental techniques will be presented, and students will complete a painting, ready to be matted and framed. Students will be asked to work on projects outside the classroom, and gentle critiques and advice will be provided. For the first class, students should bring 140# watercolor paper, and any brushes and watercolors they have on hand. The instructor will provide a complete list of supplies needed for the remaining classes.
Tuesdays, September 8 - October 6, 2009, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $89
(Note: After a break of one week, Part II will continue for the next five weeks.)

Creative Drawing
Jeanne Iler, Instructor
Explore drawing through different materials and methods, including your own “right” brain. In this 4-part class, Instructor Jeanne Iler will help you discover your right brain through exercises, like contour, linear, and upside-down drawing, and the application of drawing techniques such as cross-hatching and rendering. You’ll learn perspective and proportions while drawing still life objects. You’ll then be challenged with pastel, charcoal, colored pencils, and graphite.
Wednesdays, September 9 – 30, 2009, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $79

Basic Jewelry and More!
Jeanne Iler, Instructor
Learn the essential skills to design and make your own jewelry. You will learn how to bend wire and add beads to make jewelry to either wear or give as gifts. Classes will include: drop earrings, tiger tail bracelets, memory wire bracelet and earring, chandelier earrings using a jeweler’s jig, twisted wire jewelry, and wire-wrapped pendants.
Wednesdays, October 28 – November 18, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $79

For all the details and enrollment, link to http://cll.bloomington.ivytech.edu/classes/art.html

Beginning Knitting
Jeanne Iler, Instructor
Start knitting by learning the basics in just 2 hours, then start a project. Your needles will be flying in no time
Thursdays, September 10, 17 and 24, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

In August, check on line at http://bloomington.in.gov/arts-and-crafts for enrollment instructions.


"Sitting Pretty: Wonderful, Whimsical Watercolors"
Don't miss this delightful exhibit featuring the work of BWS member, Connie Brorson.
August 5 – 28, 11:00 - 6:00 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday
Opening Reception: Gallery Walk Friday, August 7, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m
Gallery North on the Square
115 W Sixth, Bloomington, in the Wicks Building

"Jean Vietor: A Retrospective"
August 1 -31
Brown County Art Guild
Nashville, Indiana
Jean, a member of BWS, began her career in 1969. Her first painting of a chickadee won a purchase award in a national contest, juried by Watercolor USA.
In 1979, she was accepted as a bird and nature painter with Frame House Gallery in Louisville, Kentucky, where her prints were distributed nationally. Her paintings have traveled through Taiwan and France in an exhibit titled, “American Watercolors.”
Although she is now retired, her award winning watercolors will be on display for this exhibit. Everyone is invited to attend.

Floral watercolor paintings by Jeanne Ellen Dutton will hang at Meadowood Gallery now through August 2.

"Paintings of Local Birds"
Joanne Shank
Luna Moth Gallery
July 3 - August 28
Opening Reception: Gallery Walk Friday, August 7, 5-7:30
Luna Moth Gallery is located in the Caldwell Eco-Center, 323 S. Walnut, Bloomington. For more information, please call Joanne at 650-4333


Tricia Wente was awarded the sole blue ribbon in the Livermore (California) Art Association Show at US Bank. All three of her acrylic entries were juried into the exhibition. The winning piece is an impressionistic depiction of three young girls clowning around on a swing.

Nina Ost is currently exhibiting a painting at a gallery in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly
publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Nancy Davis Metz, President 2009
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Editor
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47407-5236