Friday, December 3, 2010


December 2010
BWS Holiday Party
Monday, December 6
6:00 – 9:00
Share your Artist Trading Cards, win a door prize, just have fun with your paint pals as we close 2010 BWS activities. See you there!
(P.S. Reservations are closed.)

In this photo, Ellen Willibey admires the BWS ornaments on the
top-selling Christmas tree at the Waldron, 2009.

December 3, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Tonight is Gallery Walk!
Come downtown and wander under the canopy of lights. What a great time to browse the local galleries and pick up some unique gifts, plus enjoy a glass of wine, Christmas cookies and other munchies.

At Gallery North on the Square: Annual Holiday Art Boutique, now through the month of December. Local artists offer a wide array of creative gift options from fine art and craft to garden art and jewelry. Choose from ceramics and fused glass as well as holiday decor and cards.
You'll find something fun for most everyone on your list.
116 W. 6th Street in The Wicks Building, next to Wandering Turtle.

At By Hand Gallery: Holiday shopping with an incredible variety of art by painters and Indiana artisans. Located in Fountain Square.

At Bellevue Gallery: It’s a Renovation Celebration. Come see the new look of the Bellevue Gallery located in the lobby of the Bloomington Playwrights Project Theater, 107 W. 9th Street. The celebration will be followed by Artiface at 8 pm, a theater performance about an artist.

Bellevue is planning its 2011 schedule. While there, ask how you can be a featured artist. If you can't attend, but are interested in displaying art, contact Joanne Shank at 824-9681.

December 10, Saturday

Winter Watercolor Workshop
Jacki Frey Studio
9:00 – 3:30
RSVP to Jacki at, 320-6745
Jacki has put together a snowscape featuring the farm on Kent Road near T.C. Steele - two barns, a winter sky and trees. But you’ll stay warm in her studio! Bring a Brown Bag Lunch; coffee provided. Cost is $40. Bring an old toothbrush for spattering and a half-size sheet of w/c paper.

Get this date on your brand new calendar:
January 10, 6:00 p.m.
BWS Meeting at First Christian Church

Welcome and thanks to our newly elected Executive Board:
Kriste Lindberg, president
Jo Weddle, 1st vice president
Betty Wagoner, 2nd vice president
Carol Rhodes, treasurer,and
Charlotte Griffin, secretary.

And many thanks to the new committee chairs who will keep the ball rolling on activities. You will meet them at the January meeting, where you can thank them in person.

The Art of Chocolate benefits the Options for Better Living, an organization that helps people with disabilities. Artists are invited to submit art for an on-line auction and juried show. More details and an entry form can be found at

January 18, 7:00 p.m.

The Visual Arts Guild will meet upstairs at the Irish Lion. Representatives from various visual arts groups are invited to share information about their organization and talk about networking benefits. For questions or more information, contact Joanne at

The Ivy Tech Center for Lifelong Learning will publish its 2011 Spring Catalog the first week of January. There will be lots of watercolor classes offered, including those taught by Jeanne Iler, Linda Meyer-Wright, and yours truly. Nancy Metz will teach a class in Orleans, and also one here in Bloomington for Parks and Recreation. Lots coming up in the new year!

With a touch of regret, I want you to know that this will be my last time as your Brushstrokes editor. The keyboard is being passed to a very accomplished, professional journalist, Nancy Davis Metz. My heartfelt thanks to her for taking on the job while I become understudy to Carol Rhodes, helping her with the web management and learning the treasurer’s tasks.

Brushstrokes has been a delightful experience for me, and I thank BWS for the opportunity. Best wishes to Nancy, and best wishes to all of you for a delightful holiday and the very happiest of new years.


Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly
publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Editor, Jeanne Ellen Dutton
President 2010, Joanne Weddle
PO Box 5236
Bloomington, Indiana

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
Location: First Christian Church
November 8, 2010

Members in Attendance:

Evelyn Alwine, Dan Alexander, Jan Britton, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Charlotte Griffin, Beth V. Grey, Cathy Haggerty, Jerry Harste, Sue Haverstock, Jeanne Iler, Steve Jackson, Kathy Karnes, Marget Kingrey, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindgerg,. Sara Mc Queen, Meredith Metz, Nancy Davis Metz, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, Sammye Dina Smith, Bob Thrasher, Jean Vietor, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Jo Weddle, Tricia Wente, Vi Working, Cassidy Young

New Members:

The November meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by President Joanne Weddle. Joanne welcomed the 35 attendees out of the membership of 86. She thanked the Hospitality/Cheer Co-Chairs, Kathy Karnes and Sue Haverstock for the set up and extended thanks to the members who provided refreshments (Tina Allgood, Jan Britton, and Sue Haverstock).

Jo asked the members for any corrections to the minutes of the October 11th meeting. Kathy Karnes moved that the minutes be accepted and Margret Kingrey seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes without correction.

The treasurer’s report was given by Carol Rhodes. Acceptance of the treasurer’s report was proposed by Sara McQueen and seconded by Jeanne Dutton. The members present accepted the report unanimously.

Committee Reports were made.

December 6 is the BWS Holiday Celebration and it will be held at Meadowood this year. Reservations should be sent to Sue Haverstock at by December 1 and payment should be made by that date (see the November 5, 2010, Brushstrokes for details on how to make payment). The cost will be $12 for members and $15 for non-members. The activity for the evening besides socializing and holiday merriment will be the trading of Artist Trading Cards. So come prepared with cards to exchange.

Paint Out
No report. Season has ended.

Kriste Lindberg reported that the trip to the Indianapolis Museum of Art for the Watercolor Society of Indiana Show opening and reception on October 17 was a good time. She encouraged all members to take in the show. Three members of BWS (Sara Steffey McQueen, Nancy Metz, and Kathy Rice) have works on display in this show.

Tricia Wente reported on the The Columbus Learning Center mini-show of the BWS works that were created at the paint-out held at the CLC. That mini-show has ten works and can be found in the Library at the CLC; the display is on-going through to next year. If an artist has a picture in this show that they want to retake possession of, the artist should contact Tricia.

Tricia said the “paint-your-park” activities have begun. All the parks run by the Parks and Recreation portion of the city have been assigned to artists. If an artist still desires a park, contact Tricia; there may be vacancies come up and it is possible to have multiple artists assigned to a single park.

The assigned artist should use his/her park as the theme for paintings over the 2010-2011 year for our BWS show in the fall of 2011. Members will be allowed to submit one painting to the show in late September or early October of 2011.

Signature Status Awards
No activities at this time.

No report

Old Business:
First Vice-President, Nancy Davis-Metz reported that There were only 8 sets of notecards left. The activity of creating and selling the notecards has made money in the order of $700. Margret Kingrey motioned that BWS should order 50 more sets of the notecards. Tricia Wente seconded that motion. Margret volunteered to contact various stores in the area about their willingness to sell our cards and to report back in January.

Jo called for members submit suggestions for new 2011 programs and to prioritize their interest in the current list of program suggestions. Forms were filled-out and turned-in at the meeting.

New Business:

By-law revisions had been sent out to all members for review. Charlotte Griffin thanked Carol Rhodes, Nancy Metz, Jeanne Iler, and Tricia Wente for their input the the by-law changes. Others who helped greatly were Jeanne Dutton and Jo Weddle. Meri Reinhold moved acceptance of the by-law changes and Kathy Karnes seconded the motion. All members in attendance agreed. However, the 35 members attending do not represent the 2/3 vote required for making the changes. The Secretary will contact members who were unable to attend the meeting to get their vote and will report to the membership via email.
Jeanne Dutton presented the results of nominating committee’s search for officers for 2011. Jeanne thanked the members of the committee, Tina Allgood and Connie Brorson for their help. The Slate of
• President, Kriste Lindberg
• 1st Vice President, Jo Weddle
• 2nd Vice President, Betty Wagoner
• Secretary, Charlotte Griffin
• Treasurer, Carol Rhodes
was accepted based on a motion by Meri Reinhold which was seconded by Jeanne Iler.

Dan Alexander introduced Karol Stewart from “Reframe” Karol talked briefly about her store called reframe. She then talked about her involvement with the Art of Chocolate fund raiser for Options for Better Living coming just after the holidays. Artists are invited to submit art for both an online auction and a juried showing. More detail and an entry form can be found at

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. based on a motion by Carol Rhodes that was seconded by Jan Britton.

Following the business meeting Jerry Harste and Nancy Davis Metz gave a presentation about Artist Trading Cards. They had a prepared handout and slides of examples from Jerry’s collection. Each attendee was given 5 blank trading cards to start creating ATCs and many attendees broke out their watercolors and took the challenge immediately.

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Ann Griffin, Secretary 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010


November 2010
Monthly Meeting Monday, November 8 6:00 p.m. First Christian Church
Two very important votes will take place at Monday’s meeting: acceptance of the proposed changes to the By-Laws and election of the 2011 officers!

All members received an email from BWS secretary, Charlotte Griffin, announcing the proposed changes to the BWS By-Laws. These are reviewed and revised every other year, and are an important foundation for the operation of BWS. If you cannot make the meeting on Monday, please cast your vote “Yes” or “No” with a simple email to Charlotte at
Thanks to Charlotte, Nancy Metz and Carol Rhodes for serving on the committee, and to those who provided valuable input.

The Nominating Committee has compiled a slate of officers for 2011, and the nominees are:
  • President, Kriste Lindberg
  • 1st Vice President, Jo Weddle
  • 2nd Vice President, Betty Wagoner
  • Secretary, Charlotte Griffin
  • Treasurer, Carol Rhodes
Nominations can also be made by the members at Monday’s meeting, prior to the election.

Operating such a vibrant and energetic entity like BWS takes an incredible amount of organization, energy, time, and commitment. The Nominating Committee heartily thanks those who have agreed to take on these responsibilities for 2011.

Tina Allgood and Connie Brorson served on the Nominating Committee. Many thanks to them, also.

2011 Committees
Once the election is over, the new president will officially be appointing committee chairs and members as part of her “cabinet.” So, if you have expressed interest in serving on a committee, THANK YOU! She’ll be in touch!

Now, to Monday’s program: Artist Trading Cards
Jerry Harste and Nancy Metz will provide the information, inspiration and five blank artist trading cards for each member in attendance. Bring your paints, brushes and any other art supplies and spend the evening painting with your paint pals. Then, you'll have time to get a head start on the cards you'll need for our Holiday Party trading session, which is...

Monday, December 6
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Meadowood Retirement Community
The BWS Holiday Event takes place this evening. The program will include installation of the new officers and sharing Artist Trading Cards, so it’s sure to be a fun time. (It always is!)
Cost per person is $12 for member, $15 for guests. Wine, door prizes, "heavy" hors d'oeuvres, veggies, pastries, good friends, and art - a perfect combination!

We do need to let the chef know how many to expect, so reservations must be made no later than DECEMBER 1.
(PLEASE NOTE: cancellations MUST be made by the same date in order to receive a refund!)
Reservations can be made by email to:
Sue Haverstock,
Buy your ticket(s) on-line by going to, then, under “Current and Upcoming,” click “See details and register now.”
OR mail your check to:
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47907-5236
(P.S. In order for the treasurer to be able to enjoy her evening, too, please be sure to pay before the party!!)

November 9 – 30, Sammye Dina Smith will be exhibiting at Finches on East Kirkwood (near the Sample Gates). The opening reception takes place Tuesday, November 16th. Watch for an email update with final details of the time.

BWS member Nancy Metz has been blogging about her watercolor activities this fall. Go to and you can see paintings done by her students, read about art-related adventures, or look at some of the paintings being offered for sale. Every Friday she is posting "Friday's Finds," a quick list of Web sites, books, arts-related news that has amused her in the preceding week. Visit the blog and leave a comment or become a Follower.

Beth Van Vorst Gray, BWS member, announces a new internet showcase for Indiana artists.
Pen & Brush Originals will debut on or about November 10 to be ready for Christmas shopping. The cost to you for selling through our site is minimal; you control your own inventory, set your own prices, and your customers have access to PayPal and Credit Card purchases.
We welcome EVERYONE from award-winning masters to talented artists beginning their careers. Watch for notices of local meetings to discuss this new venture!
Go to our website, for more information.

October 17, Sunday, was a beautiful day for a field trip to Indianapolis. And BWS is proud to say, “We had THREE!” Three members’ work was juried into the annual exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. BWS was also represented by over a dozen members and guests, and we all had a fun time. Thanks to Maribeth McKaig for patiently driving all of us to Indy!
Here are the photos of the BWS artists with their paintings:
Nancy Davis Metz, “Sunflower Trio”
Sara Steffey McQueen, “Rock Series #6”
Kathy Rice, “Master of Illusion"

by Kriste Lindberg
Who needs orange and black when you're going green?
On the evening of Tuesday, October 19th, I did a demo of painting cave critters on glassware and watercolor at The Venue... in all different colors!
Those attending were encouraged to paint along as we talked about cave conservation and how art can help. Art can "connect" us with the natural resources by tapping into our creativity and encouraging ownership. Just think about it... If you create something, wouldn't you be more apt to take care of it?
It was a delightful evening and an encouraging beginning to more collaboration between artists and cave conservation.
Proceeds benefited National Speoleological Society education programs. To read the Indiana Daily Student article and view photo, please go to

Kriste's painting, "Heart of Bats"


Call for Submissions for the Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center
IVYTECH Now through December 1
Online applications only: www.
They offer you 0% commission, five traditional gallery spaces, a video gallery opening in 2011, plus receptions, publicity, advertising, and web presence. Their galleries can accommodate everything from large installations to miniature shows to new media.

They are looking for a wide variety of artists to represent the local, regional, national, and international flavors of Bloomington, Indiana. All visual artists working in any media are invited to apply, regardless of geographic location. Application fee is $20. If selected, gallery fees range from $55 - $165. Shows run for one month each. For additional information, see Artist FAQs at

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly
publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Editor, Jeanne Ellen Dutton
President 2010, Joanne Weddle
PO Box 5236
Bloomington, Indiana

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
Location: First Christian Church
October 11, 2010

Members in Attendance:

Tina Allgood, Bob Anderson, Pat Brundle, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Charlotte Griffin, Gillian Harris, Jerry Harste, Carla Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Kathy Karnes, Marget Kingrey, Cathy Korineck, Kriste Lindgerg, Maribeth McKaig, Nancy Davis Metz, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Carol Rhodes, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Deborah Rush, John Shelton, Sammye Dina Smith, Bob Talbot, Michelle Talbot, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Jo Weddle, Cassidy Young

New Members:

A new student member has joined. Her name is Sara Fry Miller.

The October meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by President Joanne Weddle. Joanne welcomed the 30 attendees out of the membership of 86. She thanked the Hospitality/Cheer Co-Chairs, Kathy Karnes and Sue Haverstock for the set up and extended thanks to the members who provided refreshments (Jerry Harste, Jo Weddle, Jeanne Dutton, Kathy Karnes, and Kriste Lindberg).

Jo asked the members for any corrections to the minutes of the September 13th meeting. Meri Reinhold moved that the minutes be accepted and Jeanne Dutton seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes without correction.

The treasurer’s report was given by Carol Rhodes. Acceptance of the treasurer’s report was proposed by Bob Talbot and seconded by Michelle Talbot. The members present accepted the report unanimously.

Committee Reports were made.

Jo passed around a few copies of the program list for the rest of 2010 as shown below:
• November 8 – New Officer Election and Artist Trading Card Demos
• December 6 – BWS Holiday Celebration at Meadowood
Paint Out
Jo surveyed the attendees asking how many had been to the paint-out at Story, Indiana. A half dozen or so of the members had attended and had enjoyed the town and the restaurant.

Jeanne Dutton reminded members about plans for a trip to Indianapolis to the Indianapolis Museum of Art when the Watercolor Society of Indiana has its show-opening reception on October 17. Two members of BWS (Sara Steffey McQueen and Nancy Metz) have works on display for this show. The plan is to meet in the First Christian Church parking lot at noon and to depart around 12:15.

Kriste Lindberg reminded the membership that October 16 is a designated “SketchCrawl” day. Artists around the world go out and sketch something and put in on a blog for the world to see. Participation is optional and free: see

The Columbus Learning Center has a mini-show of the BWS works that were created at the paint-out held at the CLC. That mini-show has ten works and can be found in the Library at the CLC; the display is on-going.

A selection of parks to be used as themes for paintings over the 2010-2011 year for our BWS show in 2011 is still available. Ten parks do not yet have a home. Members are encouraged to “pick a park” out of the hat.

Signature Status Awards:
No activities at this time.

No report

Old Business:
First Vice-President, Nancy Davis-Metz reported that the she had the BWS notecard packets with her and the members could purchase them on the break.

Jo called for members to sign-up for BWS committees and officer positions in preparation for the election of new officers in November.

New Business:
The following announcements were made:
1. Dan Alexander solicited entries in the on-line auction and juried show associated with the fall 2010/spring 2011 “Art of Chocolate” and the “Week of Chocolate” which are fund raisers for Options for Better Living. Artists who contribute works can set a price for their work and they will receive that amount. Any online bid for the work over and above that price will go to the charity. The work that is judged best in the show will be displayed at the Indiana University Art Museum. See Dan for more information and/or a brochure.
2. Charlotte Griffin asked any volunteers who have experience and time to do face painting for a children’s event called the Hilltop Great Pumpkin Party on October 23 to contact her.
3. Jo mentioned finding a small shop near Showers plaza called Re-Frame. This store makes frames out of recycled wood found in the Bloomington area providing a more sustainable form of art work framing.
4. Members are reminded to check the website and the blog for communications about BWS business and activities. The blog has dates and updates, names of new members, listings of opportunities, exhibits by artists, and more.
5. The minutes of prior meetings will NOT be read at any of the BWS meeting; they will be posted on the blog and members should read them so that they can be voted upon at the next meeting.
6. The November meeting will include by-laws revisions and the slate of officers for 2011.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. based on a motion by Nina Ost that was seconded by Deloris Schneider.

Following the business meeting Bob Talbot and Carol Rhodes gave a presentation about composition. They had a prepared handout and brought examples of pictures and works that exemplified good composition.

Respectfully submitted,

Charlotte Ann Griffin, Secretary 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


October 2010


October 11
6:00 pm
First Christian Church
After a short business meeting, an informative and useful program will be presented.
“Composition” is the placement or arrangement of elements in any work of art - painting, photography, music or writing. In the visual arts, composition is often called “design,” and in graphic design and desktop publishing, composition is referred to as “page layout.”
At Monday’s meeting, photographer and artist Bob Talbot, along with Carol Rhodes, graphic designer and page layout Instructor for IU, will talk about the elements of composition in painting.
Bob will talk about:
  • Perspective
  • The orientation of elements (and how choosing angles creates tension, unease, interest)
  • The area within the field of view used for the picture ("cropping")
  • Geometry: e.g., use of the Golden Mean
  • Illumination or lighting
  • Choosing the area of focus
  • The path or direction followed by the viewer's eye when they observe the image
Carol Rhodes will address principles of organizing, such as:
  • Shape and proportion
  • Balance among the elements
  • Harmony or consistency among the elements
  • Negative space
  • Color
  • Contrast
  • Rhythm
  • Repetition
  • Proximity (clustering of objects)
One of the advantages of being a BWS member is learning from our peers, so you are invited to get involved! If you know any of these terms from previous art classes and if you have any examples of YOUR work that demonstrate these principles, please bring your examples! We would particularly like to see pieces of your work that may demonstrate negative space, value contrast, object clustering, repetition, or balance.
By sharing our knowledge, beginners can learn from peers, and more experienced painters can take advantage of the refresher.

1:00 p.m.
The BWS Notecards are printed! Volunteers are needed to fold the cards and assemble the packets. Nancy Davis Metz, chair of the notecard project, has scheduled a work session for Wednesday, October 6, at 1:00 pm at her home. Can you help? Please call Nancy at 812-339-5353, or email her at

12:15 – 5:00 pm
Field Trip to the Indianapolis Museum of Art
The Watercolor Society of Indiana opens its annual juried exhibit this day and two BWS members have pieces juried into the show. A BWS Field Trip is planned for that day to support our local artists! The plan is to meet in the parking lot behind First Christian Church and leave at 12:15. We will return between 5:00 and 5:30. If you would like to go, please contact me at And if you can drive, let me know that, too! So far, we have two drivers and room for 6 riders. Please respond no later than the meeting on October 11. (If you are riding, please plan to make a contribution to your driver to cover the cost of gas, thank you!)

In spite of the gusty wind, the walnuts crashing down around us, and a bit of chill, a good group gathered Sunday, October 3 at Story, Indiana for the last BWS paint out of the year. We started early with breakfast (if you haven’t been there, you have to go!) at the restaurant, then made our way through the herb and vegetable gardens, around the horse barn, and past the guest cottages, finally settling in with new BWS members and a friendly cat who couldn’t decide between Meredith’s warm lap and the fascinating palette of Bette Wagoner’s. Here are a few photos for your enjoyment.

At the top, Kriste's rendition of "Oregano" in the herb garden. Below, Nancy bravely painting while trying to stay warm under a blanket; Jo Weddle in the Herb Garden; Kriste and Meredith with a friendly Scarecrow in the vegetable garden.

We Paint..PARKS!
Here’s the news release for our We Paint…Parks! project for 2010-2011. Thanks to Tricia Wente for this terrific idea, and to Kriste Lindberg for her efforts in helping pull it together!
There are still 10 parks available. If you haven’t pulled yours out of the hat, you can do that at the October meeting. If you can’t be there, contact Kriste at right away.

Bloomington, IN – The City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, the Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District (BEAD) and the Bloomington Watercolor Society have partnered on a unique new community project.

During the next calendar year, participating members of the Bloomington Watercolor Society will create paintings of each of 45 different city parks and facilities, which members were assigned via a lottery-style drawing. Artists have a full year to paint their selected site, and are encouraged to journal their experiences as they paint in the parks.

The cooperative project culminates with the annual Bloomington Watercolor Society Membership Show, which will be held in November 2011 in the atrium of City Hall. The top three paintings will be featured in a 2012 Bloomington Parks and Recreation program guide. The paintings will be available for purchase, with a portion of the proceeds to benefit the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department.

The mission of the Bloomington Watercolor Society is to provide opportunities for the promotion and exhibition of watercolor media in the community. BWS currently has 82 members from throughout the region. More information on BWS programs and activities can be found at

The Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District seeks to bring the business and creative sectors together to advance commerce and culture, build community and spur economic development. Go to for information about the district, businesses and attractions.

Indiana Artists Club
Connie Brorson, Jacki Frey, and Tricia Wente have their paintings on display in the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette as part of the Indiana Artists Club Member Exhibition 2010. The paintings will be on display from October 1 through January 8. Go to for information and museum hours, or link to

The Lawrence County Art Association
The Lawrence County Art Association will have a members exhibit at the John Waldron Art Center in Bloomington from October 7 - 29. An opening reception is scheduled from 5:00 to 8:00 pm on Thursday, October 7. Included are paintings by BWS members Jodi Estell and Mary Jo Cannedy.

A Variety of Galleries
Check out the local galleries for recent hangings of BWS members’ art at Gallery North, The Venue, and ByHand.

Hoosier Salon
Kathleen Rice won an Honorable Mention at the Hoosier Salon Gallery in New Harmony as part of the Good Ole Summertime Show.

Midwest National Abstract Exhibit Plus
Marianne Glick has an exhibit at Kuaba Gallery, 876 Massachusetts Avenue, in Indianapolis. Marianne also had two paintings accepted in the New Interpretations Juried Exhibit which will be held in Stuart, Florida from October 22 to December 1, and two paintings accepted in the Midwest National Abstract Exhibit which will is on display at Garfield Park Art Center on the Southside of Indianapolis from October 2 through November 15. Marianne’s paintings can also be viewed at the Ann King Gallery in Zionsville, Indiana.

Bats and salamanders and bugs, oh my!
Just in time for Halloween - come join Kriste Lindberg for an evening of painting on glass (barware, coffee mugs, ice tea glasses, etc.) and watercolor/acrylic painting demonstrations at The Venue, 114 S. Grant Street, on Tuesday, September 19, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm.
It’s fun for the whole family... there will be an area available for kids of all ages to test their skill. Items will be available for purchase and proceeds benefit local cave conservation organizations. Lemonade and refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Kriste at (812) 327-1642.

Jacki Frey Studio
Jacki is offering a watercolor workshop Saturday, October 23, 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. The subject is an autumn setting of the McCormick Creek Bridge with cast shadow across the bridge. Plan to paint on a 1/2 sheet. Photos are available of the scene. Coffee provided, and bring a brown bag lunch. The price is $40. RSVP or send questions to

Color Media Workshop
The Lawrence County Art Association presents a Color Media workshop by Wyatt LeGrand of Bloomfield on Saturday, October 23 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. The workshop will take place in the meeting room of the Lawrence County Historical and Genealogy Museum on the north side of the square in Bedford. Please bring your usual paint supplies. The cost is $35 for members of the Lawrence County Art Association and $40 for non-members. RSVP to Mary Jo Cannedy at Advance registration and payment requested. To learn more about Wyatt LeGrand, link to

BABAR Puppet Show
Nina Ost and Carla Hedges invite you to enjoy the Puck Players Puppet Theatre as it presents BABAR on October 16 and 23 at 11:00 and 1:00 in the Monroe County Public Library auditorium. For information, call 349-3100.

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly
publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Editor, Jeanne Ellen Dutton
President 2010, Joanne Weddle
PO Box 5236
Bloomington, Indiana

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2010

Members in Attendance

Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Susan Blunck, Connie Brorson, Pat Brundle, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Jackie Frey, Beth Grey, Charlotte Griffin, Cathy Haggerty, Jerry Harste, Carla Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Kathy Karnes, Marget Kingrey, Kriste Lindgerg, Nina Ost, Diana Probst, Meri Reinhold, Carol Rhodes, Dee Rockwood, Deborah Rush, Sammy B. Smith, Bob Thrasher, Betty Wagoner, Tricia Wente, Vi Working

Visitors and now new members

Jacquelyn Chiddister, Cassidy Young

The September meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by First Vice-President Nancy Metz in the absence of the President of the Society, Joanne Weddle. Nancy welcomed the 30 attendees out of 82 members back after a long hot summer. She thanked the Hospitality/Cheer Co-Chairs, Kathy Karnes and Sue Haverstock for the set up and extended thanks to the members who provided refreshments (Diane Probst, Evelyn Alwine and Kathy Haggerty).

Nancy asked the members for any corrections to the minutes of the June 14 meeting. Kathy Karnes moved that the minutes be accepted and Karla Hedges seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes without correction.

The treasurer’s report was given by Carol Rhodes. Acceptance of the treasurer’s report was proposed by Steven Jackson and seconded by Nina Ost. The members present accepted the report unanimously.

Committee Reports were made.

Jacki Frey, Programs/Meetings Chair, provided the following list of 2010 programs:

  • October 11 – “Composition” by Bob Talbot and Carol Rhodes
  • November 8 – New Officer Election and Artist Trading Card Demos
  • December 6 – BWS Holiday Celebration at Meadowood

Paint Out
Susan Blunck reminded the members that one more paint-out is scheduled for October 3 at Story, Indiana. Susan passsed around photos of Story and mentioned that food will be available from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the restaurant associated with the Bed and Breakfast in Story. People enjoyed the August 7 paint-out at Bob Talbot’s cabin; thanks to Bob Talbot for opening it to BWS. And despite the rain, a number of members participated in the TC Steele Great Outdoor Arts Contest. Susan’s painting of the Brown County Playhouse was awarded 3rd place in the watercolor category.

Kriste Lindberg reported that the BWS workshop by Lynn Diamente workshop on August 21 was an experience heavy in composition, and new technique. A road trip to French Lick with an overnight stay and a visit with Vest Seville was enjoyed by a number of the members. Future plans include a trip to Indianapolis to the Indianapolis Museum of Art when the Watercolor Society of Indiana has its show-opening reception on October 17. At least two members of BWS (Sara McQueen and Nancy Davis-Metz) have works on display for this show.

Tricia Wente presented past, current, and future show plans as follows:

  1. The Columbus Learning Center (CLC) came down in August after a 6 month run. The CLC then agreed to have a mini-show of the works that were created at the paint out held at the CLC. That mini-show has 10 works and can be found in the Library at the CLC.
  2. The Meadowood August 7 show was well received and at least one painting was sold. Thanks to Connie Brorson for all her work on that show.
  3. Five members participated as artist/documenters of the July International Harp Competition. There may be follow on use of the paintings done at this competition but that is still in negotiation.
  4. The BWS Artists Show for 2011 will be in November of 2011 and it will be at the Bloomington Showers Plaza. BWS is working with Bloomington Parks and Recreation to present a show theme relating to the many parks in Bloomington. Members in attendance at the September and the October meeting are encouraged to select a park (randomly out of hat) that will be that member’s source of inspiration from fall 2010 to fall of 2011. Members are encouraged to go to the park in various seasons and to keep a diary to share with the Parks and Rec staff about what they see at the park. Each member can submit one painting of the park to the November 2011 show. The work must be watercolor on paper. BWS has made a list of the member/park assignments; if members chose to trade parks, they should notify Tricia.

Signature Status Awards
Due to the loss of the pictures taken of the Signature awardees, new pictures were taken of awardees who attended the September meeting.

No report

Old Business
First Vice-President, Nancy Davis-Metz reported that the Notecards are scheduled to be available at the October meeting.

New Business
Nancy encouraged each member to volunteer in some way to keep BWS exciting. She gave out sign-up sheets for members to provide information about what committees or officer slots they would be willing to support and asked that the sheets be returned to her at end of the meeting.

The following announcements were made:

  1. Nancy Metz suggested that members consider entering the juried show at Mitchell, Indiana. It is called the Persimmon Festival and for $5 per entry (maximum 3) the artist can compete in categories of Landscape, Waterscape, Still Life, Portrait/People, Animals/Birds, and Abstract/Non-Objective/Fantasy. Categories are NOT by media; so oil and watercolor landscapes are judged in the same category. The deadline for entry is September 20 and works must be delivered to the library in Mitchell.
  2. Jeanne Iler told the members that Gallery North has two opportunities that members may want to take advantage of. First, members can rent a wall at the gallery to show and sell their art. The cost is $200 a month. The artists must manage their own sales. Second, membership in the Gallery North Coop is being made available for a short time with waiver of entrance fee and a discounted monthly contract. See Jeanne or any of the coop members for more detail.
  3. Dan Alexander solicited entries in the on-line auction and juried show associated with the fall 2010/spring 2011 “Art of Chocolate” and the “Week of Chocolate” which are fund raisers for Options for Better Living. Artists who contribute works can set a price for their work and they will receive amount. Any online bid for the work over and above that price will go to the charity. The work that is judged best in the show will be displayed at the Indiana University Art Museum. See Dan for more information and/or a brochure.
  4. Members are reminded to check the website and the blog for communications about BWS business and activities. The blog has dates and updates, names of new members, listings of opportunities, exhibits by artists, and more.
  5. The minutes of prior meetings will NOT be read at any of the BWS meeting; they will be posted on the blog and members should read them so that they can be voted upon at the next meeting.

Following the business meeting, members held a show-and-tell of paintings they produced this summer on vacation and at workshops.

Respectfully submitted,

Charlotte Ann Griffin, Secretary 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


September 2010

"Sunflower Trio" by Nancy Davis Metz

First monthly meeting of the fall
September 13, Monday, 6:00 pm
First Christian Church, corner of Kirkwood and Washington in Bloomington.
After the monthly business meeting, Bob Talbot and Carol Rhodes will present an educational session on “Planning your Composition.”
Also, the BWS Greeting Cards will be available for sale. We are using an adapted "Girl Scout Cookie model" for sales. Members will buy the cards upfront and resell them for $12 a packet. It's a fund-raising project for Bloomington Watercolor Society. These packets will make great birthday and hostess gifts. Thank you to Nancy Davis Metz and her team for making this project possible.

For your quick reference, here is the BWS fall calendar of events. Stay tuned for all the details on all the events.
September 11, Saturday
TC Steele Great American Paint Out (this doubles as our BWS September paint out).
September 13, Monday
BWS Monthly Meeting
October 3, Sunday
BWS End of Season Paint Out at Story, Indiana
Families Welcome!
October 17, Sunday
BWS Field Trip
Watercolor Society of Indiana Opening Reception
Indianapolis Museum of Art
November 8, Monday
BWS Monthly Meeting
December 6, Monday
BWS Holiday Party at Meadowood Terrace Room

Meredith Metz, BWS' youngest member, with cousins Ashley and Kate at Talbot's 1800s cabin shown in photo at left. Many thanks to Bob Talbot for hosting BWS in this beautiful setting.

September 11
Great Outdoor Art Contest at TC Steele

7:00 am– 3:30 pm
FREE to the public; artists $10 per person, $5 per child
Celebrate T.C. Steele’s birthday by painting outdoors in the open air, inspired by the same surroundings that inspired Steele 100 years ago. An Artist-in-Residence will give a public workshop prior to the contest and then a public demonstration during the event. NEW this year: art exhibitors and vendors! Enjoy live music during the judging process. Artists must register in advance; call 812.988.2785 or email Catherine Atkinson at


We sincerely welcome our newest artist members, Carolyn Carlyle, Sheri Curry, Bess Lee, and DraSan’ Nitti. You’re gonna love being a part of the best organization in town!

The show continues! Paintings from the April Paint Out and Reception at the Columbus (Indiana) Learning Center are now on display in a “mini” show at the CLC. Many thanks to those artists who participated in the paint out and submitted their artwork.

  • Bob Burris, "BWS Show Reception"
  • Jeanne Iler, "Pansies"
  • Charlotte Griffin, “Geraniums"
  • Nancy Metz, "CLC Geometry"
  • Cathy Korinek, "Sweet Music"
  • Betty Wagoner, "Planter 1" (watercolor); "Planter ll " (pencil); "Planter lll" (colored pencil).
  • Tricia Wente, "CLC Plein Air" and "Windows"
Congratulations to two BWS artists, Nancy Davis Metz and Sara Steffey McQueen. They both were juried into the annual exhibit of the Watercolor Society of Indiana. Nancy’s painting, “Sunflower Trio,” is featured as our opening work of art. Sarah’s piece is titled "Rock Series #6.” (Editor’s Note: Only 52 of 167 paintings from artists around Indiana were selected.)

Nancy Davis Metz just received word that two paintings, "Tombi" and "Santa Fe Chapel" were juried into the Kentucky Watercolor Society's Aquaventure 2010 exhibit. The show runs from September 18 to October 17 at The Kentucky Museum on the campus of Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green. The Awards Reception is Saturday, September 18, 2:30 - 3:30 EST. The juror was Mike Nichols, an associate professor of art at WKU.

Tricia Wente will be exhibiting her acrylic paintings in the juried Penrod Arts Fair on the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Saturday, September 11, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm. Her booth assignment is # 95 in the "yellow" section of the grounds. For more information regarding this beautiful event, please go to Purchase advance tickets for Penrod from Marsh for $12, or gate price is $17. Children under 10 are free.

Kriste Lindberg was selected to represent the Fine Arts Salon of the National Speleological Society as a judge at the 2010 NSS convention in Burlington, Vermont during the first week in August. Also during the convention, she formed a steering committee for the newly created Outreach through the Arts Committee, which is part of the NSS Education Division. This committee will serve as a bridge between the arts and education in order to promote cave and karst conservation across the country.

Karen Naber took 2nd Place at the Indianapolis State Fair's juried competition for a drawing she entered in the non-professional category.

Sara Steffey-McQueen’s “Recent Works” will be hanging at By Hand Gallery for the month of September. The opening reception is Friday evening, September 3.

BWS’ friend and super artist, Judi Betts, recently received a special international honor. Her work was selected to hang in the Shanghai Zhujiajiao International Watercolour Biennial Exhibition in China. There were more than 2300 paintings submitted from around the world, and an international panel of judges from the United States, Australia, England, and Singapore chose 230 to exhibit.


By Kriste Lindberg, Workshop Coordinator
“Ten BWS artists and guests enjoyed an artful day of painting with Lynn Diamente of Columbia City, Indiana, during our second workshop of the year on Saturday, August 21st. While the rain fell outside, we applied water and paint to the paper inside of the First Christian Church.
“Lynn does outstanding floral paintings and her teachings were truly inspirational. She shared many insights on her sunflower painting techniques, which can also be transferred over to other applications in painting and more.
“Her instruction about negative painting, or the painting of what's just on the outside of an image rather than the image itself, was especially helpful; it added a lot of depth to the background of the paintings, creating a three-dimensional effect.
“Later that evening, I was sitting outside and writing in my journal. While doing so, I couldn't help but notice that negative painting would work well for nightscapes, such as the glowing outline of the citronella torch that was burning just off my back deck. I was inspired to sketch out a little image of it, too.
“It'll be fun and productive to see where the teachings of the workshop take us.”

(Editor’s Note: We were pleased to welcome visiting artists Lijun Zhang, a graduate student in Folklore from China; Linda Trowbridge from Indianapolis; and Carolyn Waldman to the workshop. Glad you could join us!)

Photos: Left, Lynn Diamente demonstrates a technique;
Above, Carolyn and Charlotte watch as Lynn shows how to do sunflower centers, artfully and creatively.


“We Paint…PARKS!”
The Bloomington Watercolor Society is partnering with Parks and Recreation for a theme-based show in November 2011. Artists will draw for their own assigned park for a year of painting. This drawing will take place at our first meeting of the fall on September 13th. Artists will have an entire year to create their painting, with the ultimate goal of hanging their painting in the membership show to be held in the Showers Plaza Atrium.
Tricia will provide preliminary details at the meeting, also, so please plan to be present for the “lottery” drawing and, if you cannot attend, please designate a member to act as your proxy.

All Day Watercolor Workshop

Jacki Frey Studio
A Watercolor Workshop will take place Saturday, September 18 from 9:00 – 3:00 pm. Jacki will demonstrate painting a face of a pioneer man with a beard. Bring paint supplies, a brown bag lunch, and a 1/4 sheet size paper. Please RSVP to Jacki if you would like to attend: 876-7200 or email

Gallery North: “Special Offer”
Starting September 1st, artists can join Bloomington’s leading fine arts gallery at a reduced rate. The joining fee of $150.00 has been dropped. Their monthly fee is now only $50.00 for the first three months with a 30% commission on sales.
Some of the benefits include having a solo or joint show after six months, a friendly atmosphere that promotes a “club” feeling, and a professional art gallery in which to display and promote your work.
Applications can also be obtained at or call 812-339-5729.

Mitchell, Indiana Persimmon Festival
Call for Entries
The annual Persimmon Festival , September 18-25, includes an art exhibit in the Mitchell Public Library. For complete details, contact Dottie Sherwood at 812-849-3508. The exhibit is divided into six categories: landscape, waterscape, still life, portrait/people, animals/birds, and abstract/non-objective/fantasy. No advance registration is necessary, and paintings must be delivered to the library basement on September 20, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm. To take part in the judging portion of the exhibit, there is an entry fee of $5.00 per piece.

Below: Kriste Lindberg, Activities Chairwoman, and Jo Weddle, BWS President 2010, share a pleasant moment at the Meadowood Paint Out Exhibit.

Meri Reinhold discusses the exhibit with BWS friends who attended.

Many thanks to Tricia Wente and Connie Brorson for their work in putting this show together!

It’s August and time to go back to school! The following classes are being offered by BWS members at IVTC and People’s University.

Beginning Watercolor, Part I
Jeanne Ellen Dutton
Thursdays, September 16-October 14, 9:30am-12 Noon, Waldron Large Classroom
Tuesdays, September 14-October 12, 6-8:30pm

Creative Ways with Watercolor
Jeanne Iler
Wednesdays, October 27-November17, 6-8pm

Animals in Art
Jeanne Iler
Thursdays, October 7-28, 6-8pm

Stretch Your Wings in Watercolor: Find Your Voice in Paint, Part I
Linda Meyer-Wright
Mondays, September 13-October 11, 12:30-3pm

Mixed Media Collage Exploration, Part I
Linda Meyer-Wright
Thursdays, September 16-October 14, 6:30-9pm

For full details and descriptions, please link to

Jewelry with a Flair
Jeanne Iler
Tuesdays, October 12 – November 2, 6-8 pm

Neighborhood Greening Toolkit
Kriste Lindberg
Tuesdays, October 5-26, 6:30-8:00 pm

Please link for full description and information to

Kentucky Watercolor Society - our neighbors to the south!

The Kentucky Watercolor Society opens its Aqueous USA 2010 exhibit on September 29 and continues through October 30. The opening reception takes place on Friday, October 8 at 5:30 pm. This is the 33rd national, juried exhibition and is considered to be one of the most prestigious watercolor events in the country.

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Editor, Jeanne Ellen Dutton
President 2010, Joanne Weddle
PO Box 5236
Bloomington, Indiana

Saturday, July 17, 2010


July 24, Saturday, is the next BWS paint out at the Duckworth Flower Farm
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Bring your paints and come out to Cheryl Duckworth’s home where the flowers are in bloom!
Take SR 446 SOUTH from SR46/3rd Street near Bruster’s Ice Cream Stand (bet you ALL know where that is, right?).
Go 1 mile.
Turn LEFT/EAST on Lampkins Ridge Road.
Keep going about 4 miles till you see the BWS sign in the yard on the left. It’s the last house, so if you go too far and T into Friendship Road, just turn around.

Photo of one of Cheryl Duckworth's flower beds.

July 31, Saturday
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Workshop at Jacki Frey Studio
Cost is $35.
Jacki will demonstrate and teach a lesson with a main street theme.
Brown bag for lunch and RSVP to Jacki at to make your reservations.

July 31, Saturday
Worldwide Sketch Crawl
Interested? Check out
This is a fun thing to do as a group or just by yourself. Grab a big frosty glass of iced tea, your sketchbook, and head out to your favorite place for a relaxing, casual, fun-in-the-sun art session. Then post your sketches on the website and voila! You’re famous! This is an international event, by the way, and artists from all over the world do participate.

August 4, Wednesday
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Pick up time. Those of you who participated in the CLC show in Columbus can pick up your paintings today at Tricia Wente’s Art House.
If for some reason you can’t be there, please ask a friend to pick it up for you. Email Tricia with questions at

August 7, Saturday
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Paint out at Bob Talbot’s 1800s Cabin
Watch your email for details and directions. Bob’s cabin sits on acres and acres of wooded land with two lakes and hiking path. Come out and hear Bob tell about the history of the cabin and how it was moved to its present location.

Photos of Talbots' 1800s Cabin

August 7, Saturday, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
August 8, Sunday, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Meadowood Show
For those who attended the Meadowood paint out, please bring your finished and framed paintings to the Meadowood Gallery at these designated times.

August 13, Friday
4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Opening Reception for the Meadowood Show and Everyone is invited!

August 21, Saturday
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Lynn Diamante Workshop
Cost: members $50; Non-members $60
From our Activities Director, Kriste Lindberg:
This workshop will be absolutely jam packed with techniques and tricks for watercolor.
Lynn states, "I try to be fearless when it comes to painting or trying new techniques. I work in several media, primarily watercolor and paint a variety of subjects… whatever piques my interest, especially nature. I work both representational and abstract, although many people think of me as a floral or landscape artist."
We will have a very full day of exploring watercolor using various techniques in "joyful, beautiful, uplifting, passionate and sometimes mysterious" contexts. Be prepared to be challenged and to have fun!
The deadline for member payment is the end of the day on July 17. You may pay with check, major credit/debit card or a PayPal account (if you have one). First-come, first-served.
Credit Card or PayPal - Register instantly online. Email to to receive instructions and a direct link to the form.
Checks - Mail your payment to us; write a check to "Bloomington Watercolor Society" and send to PO Box 5236, Bloomington, IN 47407-5236 (Please email to let us know your check is coming; we'll hold a spot for 4 days).
Members will pay $50; Non-members will pay $60.
Remember, the deadline for member payment is the end of the day on July 17. After that, all remaining spaces will be open to the waiting list and to non-members. Deadline for ALL registrations is 5 p.m. on August 7. Cancellations must be made by August 7. Cancellations made after this date will NOT be eligible to receive a refund; however, if an enrolled person wants to "sell" their registration to someone else, that's acceptable; however, members @ must be informed of any changes.
For questions, please contact Kriste Lindberg at or Carol Rhodes at For all the details, go to

August 20 and 21
9:00 – 4:00 Friday
9:00 – 3:0 Saturday
1:00 – 3:00 Saturday, half price mark down
1114 Brooks Drive, Bloomington
Awesome Artists Yard Sale
This yard sale supports the Fourth Street Art Fair and, if it’s half as good as last year’s, you won’t want to miss it! You know what fun stuff artists always have!
Interested in participating? Got questions? Call Susie @ 812-320-2415.


The top 8 vote-getters in the 2010 Notecard Project have been announced and they are, in alphabetical order,
Susan Blunck, "Retired"
Jeanne Dutton, "Magnolia"
Jerome Harste, "Reader"
Jeanne Iler, "Crane"
Nancy Metz, "Sunflower Trio"
Carol Rhodes, "Irises"
Meri Reinhold, "Day on Ocracoke"
Deborah Rush, "Rebecca and Henry"
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all who entered the contest!
The BWS Greeting Cards will be available at the September meeting for sale. We are using an adapted "Girl Scout Cookie model" for sales. Members will buy the cards upfront and resell them for $12 a packet. It's a fund-raising project for Bloomington Watercolor Society.
(And many thanks to Nancy Davis Metz and the committee for their work on this project!)

Kathleen Rice, one of the new BWS members from Greenwood, has a one woman art show in the Greenwood Library, 310 South Meridian, Greenwood for the months of July and August. Check out her website at

Another new member from Indianapolis, Marianne Glick, has an exhibit at the A to Z Cafe, 4705 E. 96th Street, Indianapolis from July 1 through July 31. See her gallery at

Sara Steffey McQueen is exhibiting at the Women’s Institute in New Harmony, Indiana now through August 15.

Sammye Dina Smith is exhibiting at the Gallery Group, 109 East 6th (where Prima Gallery was housed previously). (Note: your editor spoke with the Gallery Group and 25% of the proceeds from sales of the paintings go to support a very worthy cause, CASA.)

Marilyn Jo Martin had two paintings, "Old Soldier" and "Meeting of the Minds," accepted for a juried show for the Wabash Valley Watercolor Society being shown presently at the Tippecanoe Arts Federation in Lafayette.

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Editor, Jeanne Ellen Dutton
President 2010, Joanne Weddle
PO Box 5236
Bloomington, Indiana

Friday, June 18, 2010

BWS Meeting, June 14, 2010

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2010

Members in Attendance:

Kriste Lindberg, Karen Naber, Dan Alexander, Jo Weddle, Charlotte Griffin, Jeanne Dutton, Jan Britton, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Carol Rhodes, Jodi Estell, Susan Webb, Jacki Frey, Susan Blunck, Deborah Rush, Jerome Harste, Carla Hedges, Cathy Haggerty, Marie Carpenter, Vi Working, Russ Working, Gillian Harris, Evelyn Alwine, Joanne Shank, Kim Newbecker, Deloris Schneider, Rosemary Messick, Dee Rockwood, Connie Brorson, Bob Talbot, Michelle Talbot, Stephen Jackson, Robert Burris, Linda Endris, Sue Haverstock, Meredith Metz, Nancy Metz, Maribeth McKaig


Bess Lee, Sherry Curry, Carolyn Carlyle, Jeanne Jacobs

The June meeting of the Bloomington Watercolor Society was called to order at
6:08 p.m. by Joanne Weddle, President. Joanne welcomed guests and members and thanked the Hosptality/Cheer Co-Chairs, Kathy Karnes and Sue Haverstock for the set up and refreshments. She thanked the members who had provided refreshments (Jeanne Dutton and Rosemary Messick).

Joanne asked the members for any corrections to the minutes of the May 10 meeting. The members accepted the minutes without correction.

The treasurer’s report was given by Carol Rhodes. Acceptance of the treasurer’s report was proposed by Jeanne Dutton and seconded by Connie Brorson. The members present accepted the report unanimously.

Committee Reports were made.

Jacki Frey, Programs/Meetings Chair, reminded the membership that there are no meetings in July & August and that the next meeting will be on September 13. The September program will be presented by Bob Talbot and Carol Rhodes and will be about composition.

Paint Out
Susan Blunck, Paint outs Chair, reminded members that the paint out calendar continues through the summer with a July 24th paint out at the Duckworth Flower Farm , an August 7th paint-out at Bob Talbot’s 18000’s Cabin, a September 11th paint out in association with the T.C. Steele Great Outdoor Arts Contest, and an October 3rd paint out at the Story Inn Bed and Breakfast.

Joanne mentioned that the paint-out in June on the 12th at Meadowood was attended by 13 members and thanked Meadowood for hosting the event. Connie Brorson reminded those who attended that they are encouraged to show the work they created and one other work at Meadowood in August. Matted and framed works can be delivered on Saturday, August 7 between 10:30 and 11:30 am or Sunday, August 8 between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. A reception as opener to the exhibit will be on August 13 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Kriste Lindberg, Activities/Workshop Chair, reported that the BWS workshop by Sandy Maudlin was fully attended. Members Bob Talbot, Charlotte Griffin and Kriste Lindberg brought along the paintings that they did as part of the workshop to show to the membership. The next workshop is planned for August 21 with Lynn Diaminte. Additional details will be forthcoming in the BWS blogspot.

In Tricia Wente’s absence, Jeanne Dutton reported that the Member Show at the Columbus Learning Center will come down on August 3 and e-mail will be sent out to exhibitors concerning pick-up of their paintings. The USA International Harp Competition from July 7 through 17 has invited BWS to have members create works on-site during the competition. There is a limit of 1 or 2 artists in the rooms during the competition and a signup sheet was distributed for those interested. Contact Tricia Wente if your name did not get on the sheet.

Signature Status Awards
Second Vice-President, Dan Alexander presented pens and certificates to members who had won Signature status. New Signature Status members are: Violet Working, Bob Burris, and Gillian Harris.

Old Business:
First Vice-President, Nancy Davis-Metz handed out ballots for those in attendance to vote for the images that will be placed on the BWS notecards. Results will be tallied and reported. Notecards will be printed and sold with eight to a pack for $12.00.

New Business:
Jacki Frey suggested that members have the chance to enter into the Madison Art competition in August/September. She will send email to be included on the blog about the deadline for entrance and other details.

The following announcements were made:
1. Members are reminded to check the website and the blog for communications about BWS business and activities. The blog has dates and updates, names of new members, listings of opportunities, exhibits by artists, and more.
2. The minutes of prior meetings will NOT be read at any of the BWS meeting; they will be posted on the blog and members should read them so that they can be voted upon at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. based on a motion by Jeanne Dutton which was seconded by Gillian Harris.

Following the business meeting a program was presented by member Jackie Frey involving negative painting as a warm up and as a technique to create a painting.

Respectfully submitted,

Charlotte Ann Griffin, Secretary 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010


June 2010
BWS Monthly Meeting
Monday, June 14, 6:00 pm
First Christian Church
June’s program will be on Negative Painting, presented by Jacki Frey.
Think about painting space and not the object for a more interesting painting!
Paint along as Jacki talks about painting down the value scale as an under painting, then building up the painting with negative shapes. Bring your watercolor supplies, two sheets of w/c paper, pencil and eraser, and a hairdryer if you can.

Paint out at Meadowood, Connie Brorson, hostess
The Meadowood kitchen will be preparing box lunches for those BWS artists who registered before the event. (If you want to drop in and have some fun, you are more than welcome - but if you missed making a reservation, bring your own brown bag!)
Artists who participate are welcome to finish, frame, and exhibit their paintings at the August show at Meadowood. Tricia will provide more details on that mini-exhibit as we get closer to August.

August 21 is the date set for the BWS autumn workshop with Lynn Diamante. Mark your calendar! More details to come.....

July 19 - 21, BWS will host an artists' retreat in French Lick with Vesta Seville at her Artist Inn and Gallery B&B.
It starts on Monday evening with an artists reception, then two days of workshop lessons, critiques, and painting. The workshop, including two nights lodging and breakfasts, is only $135! For complete informatioin, contact me at .

Because BWS is such a fun and vibrant organization, we have reached a membership of 87. Wow! And welcome to our newest members, Marianne Glick, Margret Kingrey, Rose McKay, and Deloris Schneider. Just know you will enjoy being a part of such a great group of artists!

On May 15, as part of Art in the Garden, BWS was invited to exhibit a few paintings at Meadowood. Thanks to the BWS artists who participated and our newest member, Deloris Schneider, for her help in organizing and setting up the show, as well as sharing her photos! (Deloris' monochromatic painting, "Pissarro's Peasants," is seen above as the "cover" painting.)
In spite of the rain, there was a nice turnout and the Meadowood culinary staff did an impressive job of providing a feast for all who attended.
Below, a portion of the exhibit; works by Jerry Harste, Jean Vietor, Evelyn Alwine, and Rosemary Messick.

May 22 was a fun-filled day! Sandy provided all 20 participants with many challenges - and techniques which were new to all of us! The creative juices were flowing like crazy and you can view a few of the paintings at Monday's meeting when we "Show and Share."
Below (thanks to Carol Rhodes for sharing the photos!):
Some of the tools we used to put the paint to the plastic.
Kathie Rice enjoying her work.
Your editor's attempt to tackle the challenge.
Sandy shares some hints with Carol Rhodes.

BWS received the following information from Kelly Murphy, art teacher at Templeton Elementary School, who recently rented a studio space in Bloomington. She will be teaching art classes to children ages 4-18 during the summer and after school. In addition, she is looking for people to set up booths to sell their goods every second Saturday from June-November. The studio will also have a cooperative element where adults teach classes, run clubs, have art shows, etc. There will be open studio time for adults and families to bring their scrap books or other projects in a spread out. The space is also good for birthday parties or team building. If any of these activities sound appealing, please contact Kelly at (812)331-7365,

JUNE 28 Deadline: 17th Annual Juried Art Show
Jasper (Indiana) Community Arts has published a call for entries to the 17th Annual Juried Art Show. The prospectus and application are available at and the deadline for applications is June 28th, 2010.
Ed Maxedon, Curator of Education at the Indiana University Art Museum, will serve as the judge. The show will be in the Krempp Gallery, Jasper Arts Center, 951 College Avenue, Jasper, from September 1–30, 2010.

JUNE 26, McCormick Creek State Park, Arts in the Park
Five Dollars buys a carload of people a day at McCormick's Creek State Park and admission to Arts in the Park. Over 25 artists, including BWS members Jeanne Iler and Marianne Glick, will be displaying and selling handmade original art. While wandering the festival, enjoy the music of local musicians and a beautiful day in the sunshine.

The new Smithville Farmer's Market is open to artists on the first Saturday of each month, 8:30 to noon, for selling arts and crafts. There is no vendor fee or registration. Picnic tables are available. The market is also seeking new vendors for locally grown produce. Location is the Park shelter house behind Redman Hall, south of Fairfax Road, at 7330 S. Strain Ridge Road, Smithville.

JULY 7-17, USA National Harp Competition at Indiana University
BWS has been invited to record the competition in watercolor! Thanks to the efforts of Tricia Wente, the executive director of the USAIHC, Andrew Bratton, will welcome a few BWS artists to sketch and/or paint the harpists as they participate in this wonderful competition. For details and to reserve your date and time, please contact

JULY 9 Deadline: Watercolor Society of Indiana, Juried Art Show

Find all the details in the prospectus at
JULY 16 Deadline: Midwest National Abstract Art Exhibition VI
Hosted by the Southside Art League, Greenwood, Indiana, you can view the prospectus at

AUGUST 2 Deadline: The Kansas Watercolor Society National Exhibition 2010 will be held November 19, 2010 through January 2, 2011. The exhibit is open to all artists living and working in North America. Only original paintings in primarily aqueous medium on paper are acceptable. Please visit for information and details. Or contact the Wichita Center for the Arts, (316)634-2787.

Sara Steffey McQueen received a Lilly Endowment last summer and traveled to the British Isles, documenting her travels in watercolor and photographs. Her upcoming show, “Recent Experiences with Nature," will be on display at the Women’s Institute & Gallery, July 2 to August 15. The opening reception is Saturday, July 10 3-6 pm.
Gale Clifton made a power point presentation to the Bloomington Women Inspire business networking group about the history of Artist Trading Cards. After the presentation, Gale distributed ATCs, a watercolor box, colored markers, and stickers so everyone could make one. (Gale has generously offered to loan the program to anyone who would like to use it for a group presentation.)
New BWS member, Marianne Glick's painting, "Dream Big," was accepted into the International Society of Experimental Artists annual juried competition and will be on display at the Forest Hills Fine Art Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan from June 1-30. Marianne also has two paintings on display at the IUPUI Cultural Arts Gallery through July 30.
Kriste Lindberg recently completed a mural at the Rumba Cafe. An opening reception, coinciding with the "kickoff" of the World Cup soccer tournament, took place June 5. Here's one view of the mural featuring the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Brushstrokes is an (almost)
monthly publication of the
Bloomington (IN) Watercolor Society
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47407-5236
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, editor
Jo Weddle, 2010 president