Friday, December 16, 2011

Brushstrokes -- December 2011

President’s column
By Kriste Lindberg

The year is coming to a close and that means my reign as president is just about over. It’s been a pleasure working with you in this capacity. This is such a great organization. We have so many good people and do so many wonderful things – from programs at our monthly meetings to paint outs to the show and more. Not bad for a group of volunteers!

Probably my favorite event so far this year was the BWS Show 2011 at City Hall with the Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District and benefiting the City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department. The show brought together our community’s natural resources with the arts for a win/win. Just seeing the paintings come in, talking with artists, and hearing their stories was enough to give me goosebumps.  All had their own unique experiences. It’s a good feeling to know that we will be preserving them for the future. 

I’d like to say a great big THANK YOU to all who have made this year the success that it has been. “It takes a village,, as they say (whoever “they” are – reminds me of an old Monty Python skit).  At any rate, I look forward to serving as 1st Vice President next year.

Hope to see you at the holiday party.

Holiday Party
Remember the Holiday Party Monday, Dec. 19, at Meadowwood, 2455 Tamarack Trail. The party starts at 6 p.m. Bring your Artist Trading Cards.
At the November meeting,
Jerry Harste shared ATC ideas.

"Playground in Spring" by Deborah Rush
We paint … Parks!
The 2012 Spring/Summer Bloomington Parks catalog will feature Deborah Rush’s “Playground in Spring” on the front cover.  Deloris Schneider’s “Neighborhood Park” (Highland Village Park) and Diane Probst’s  “The Hidden Jewel” (Leonard Springs Nature Preserve) will be inside the program.

These paintings and 42 others were displayed in the City Hall Atrium in November as part of a BWS/Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department joint venture. BWS members randomly  drew the names of city parks properties in the fall of 2010 and then had one year to explore and paint their parks. Show chair Tricia Wente said two paintings have sold, and participating painters may have another opportunity to display their work.

At the show’s closing reception Dec. 2, Miah Michaelson, Bloomington’s assistant economic development director for the arts, announced the paintings chosen for publication in the spring program catalogs. Also receiving recognition from the Parks Department  were  Barbara Hawkins, who painted “Where the Fun Begins” (Allison-Jukebox Community Center); Nancy Davis Metz, who painted “Griffy Lake”; Cassidy Young, who painted “Third Street Park”; Dan Alexander  for  “People’s Park”; and Tricia Wente, who painted “Winslow Vignettes” (Winslow Sports Complex).

We Paint … the Springs
Reserve your spot now for a watercolor weekend at the French Lick Resort Sept. 21 to 23. We Paint … the Springs offers classes and workshops that will inspire and instruct beginning to advanced artists.

Beginners will have a full day of interactive demonstrations on watercolor tools and techniques. Each participant will create several small paintings during the day; paint, paper and brushes will be provided.

For intermediate and advanced painters, Saturday offers options of three educational sessions in the morning, and the choice of two afternoon workshops led by professional Hoosier watercolor artists, William “Bill” Borden and Cathy Hillegas.

Sunday will feature a plein air Paint Out for artists in all water media. Judging will take place in two categories, beginning/intermediate and advanced/professional.

The conference is sponsored by Bloomington Watercolor Society in collaboration with Ivy Tech Bloomington Center for Lifelong Learning.

To register for the conference, go to or call the Center for Lifelong Learning at 812-330-6041. For Friday-Sunday,  the cost is $179 if registered before April 15; $199 after April 15. It includes Saturday education sessions, the Sunday Paint Out, one breakfast, two lunches and two happy hours.

Saturday only registration is $169 if paid before April 15 and $179 after April 15.  It includes Saturday educational sessions, one breakfast, one lunch and one happy hour.

Sunday only registration is $40 and includes the Paint Out and lunch.

Registration includes conference registration only and meals as noted. To make room reservations, call the French Lick Resort at 1-888-936-9360 and use code 0912BWS for the $189 discounted room rate.

Affordable scans
Deborah Rush reports that Staples can scan originals up to 11 x 17. "I took five paintings over and they scanned them at 600 dpi," she said. "I had to buy a flash drive for $10 since I hadn't taken one with me, but they did it while I waited for $1.25. Total! The quality is perfectly acceptable. They put the images all together into a pdf, but I bet they could save them as individual jpgs as well. Anyway, I am VERY excited and wanted to share the info."

Family Tree wine tasting and canvas painting
Sarah Hedges has announced a wine tasting/canvas painting event Feb. 11 at 5 p.m. Participants will create what Sarah describes as “a funky little tree with small cardinals on the limbs.” All suppies, wine and snacks  will be included. The price is $35.

The event will take place at the Boondoggle Barn Winery, 2667 Burton Lane, Martinsville. Contact Sarah A. Hedges at 765-792-0328 to reserve your spot.

Sarah A. Hedges has just completed an 11-by-16 mural at Flanner and Buchanan Washington Park North in Indianapolis.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Meeting Minutes, November 14, 2011

Members in attendance: Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Candi Bailey, Jan Britton, Patti Brundle, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Bob Ferguson, Beth Gray, Charlotte Griffin, Sue Haverstock, Jerry Harste, Carla Hedges, Steve Jackson, Margret Kingrey, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindberg, Sara McQueen, Meredith Metz, Nancy Metz, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, John Shelton, Phyllis Taylor, Bob Thrasher, Jean Vietor, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, Vi Working, Cassidy Young.

New Member: Donna Whitsitt

The meeting was called to order at the First Christian Church in the Great Hall on the second floor at 6:12 p.m. President, Kriste Lindberg introduced our new member, Donna Whitsitt who has a show of her works currently up at The Venue.

Kriste thanked the Hospitality/Cheer chair, Evelyn Alwine, for the refreshments that were provided by Tina Allgood, Vi Working, Deloris Schneider, and Jo Weddle.

The minutes of the last meeting (October 10, 2011) were handed out for members to read.  No additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance.  Joanne Weddle proposed acceptance and Cathy Korinek seconded the motion. The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

The Treasurer's Report for October was read by Jeanne Dutton.  Jeanne mentioned that income was coming in from sale of note cards at The Venue.  Replenishing of the supply of cards is in the offing.

Committee Reports

Membership: The Membership Update was provided by Betty Wagoner; the total membership is 73 paid members.

Paint Outs: The last paint-out on October 15 at Musgrave Orchard was a success.  Many pumpkins to paint and good food were available.  John Shelton brought the work he created at the paint-out for others to see.

Meetings and Programs, interim chair, Kriste Lindberg, reminded members that the program for the holiday party on December 19 is installation of officers and an Artist Trading Card trading session.  Jeanne Dutton passed around a piece of paper on which members  could provide suggestions for programs for next year.

Hospitality/Cheer Chair, Evelyn Alwine, reminded members that reservations and payment for the Holiday party have a deadline of December 9.  Cost is $12 per member and $15 per guest.  Pay by check sent to the BWS post office address (see web) or use Paypal on or after November 20 when a special payment button will be available.

Shows/Historian Chair, Tricia Wente thanked all the people who worked so hard to make the “We Paint Parks” exhibition a success.   Bob Anderson, Connie Brorson, Jodie Estelle, and Kriste Lindberg helped by being at City Hall most of the morning of November 3 to receive the paintings as they were delivered by the members.  Evelyn Alwine coordinated a small feast available to all who attended the reception on November 4.  Deloris Schneider loaned a festive silk flower arrangement for the buffet table and Jeanne Dutton did a rush job of compiling all of the information about the parks pictures into a program list and a notebook.

Members can expect an email later in the month reminding them about the closing reception on December 2nd and about the timing and process for picking up their art work.

Brushstrokes, Nancy Metz gave special thanks to Jeanne Dutton for publishing the Brushstrokes in November.

Old Business:

Jeanne Dutton reported that the scholarship committee made up of herself, and Vi Working, Joanne Weddle, and Sara Steffey-McQueen, has met and will be providing a report at the January meeting. 

Charlotte Griffin said that the BWS Online Gallery needs more input and that members can contact her if they need some help.

Nancy Metz gave a status report on the activities related to the We Paint – the Springs Conference.  She said that the professional artists that have been booked for the Saturday afternoon sessions at the conference are Bill Borden and Cathy Hillegas

·         The sponsorship committee headed by Beth Gray will be sending prospectus to various art related businesses in and attempt to raise some money for some of the expenses.

·         The Program committee headed by Charlotte Griffin distributed a form to all attending members inviting them to propose a class that they would like to teach during the Saturday morning session of the conference.  The form will also be delivered via email and may be filled out online, saved and sent via email.  Alternatively, members may simply fill in a blank form with pencil and mail it.

The nominating committee, headed by Tricia Wente, reported that after a lengthy and thorough search to fill all offices and asking many members for their service, the nominating committee proposes the following slate:
  • President: Jeanne Dutton
  • 1st VP: Kriste Lindberg
  • 2nd VP: Betty Wagoner
  • Secretary: Charlotte Griffin
  • Treasurer: Carol Rhodes
The executive board approved an exception to the by-laws which state that the first three officers may not succeed themselves, and Betty Wagoner will continue as 2nd vice president.  The exception was requested by the nominating committee for practical reasons, including the time involved to train a new person and Betty's willingness to continue working with the membership responsibilities while chairing the Signature status process this coming spring.

New Business:

No new business was raised.


An ad-hoc road trip is being pulled together for December 3 to the Indianapolis Museum of Art to see the Indiana Watercolor Society Show before it is taken down. 

The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.  Attention was transferred to the evening's program which was presented by Jerry Harste.  The program was on the definition of and creation of Artist Trading Cards.  First Jerry gave the members a look at some stocking stuffers that members might consider for their children or grandchildren.  Jerry projected copies of a couple of books for children that are “Art” related and educational (about names of colors and what art is).  Jerry also shared a tip about the use of Adobe Photoshop (Filter-Artistic-Cutout) for seeing the darks and lights of a photo you have taken.  He also demoed an App on his iPad called Color Splash which is ostensibly for photographers but useful for artists. 

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

BWS Meeting Minutes-October 10, 2011

Members in attendance: Tina Allgood, Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Candi Bailey, Jan Britton, Patti Brundle, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Charlotte Griffin, Jerry Harste, Carla Hedges, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindberg, Sara McQueen, Nancy Metz, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Diane Probst, Meri Reinhold, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, Joanne Shank, John Shelton, Phyllis Taylor, Bob Thrasher, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Went.

Guests in Attendance: Donna Whitsitt

The meeting was called to order at the First Christian Church in the Great Hall on the second floor. BWS President, Kriste Lindberg, asked members to greet our guest.

Kriste thanked the Hospitality/Cheer chair, Evelyn Alwine, for the refreshments that were provided by Jo Weddle, Jeanne Dutton, Jerry Harste, and Kriste Lindberg. 

The minutes of the last meeting (September 12, 2011) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

The Treasurer's Report for October was read by Carol Rhodes, Treasurer.  Carol said that the workshop on October 1 has been paid for.  Some members have still not paid their membership dues and are subject to being dropped from the membership

Committee Reports

Membership: The Membership Update was provided by Betty Wagoner; the total membership is 71 paid members.

Paint Outs: Jeanne Dutton directed members to take a copy of the flyer available tables around the room that give the particulars about the next and last paint-out on October 15 at Musgrave Orchard.  That paint-out will be a pitch-in.  Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish that will go with chili. Email will be sent to all members so that those who missed the meeting will be informed.

Activities/Workshop Chair, Deloris Schneider, said that the Rena Brouwer workshop on October 1 was very educational and enjoyable.  A number of the attendees brought their paintings to the meeting so that the members to see their finished works.

Shows Chair, Tricia Wente handed out the postcard/invitations to the We Paint Parks exhibition.  She asked that no one send out the postcards until October 19 or later in order to keep the date fresh in the public’s eye.  Postage required is 29 cents.  If members have an email list and can create labels, they can give the printed labels to Jeanne Dutton who will place the postage on the cards and mail them.

The opening reception will be November 4 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Showers Atrium and that there will be a closing reception on Friday December 2, same hours and location.  BWS will pay for a harpist for the opening reception.  A signup sheet for bringing some type of refreshments was passed around. Tricia reminded those that are participating to please produce a brief paragraph of their experiences while painting at the parks and to include an image of their work as well as one of themselves when it is handed in.

Brushstrokes, Nancy Metz said that she will accept submissions for Brushstrokes at any time and members need not wait until the end/beginning of the month. 

Old Business:

Joanne Shank told the members about Visual Arts Guild meeting to be held on October 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. 

The nominating committee for next year’s officers and committee chairs has made a good start on filling the roster.  Jeanne Dutton passed out forms for members to use if they are interested in any of the positions.  She also passed out a form for members to make suggestions about next year’s programs, workshops, and conference instructors.

New Business:

1.    Scholarships:  A committee consisting of Joanne Weddle, Vi Working, and Sara McQueen along with Jeanne Dutton has been formed to expand on the idea of Scholarships that might provide stipends in the form of art supplies to young artists at the high school level who are considering art as their future career.  A proposal will be developed and presented to the membership.

2.    Honorary membership:  Jeanne Dutton has completed the awarding of an Honorary Membership to Heidi Heiser.

3.    BWS Gallery: Charlotte Griffin told members that BWS Web based gallery has been updated with works by Vi Working and Jerry Harste and encouraged members to submit some of their work.  See  

4.    Water Media Conference 2012:  Nancy Metz and Carol Rhoades reported on the progress toward a BWS sponsored Water Media Conference on September 21-23 of 2012 called “We Paint…the Springs”.  The conference will be held in the French Lick/West Baden area and will draw from the artist pool in the states of Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky and possibly from Saint Louis and Cincinnati.  Partnerships with Ivy Tech for publicity and fee collection and the Hotels in French Lick/West Baden have been negotiated. There is a go/no go cut off for running the conference on May 1 that is based on enrollment and room reservations.  A handout was provided showing a price of $199 for the whole conference and $179 for Friday and Saturday (9/21-9/22) only.  There are early bird registration discounts for registration by April 15, 2012.  Cancellations will not be accepted after April 30, 2012. 


Joanne Weddle handed out brochures from Bloom (the magazine) aimed at artists who wish to buy advertising space in Bloom’s Dec/Jan Guide to Regional Arts. Tricia Wente said that the magazine H&L (Home and Lifestyles) also is planning an issue focusing on art and that local artists can contact H&L for more information about ads.

Sara Steffey-McQueen announced that she has some of her works displayed at Sublime Design.

Joanne Shank announced that she has her works in both parts of Lennie’s Restaurant/Brew Pub. 

The meeting was adjourned.  Attention was transferred to the evening's program which was presented by Cathy Korinek and Joanne Weddle.  The program was entitled Art on the Go! Creative Travel Journaling.  Cathy shared her experience with travel journaling and passed around more than a half-dozen of her journals for members to peruse.  Joanne talked about her recent trip to Spain sponsored by an artist who organizes art based trips. 

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Brushstrokes November 2011

Photo Courtesy of Tricia Wente
November 2011
In this issue:
We Paint...Parks
On the Horizon
Member News
Inspirations: Zoe Dean

On the BWS Horizon
Monthly Meeting
Monday, November 14
6:00 p.m.
First Christian Church
A short business meeting, during which members will vote for the slate of 2012 officers, will take place. Jerry Harste will teach us about Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) and then we will spend the rest of the evening creating. Bring your paint supplies!
Artists who attended the Musgrave Orchard Paint Out are invited to please bring your paintings for Show and Share.

Holiday Party
Monday, December 19
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Details will be announced at the November meeting.

President's Column
Wow!  What a show.
After decompressing in front of the fire with a glass of wine and my journal close at hand, it was great just to think back to the culmination of a project that has been in the making for over a year.
It looks fantastic! And, the opening Friday night was a sensational hit. Estimates came in at over 150 attendees.  If the artist's paintings and short synopsis' of their experiences don't give you the feel-good chills, you might want to pinch yourself to make sure you are awake.
The paintings, created over the four seasons, will be up in the atrium of City Hall through Gallery Walk on December 2nd.
All of the City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department’s parks, trails, and facilities - 45 altogether - are represented and on display along with the artist's stories in booklet form. We are now talking about possibly publishing them. More on that later.
Thanks to all of the artists and special thanks to our show chairwoman Tricia Wente, Nancy Metz, Jeanne Dutton and Evelyn Alwine of BWS, Miah Michaelson of BEAD, and Julie Ramey of the City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department.
Now, on to getting things in order for the Holiday Party on December 19.

Kriste Lindberg
BWS President 2011

Barb Hawkins and friend. 
Photo courtesy of Garrett J Poortinga, Green Hat Photography, 2011.
"We Paint...Parks" Opening Reception
The “We Paint…Parks” Reception on Friday, November 4, was one smashing success! Everyone enjoyed the exhibit of paintings by BWS member artists. An added bonus was the beautiful music provided by harpist Maggie Grove, recent Master’s graduate of the I.U. Jacobs School of Music, pictured in the photo below.

Maggie Grove, Harpist. 
Photo courtesy of Bob Anderson.
Reception in the Atrium.
Photo courtesy of Deborah Rush.
The Parks exhibition hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, as well as Saturday mornings when City Hall is open during the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market, and additional evening hours when City Hall is open for meetings.

Musgrave Orchard, the Final Paint Out of 2011
It was an incredible day!  The sun was shining, the leaves were aboslutely glorious, and we were surrounded by pumpkins and apples and people.  It was the largest attendance ever at a BWS paint out and one of the most productive.  The hot chili, cornbread, desserts, and warm cider satisfied the hunger we all experienced being in the open air.  Our thanks to Musgrave Orchard for allowing us to share their deck and paint their pumpkins.  (Artists, please remember to bring your paint out paintings to the meeting for all to enjoy!)
 Photo courtesy of Phyllis Taylor
Quick Response (QR) Codes and the Arts
by  Kriste Lindberg
Ever wonder what those funny looking black and white squares are that you come across in the corners of ads and fliers?  You may have seen them in our BWS 2011 Members Show publications, as well.
Those squares are QR, or Quick Response, codes.  By using a special (FREE!) smartphone app, you can hover your communication device over the image will pick it up and take you right to the website.
What a concept. Think they have a lot of potential in the arts. There was a story in the Herald Times on July 24 about a local artist using them in a gallery exhibit, allowing people to quickly find information on his work.
QRs are quick and easy to make at 
Here is the one we have been using to take you directly to the BWS website.  Try it!

Cave Paintings
On Tuesday evening, October 18, BWS members Jeanne Dutton and Kriste Lindberg treated guests at The Venue Fine Art and Gifts to fun and creative ways to enjoy cave critters – you know, those creepy crawlers we all associate with Halloween, like spiders, bats, and centipedes.
Participants learned not only how to create the creatures in watercolor, but how to appreciate them and their contributions to the ecosystem. Then, everyone created bookmarks with thumbprint critters in watercolor. It was a fun and productive way to introduce people to both the value of caves and their contents, instilling an appreciation of the life forms which are not so familiar.
This two hour event was a collaborative effort between BWS and the Parks and Recreation Department.

The Indiana State Museum
The Indiana State Museum has added two paintings by the late Catherine Burris, wife of BWS Signature Members Bob Burris, to its permanent collection: “Daddy Wanted a Princess” and “Thou Shall Not Scream" (seen on left). These two works are companion pieces to her painting, “The Woman Forgot,” which is already in the collection.An exhibit, “Heartland Art: Selections from your Indiana Collection,” opened October 1, 2011 and includes Catherine's painting,“The Woman Forgot.”

Zoe Dean

Inspiration for this painting came from a BWS meeting earlier in the season when Jacki Frey talked about composition and how to take a picture that has a lot of subject matter and break it down by using a small rectangle in an 8 1/2 X 11 piece of white paper. Jacki passed out a couple of photos and gave a demonstration of how she painted an outdoor scene.
I came home and, with my little square, picked out of the photo that made me "wow" about it for the composition.  I didn't do a value sketch, but knew that I needed value to make the painting work.
Then I needed a focal point, and determined what would have the most detail, picked out my colors, and went to work. The actual painting only took about 20 minutes. I didn't use any misket and did my best to retain the areas that needed to stay light or white. I tried to stick to a limited palate and keep the colors simple, using only a combination of 5 colors.
When I got the majority of the painting completed, I let it "cook" for a couple of days and figured what details needed to be added to make the painting credible.  It's hard for me to put only a few moments of painting into a picture and this was a real test of letting the painting be without adding too much. I found a frame that I already had with a matte, and framed the painting long before I decided I would put it in the Owen County Fair open class. There's always a certain uncertainty when entering something like a painting in the fair. Last year I entered another harbor painting and it received a First Place, but the judge had questions and thought it was a forged painting because of the embossed area on the Arches watercolor paper (go figure on that one). I truly thought that painting was a real winner.
I really like painting water scenes and perhaps it's because my dad was in the Navy and an excellent swimmer. But not all paintings that I do work, and a lot of paintings end up in the flat file only to be a lesson learned. I must say that Jacki Frey has been the best teacher I could ever have. She has brought out this inner creativity in me. I took my first watercolor class with her about 6 or 7 years ago at the Area 10 Center in Ellettsville, and she has inspired me ever since. I can't thank her enough. Watercolor is the joy and frustration of my life and I am hopeful that I can pick up a brush and use it to the end of my days.

November 11, 2011
Watercolor Yupo
Speedway Centre for the Arts
9:30-3 pm
Class fee $50.00

December 10, 2011
Watercolor on Yupo
Boondoggle at the Barn Winery
Martinsville, Indiana
9:30-3 pm
For full details and supply list, contact Sarah A. Hedges, Instructor, at 765-792-0328.

The 35th WAS-H International Exhibition is announced by the Watercolor Art Society – Houston. Founded in 1975, WAS-H is a non-profit organization with over 500 members. The exhibition will be juried by BWS' friend and workshop leader, Judi Betts. The entry deadline is January 28, 2012 and the first place prize is $2000, with other cash prizes and awards to be presented. The prospectus can be found at

This guest editor wishes all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving, overflowing with blessings.  Be safe and have a great holiday!
Jeanne Ellen Dutton

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Brushstrokes -- October 2011

painting by Rena Brouwer
photo by Jerome Harste
 In this issue
  • On the BWS horizon
  • Rena Brouwer recap
  • Member news
  • Beyond BWS borders
  • A spattered September meeting

On the BWS horizon

October meeting’s program: Travel journaling
Jo Weddle and Cathy Korinek will tell how they have kept journals of their recent travels to Spain and New Zealand.

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10 at the First Christian Church at the corner of Kirkwood and Washington. 

Oct. 15
Paintout finale at Musgrave Orchard
BWS will close out the 2011 Paintout schedule with a pitch-in lunch and painting session Saturday, Oct. 15, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Paintout chair Jacki Frey says to drive north on SR 37, turn north on Chambers Road, and then left on Old 37. It sounds more complicated than it is. You can follow the Musgrave Orchard signs.

We Paint … the Springs!
It’s official: Bloomington Watercolor Society in collaboration with Ivy Tech will produce a weekend watercolor conference at French Lick/West Baden Sept. 21 to 23, 2012. More details will be announced at the October meeting. For now, you should mark your calendars and e-mail to volunteer your time and talents.

Rena Brouwer workshop recap

Rena Brouwer, Jo Weddle, Tina Allgood, and Sue Haverstock

Twenty painters joined Rena Brouwer Oct. 1 for a daylong workshop on painting birds. Thanks to Jerry Harste for sharing these quotes from Rena and photos of the workshop.
"When you paint, write a couple words about what you are trying to do.  It will help you keep your focus."
"Everyday, for a year, study one thing -- something you see every day -- and make note of it.  One day think about design, the next day about color, the third day about balance.  Your palette becomes the color of your object, be it a tree, an owl, a shadow, or a person.  The object is see it so you can symbolize it."

Member news

Nature Mandala
by Sara McQueen
Lotus Mandala
by Sara McQueen

Sara McQueen has an opening at this weekend’s Gallery Walk at Sublime Design on Kirkwood.  "Nature Mandala," a 5-foot watercolor, will be presented for the first time.

The Watercolor Society of Indiana will present Sara a certificate designating her a signature member on Sunday, Oct. 16, in Indianapolis. Sara’s "Lotus Mandala" was juried into the 2012 WSI Exhibit, which will be displayed at the Indianapolis Museum of Art from Oct. 16 to Dec. 3.

Joanne Shank has work on display at Lennie's Restaurant, 1795 E. 10th St, through the end of October. Birds in changing seasons are on display in the dining area and musician gesture paintings are featured in the bar.

Tricia Heiser Wente and David Ross
Stevens, featured artists at The Gallery on
Pearl in New Albany

In New Albany, The Gallery on Pearl’s current exhibit is “Art in 5D,” which features 2D painter Tricia Heiser Wente and 3D sculptor David Ross Stevens. Tricia has 18 paintings in the show, many of them from BWS paintouts. The Gallery is open Tuesday through Friday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The address is 222 Pearl St., New Albany.

by Carolyn Rogers Richard

Carolyn Rogers Richard will show her paintings and painted fabric art in the Meadowwood art gallery from Oct. 7 to Oct. 30. Included in the show will be handpainted fabric pieces including soft sculpture hearts and usable art such as sofa pillows, coasters, purses, and necklaces.  BWS members are invited to a reception Oct. 14 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. The gallery will be open between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.   If you arrive and find the gallery locked, please see the receptionist upstairs at the main entrance and she will see that it is opened.  If you have any questions or need directions, please call Carolyn at 812-320-2200 or email

At the B-Line Trail dedication, Charlotte Griffin
(above) was one of the BWS volunteers who
painted on site. Nancy Metz (below) showed
young painters the crayon resist technique.
BWS President Kriste Lindberg and Nancy
Metz (bottom) sketch with their paints at the
Switchyard Park, where the B-Line Trail was

Deborah Rush and Bob Burris at the Great Outdoor Art
Contest and Art Fair on the grounds of the T.C. Steele
State Historic Site. Deborah won 2nd place in the adult watercolor division.

Beyond BWS borders
The Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington will meet Monday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 401 N. Morton St.  All artists are invited.

The Lawrence County Art Association is presenting a workshop by Cheryl Kaldahl titled “How Music Affects Your Art.”  It will be held Saturday, Oct. 15, in the meeting room of the Lawrence County Historical Museum.  There will be two sessions: the first from 9:30 to 11 a.m. for children age 7 and older and an afternoon session for adults from 1 to 3 p.m..  All supplies are furnished.  The fee for the morning session is $15, and the fee for the afternoon session is $20. Send a check along with your name and phone number to Lawrence County Art Association, PO Box 1074, Bedford, IN 47421 or call 812-275-8736. 

The Wiley Art Center will celebrate its Grand Opening  Saturday, Oct. 22, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Please drop by and visit the new facility at 14th and J Streets in Bedford.

A spattered September meeting

Paint was flying at the September meeting – literally. Jeanne Dutton (left) taught members the technique of spatter painting and demonstrated how to combine the technique with layering and masking. The inspiration for the session came from John R. Koser’s1990  book “Watercolor: Red Yellow Blue.”

Below left: Cassidy Young and Bob Anderson
Below right: Carol Rhodes and kathy Karnes