April 9, 2007
Attendees: Tina Allgood, Susan Blunck, Connie Brorson, Robert Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Bonnie Gordon-Lucas, Carla Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Carol Rhodes, Alice Sharp, Sammye Smith, Lisa Weatherall, Tricia Wente, Jo Weddle.
Tricia Wente, president, called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. at the Monroe County Public Library and welcomed new members Tricia Hillenberg, Candi Bailey, and Samantha Stacy, and guest Bruce Kell.
The minutes were distributed to all members March 29, 2007 via the blog. Tricia asked for corrections or additions. Carla Hedges moved to accept the minutes. The motion was seconded by Connie Brorson, and the minutes were unanimously approved as distributed.
Carol Rhodes read the treasurer’s report, stating we have $1040.66 in the treasury. Steve Jackson offered a motion to accept, seconded by Jacki Frey. The report was approved.
1. The Monroe Bank show is still up. Jacki Frey has sold a painting. An article about the exhibit was in the Herald Times local business section. Those members who submitted CDs with photos of their paintings may pick them up from Tricia.
1. The Monroe Bank show is still up. Jacki Frey has sold a painting. An article about the exhibit was in the Herald Times local business section. Those members who submitted CDs with photos of their paintings may pick them up from Tricia.
2. Alice Sharp distributed a list of the paint outs. This list will be posted on the blog. She also noted that, in the event a paint out must be cancelled, an email alert will be sent and the notice posted on the blog.
3. Tricia has the forms for the Baker Place Gallery, which is ready to accept pieces for judging. Please contact Tricia for copies of the forms.
4. The June 2nd workshop to be presented by Jeanne McLeish will accommodate 15 participants. It’s first come, first served, and members have first chance. Payment of $40 will be due no later than our next meeting on May 14. At that time, if payment is not received, enrollment will be open to those members on the waiting list and then non-members, who are also on a waiting list. Please contact Jeanne Dutton or Carol Rhodes to enroll. All other questions may be directed to Jacki Frey. A supply list and any further information will be forwarded to enrollees prior to the workshop. (please note: as of April 20, the class is full and a waiting list is in place.)
1. Gallery North is now exhibiting works by Jerry Smith and Joel Knapp. Jerry taught our spring workshop in 2006. The show will be up through April 13.
2. April 20th is the opening reception for “Wheels” at Gallery North. Member Connie Brorson’s entry is featured on the poster and postcards. Entries came from coast to coast, and everyone is invited to the reception.
3. May 14th at 6:00 p.m., our meeting will feature a program by Mrs. Stanley-Baker, an American living in Taiwan. Jacki and Carol will organize the necessary equipment.
The meeting was adjourned, at which time Tricia and Jacki presented an informative and insightful program about plein air painting. Afterwards, a good time was had by all, painting scenes from outdoor photos.
The meeting was adjourned, at which time Tricia and Jacki presented an informative and insightful program about plein air painting. Afterwards, a good time was had by all, painting scenes from outdoor photos.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, secretary
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