Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Peggy Brown Watercolor Workshop

The Bloomington Watercolor Society
is pleased to present a watercolor workshop by award winning Hoosier artist,
PEGGY BROWN. Peggy is a juried member of several watercolor societies across the United States, has several awards on her mantel for outstanding works of art, and is an experienced (and fun!) instructor. She currently exhibits at the Brown County Art Guild in Nashville, Indiana, and her work may be viewed online at http://www.peggybrownart.com/aboutpeggy.html

This full day workshop takes place Saturday, May 28, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Bloomington, Indiana.

For complete details about where, when, how much, please go to

To register, please contact members@bloomingtonwatercolor.org.

See below for supply list and artist's statement.

Above, "Collection" by Peggy Brown; Left, "Rambling" by Peggy Brown

From Peggy:

"The recipe for creating good art is part excellent technique and part good design, mixed with a whole lot of spirited individuality.
"TECHNIQUE is physical, the easiest component to teach and develop. Learning technique is fun; it just takes time and practice and patience.
"DESIGN, the mental ingredient, is more important, and also the most difficult element of art to teach and master.
"ORIGINALITY or INDIVIDUALITY reflects the artist’s soul. It cannot be taught, but it certainly should be encouraged."

This workshop will focus on DESIGN and TECHNIQUES that are based upon tradition – but, to keep things lively, will include some experimental techniques. The entire class will join together to extend and encourage ORIGINALITY and INDIVIDUALITY.

Some sheets or a pad of lightweight drawing paper for quickie experiments.
Several nice pieces of watercolor paper. I like to work on Strathmore Aquarius during workshops because it will lay flat. Any watercolor paper will do.
If you have them, bring some pieces or scraps of already painted papers to use in designing a collage. Or, if you have one, bring a painting you are willing to cut up or tear and design into a new collage.

Transparent watercolors, any color, any brand; however, the more expensive brands give better results.
You can also bring acrylics, pencils, crayons, or the media of your choice. I am not sure of results with other media, but you can have fun and experiment. I will be using transparent watercolors.

I will demonstrate techniques also using Nu-pastels, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, and charcoal. If you have them, bring them. We can share.

Palette, brushes, water containers – the usual watercolor equipment.

Bring 2 pieces of plexi-glass or waterproof boards to support work in progress.

Feathers, dried flowers, thread, string lace, tissue papers.

Scissors, masking tape, ruler, pencil, eraser, anything you love working with. Also bring an old framing mat to view work in progress.

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