Tuesday, November 27, 2007

BWS Meeting Minutes for November 12, 2007

In attendance: Sammye Smith, Connie Brorson, Carol Rhodes, Steve Jackson, Bob Burris, Jacki Frey, Jodi Estell, Marie Carpenter, Bob Thrasher, Jo Weddle, Jeanne Iler, Tina Allgood, Tricia Wente, Jeanne Dutton, Susan Blunck.

Tricia Wente, president, called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. at the Monroe County library. Tricia welcomed our newest member, Marie Carpenter.

The October meeting minutes were distributed through the blog with an email reminder to members. Jeanne Iler moved to accept, seconded by Steve Jackson. The minutes were approved.

Carol Rhodes, treasurer, reports we have 53 paid memberships and a balance of $1502.52. Sammye Smith moved to approve, seconded by Jeanne Iler. The report was approved as read.

Old Business:

1. Tricia, the coordinator for the membership show at the Waldron, reported on the success of the show. Thirty-one paintings were hung and the Waldron staff did an excellent job hanging it. The show was beautiful and well received, with approximately 100 people attending the opening reception. Many thanks to Nancy Metz for her work in organizing the reception and to all the people who contributed in every way. The show received publicity in numerous ways, including the Herald Times, the Daily Student, and through on-line sites.

2. Nominations of officers for 2008 was presented by Jeanne Iler. Jeanne asked for nominations from the floor, of which there were none, and then read the nominations: Jeanne Dutton, president; Jacki Frey, 1st vice president; Tina Allgood, 2nd vice president; Carol Rhodes, treasurer; and Jo Weddle, secretary. Connie Brorson moved to accept the slate as read, and the motion was seconded by Jacki Frey. The vote to accept was unanimous.

3. Committees for 2008 are:

Paint Outs: Alice and Paul Sharp
Programs and Workshops: Jacki Frey
Brushstrokes: Jeanne Dutton
Historian: Tricia Wente
Publicity: Jeanne Dutton and Carol Rhodes
Meeting Rooms: Jacki Frey
Hospitality: Jodi Estell
NOTE: Jodi has asked that someone else take over this responsibility. Anyone who wishes to discuss taking over this job for Jodi, please contact Tricia or Jeanne D.

4. Second Annual Autumn Gallery Show: Connie Brorson, show coordinator, reported that 20 people signed up to participate. It’s a small show, but looks great! All colors, all styles, all sizes are included. The opening reception is Sunday, November 18 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. The show will also be up during Gallery Walk on December 7, so it will be seen during two special events – the opening and the Gallery Walk. We have to take it down on the 14th of December, so please plan to pick up your paintings then. Many thanks to Connie for her hard work on this show!!

5. Signature Status: Anyone interested in applying for Signature Status should contact Jeanne Iler for a form. The benefits of this status are that members will pay no entry fee for our shows; they may sign “BWS” after their signature; they may display and sell in “Signature Status” at our shows, in a specially designated area, a sort of “master’s” area. Thanks to Jeanne Iler for designing and handling this process.


The BWS Christmas party will take place at tutto bène on December 2nd from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Marci Widen at tutto bène has put together a very nice menu of appetizers for us. Members may buy wine, but coffee and other non-alcoholic beverages will be served. At this time, the new members will be installed.

The cost per person is $14, but BWS will underwrite the cost making the amount due from each member and their guest just $7.00 each. The deadline for reservations is November 19; members may pay Connie, Tricia or Carol at the reception on November 18 or by mailing their checks to Carol.

Tricia expressed her thanks again to Jeanne Iler for her work on the signature status process and the nominating committee, to all the members who participated in any way for the Membership Show and the Second Annual Autumn Gallery Show, to Connie Brorson for her work coordinating the Autumn Show, and to Jodi Estell for the refreshments this evening.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, secretary

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


November, 2007


Monday, November 12, 6:00 p.m.
NOTE LOCATION: Monroe County Public Library, Room 1B

Election of officers will take place at the business meeting, then we will adjourn for the creativity exercise presented by Jacki Frey, "Various Fun Techniques with Watercolor."

Supplies to bring:

Small pieces of watercolor paper--10 x 12.
Strathmore Illustrator Board (if you have it on hand)
Spray bottles, assorted paint colors, and a variety of brushes
Exacto knives
Jacki will provide mat boards to create stamps.
It should be fun!

BWS Members Show
Now through November 10

Rosemary Miller Gallery, John Waldron Art Center

BWS 2nd Annual Autumn Gallery Show
November 15th – December 15th
tutto bène Wine Café and More
Opening Reception (and everyone is invited!): November 18, Sunday, 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Opening Reception

The Members Exhibit at the Waldron was very well received, as anyone who was able to attend the opening reception can confirm. With close to 100 people attending, it was a delightful evening!
Putting together a show is a challenging project: writing the proposal, coordinating the efforts of the artists, the host gallery, and the publicity. Wow! A job well done, Tricia!
And thanks, too, to Nancy Davis Metz for organizing the reception and to all who contributed food and wine and help at the opening. We also express our appreciation to the Waldron staff for their willing work in making the evening a success.

What an incredible day we had! A lovely breeze, colored trees, and glorious sunshine reflecting off the lake – add to that two very welcome pots of chili, cider, cornbread, desserts, and excellent company – it just doesn’t get much better than that.
Many, many thanks to Alice and Paul Sharp, Activities co-chairs, for their efforts in scheduling, organizing, publicizing, and attending the monthly paint outs. Can’t wait till next year!

Jeanne Iler, Instructor

Wednesday, November 14, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

"Textured Birch Trees"

Monday, November 26, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
"Textured Landscapes"
$15 plus supplies

All Jeanne's classes take place at Michael’s on the west side of Bloomington.

Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Instructor
Wednesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
November 14 and 28, December 5 and 12
“Beginning Watercolor”

Cost $85.00 This is very much a beginning watercolor class which will feature the basics of composition, techniques, and color, plus a fun time painting. It is part of the IVTC’s Center for Lifelong Learning program. Enrollment is limited to 10, so don’t hesitate!

For registration info and forms, please go to http://www.bloomington.ivytech.edu/CLL/register.html


The Brown County Art Guild is exhibiting a Seniors Show from November 15th through the 30th. Any artist age 55+ is eligible to enter, and entries are due on November 14th.

Go to http://www.browncounty.org/artguild.html to find out more.

Art Works of Martinsville offers an opportunity for not only you, but for your children and grandchildren to display their holiday themed artwork in a gallery. The show is opening December 1, Saturday, during their holiday open house.

Look at http://www.artworksofmartinsville.com/ for all the news.

The last Gallery Walk of the year is coming Friday, December 7th. Look for members work at Bellevue Gallery, By Hand Gallery, and Gallery North on the Square.


Several people have asked, “How do I document my paintings?” In answer to that, the board was polled and they offered this information:

Stillframes, a company in Columbus, Indiana is popular. Robert Anderson, owner and operator, has 20 years experience and does excellent work, not only photographing, but in producing slides, CDs, business cards, prints, and many other products. Several members have recommended his work. Find Bob at http://www.stillframes.com/

Photo Solutions here in Bloomington does fine work, too. They can be found downtown at 115 Madison Street, and on the web at

There certainly are other vendors available in the area and then, of course, there is always the final solution – do it yourself! Carolyn Rogers Richard shoots her own photos, then utilizes an HP printer that uses archival inks and makes prints up to 11X14.

Shop around, ask questions, compare prices. See what’s available and ask what uses the vendor can suggest for your paintings. Greeting cards are a nice way to show off your work and keep in touch with friends and family. It’s fun! And how satisfying to see your own work in print!


“Signature Member” status procedure was voted upon and accepted at the October meeting, with thanks to Jeanne Iler and Meri Reinhold for their efforts. Members wishing to apply may contact Jeanne Iler at jeanne2@bluemarble.net for an application.


Chinese brush painting. How to properly frame a painting. Photoshop. These are all ideas for upcoming programs at the BWS meetings. Do you have suggestions for programs? What would you like to hear about or see demonstrated? Jacki Frey is the program chair, so just bombard her with ideas – she loves to get lots of emails! Or contact any of the other officers.


Jacki Frey was accepted into the juried art show at the Irvington Historical Society in Indianapolis. The show goes up at the end of October and may be viewed at the Bona Thompson Memorial Center, 5350 University Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219.

Jacki is also the featured artist at the Brown County Art Gallery November 5th through the 18th.

Johnnie Belinda was just accepted into membership by the Association of Life Casters International (ALI). For those of you who are not familiar with life casting, check it out at http://www.lifecasting.org/. It’s an awe inspiring medium, for sure!

“Exposure of Body and Mind” is the title of Johnnie’s show at Lennie’s on 10th Street. The exhibit hangs from November 22 through January 22.

Shelley Frederick is a featured artist in the October-December issue of IntoArt. The article, “Shelley Cannon Frederick, Artist in Transition,” is an insightful and informative article about a very talented and versatile artist. Check it out on page 10 of IntoArt, which is a free publication. You can pick up copies at most galleries in Bloomington and surrounding areas.

Donna Kluesner was awarded two first place ribbons at the Apple Festival Art Show held at Bloomfield in October.

Sandy Taylor is participating in the Unitarian Universalist Holiday Bazaar on November 30th, 10:00-7:00, and on December 1st, 9:00-4:00. This is an outstanding arts and craft show – don’t miss it!

Nicole Elkins-Barkley, a brand new member, entered the Bloomingfoods Employee Art Exhibit, and is participating in the Christmas show at Art Works of Martinsville.

Tina Allgood is currently exhibiting two paintings in Nashville, one at the Brown County Art Guild Patron Show, and one in the Brown County Art Gallery Patron Show. Both shows run now through November 15th.

Linda Meyer-Wright, another new member, was accepted into the juried (and strongly competitive) Watercolor Society of Indiana show.

Congratulations to all!

Brushstrokes is published monthly by the

Bloomington Watercolor Society

Jeanne Ellen Dutton, secretary


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

BWS Autumn Gallery Show

Bloomington Watercolor Society announces its
2nd Annual Autumn Gallery Show
Exhibiting at tutto bene Wine Cafe and More.
213 South Rogers Street
Bloomington, IN (812) 330-1060

November 15 - December 15, 2007

Gallery Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 11:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Opening Reception: Sunday, November 18, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

For further information, please contact Connie Brorson, (812) 333-6658

Friday, October 12, 2007

Oct. 20th Paint Out & Pitch-In

The last BWS paint-out of the 2007 season will be held at the Lake
Monroe Sailing Association, next to the Moore's Creek boat ramp on Lake
Monroe. (See below for directions.)

The date is Saturday, October 20th, 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.
Pitch-In lunch at noon.

We can use the LMSA picnic shelter as our central location. Restrooms
are available. The Point at Moore's creek provides an interesting
shoreline with limestone outcroppings and trees, and there are
sailboats, docks and water to give you a variety of great subject

There are outlets at the shelter house, so we can keep the chili warm
and gather for a pitch-in lunch around noon.

Directions to Lake Monroe Sailing Assn.
7600 S Shields Ridge Rd, Bloomington, IN:

From Bloomington East Side: 20 - 25 minutes
hint: there are signs along the way for the Bloomington Waterworks

College Mall Rd. south becomes Sare Rd. continue south to T.
Left onto Rhorer Rd. go to first road on right.
Right onto Harrell Rd. go to T.
Left onto Moffett Rd. go to first road on right.
Right onto Handy Rd. go 2mi., continue on as road becomes Shields Ridge
Rd. go 2mi more to Bloomington Waterworks.
Continue straight down the hill to the first drive on right:
Lake Monroe Sailing Association. Drive slowly, parking areas on left.

From Hwy 37:
hint: Smithville Rd is the 1st road south of Old 37/South Walnut

South of Bloomington go East on Smithville/Ketchum Road.
Go straight through 2 stop signs.
Continue straight, go down a steep hill (slowly).
The road becomes Ramp Creek Road.
Continue around curves, and stay to the right at the sign for Church St.
Continue up another hill to the next stop sign.
Turn Right onto Shields Ridge Rd. & pass Bloomington Waterworks.
Continue straight down the hill to the first drive on right:
Lake Monroe Sailing Association. Drive slowly, parking areas on left.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

BWS Meeting Minutes October 8, 2007

In attendance: Tina Allgood, Johnnie Belinda, Connie Brorson, Bob Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Jacki Frey, Carla Hedges, Steve Jackson, Sue Kim, Cathy Korinek, Nancy Metz, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Alice Sharp, Bob Thrasher, Jennifer Trueblood, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, James Yang.

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 by president, Tricia Wente.

A motion to approve the September 10 meeting minutes, which were distributed via the blog, was made by Mary Reinhold and seconded by Cathy Korinek. The minutes were approved.

In the absence of Carol Rhodes, treasurer, a statement of the balance in the treasury was made, indicating a balance of $1629.64.

Tricia greeted a new member, Nicole Elkins-Barkley. Another new member, Linda Meyer-Wright, was unable to attend.

Tricia also thanked Jo Weddle for scheduling the church for our meeting and for her help with the refreshments. Jodi Estell, although absent, was thanked, along with Tina Allgood and Jeanne Dutton, for providing refreshments for this evening's meeting. Members who wish to contribute to the upcoming meetings should contact Jodi Estell.


Tricia discussed the BWS Autumn Show at the Waldron and distributed information packets to all who signed up to exhibit. This meeting is the final time to indicate interest. Tricia emphasized the need for participants to read carefully the instructions in the packet.
Delivery date is Tuesday, October 30 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Waldron staff will hang the show.
Pick up date is November 12 before noon.
Postcards will be labeled and mailed to the mailing list provided by the Waldron. BWS members will receive 10-12 each to distribute. Postcards require a 26 cent stamp.
Cheryl Duckworth will provide the flowers for the reception, which takes place November 2, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Food for the reception is needed and Tricia circulated a signup sheet for contributions. Wine is permitted, and punch will also be provided.

Jacki Frey reported on workshop activity. Due to the numerous events taking place this fall, BWS will not hold a fall workshop. Jacki has arranged for Judi Betz, nationally known watercolorist and educator, to hold a five day workshop the first week of August. The cost is estimated to be about $350. Judi will advertise nationally, so we anticipate having non-members. The workshop will take place at the First Christian Church.

Tricia circulated the Signature Status form and procedure as presented by Jeanne Iler and Meri Reinhold. Sammye Smith moved to accept it, seconded by Jacki Frey, and it was approved unanimously. Those who are interested in applying may contact Jeanne Iler or Tricia Wente. Thanks to Jeanne and Meri for their work on this project.

Election of officers is coming up at the November meeting. Jeanne Iler will head the nominating committee. Members who are willing to serve on the committee and/or as officers are encouraged to speak with any of the current officers or Jeanne to express their interest. Tricia, by the by-laws, may not continue as president. Carol Rhodes will stay on as treasurer. Therefore, the nominations are open for president, 1st and 2nd vice presidents, and secretary. Jeanne Dutton will continue as editor of Brushstrokes, which alleviates the duties of the secretary. Committees will be reviewed and members will be asked to volunteer for those committees at the next meeting.

Connie Brorson gave a report on the show at tutto bène. All media, including watercolor, acrylic, oil, pastels, collage, etc. are acceptable for this show. The medium does not have to be transparent watercolor. Members may exhibit one painting and it should be for sale.
Pieces must be delivered Sunday, November 11, between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. or Monday November 12 after 11:00 a.m. The show will be hung by Connie and helpers.
There is a $10 entry fee, payable at the time of drop off. This will cover the cost of printing postcards and mailings.
tutto bène does keep 35% commission on any sales, so work should be priced accordingly.
The reception is scheduled for Sunday, November 18, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Connie requested assistance in creating the labels for the show and Jeanne Dutton volunteered. An email will be sent to participating members asking for the necessary information: title, medium, price.
Marci Widen, owner of tutto bène, will promote the event through her usual channels. The dates of the show are November 15-December 15, which includes Gallery Walk on December 7.

A paint out was announced which takes place on October 20 in Brown County; however, BWS holds its final paint out and chili luncheon on that same day. Discussion took place regarding changing the date of our paint out to allow members to participate in both. Steve Jackson commented that Alice had worked hard to make the arrangements for our paint out, so we should keep our date. It was agreed that our final paint out will take place on October 20 at the Lake Monroe Marina.

Alice Sharp circulated a signup sheet for paint out participants to bring dishes to accompany her home made chili, and members were encouraged to come have a good day in a beautiful setting, painting the day away.

November’s meeting will take place at the library.

Nancy Metz moved to adjourn; Alice seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned. At that time, a live model took her place and many members enjoyed an evening of painting.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, secretary

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

BWS Meeting Minutes September 10, 2007

In Attendance: Susan Blunck, Charlotte Griffin, Sue Kim, Tina Allgood, Meri Reinhold, Johnnie Belinda, Sammye Dina Smith, Sara Steffey McQueen, Jodi Estell, Connie Brorson, Stephen Jackson, Jennifer Trueblood, Donna Kluesner, Nancy Metz, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Bob Thrasher, Alice Sharp, Jeanne Iler, James Yang, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Tricia Wente, Cathy Korinek, Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Jacki Frey.

President Tricia Wente called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. with a welcome to our new members Sue Kim, Charlotte Griffin, Jennifer Trueblood, and Bob Thrasher.

The minutes from the May 2007 meeting had been distributed electronically. Cathy Korinek moved to approve the minutes with a second by Jacki Frey. The minutes were approved.

Carol Rhodes, treasurer, was absent and, in place of a treasurer’s report, Tricia stated the balance of our account is $1732.20.


1. Baker Place Gallery
a. Six BWS members are currently exhibiting there, plus an artist from Gallery North and six members of the Bloomington Photography Club.
b. The John Waldron Art Center oversees the gallery. A new intern is being assigned to assist Jonna Risher with this task, and the intern will be announced soon.
c. BWS artists who are interested in participating should contact Tricia Wente.
d. The duration of a piece’s hanging is a minimum of two months. Tricia will contact JWAC to ask for clarification.
2. Signature Status
a. Our by-laws offer “Signature Status,” which Tricia explained is offered to outstanding, active members and allows them to list the status on their bios.
b. The criteria are listed in the by-laws.
c. Jeanne Iler and Meri Reinhold will pursue this subject and present a format and procedure for establishing Signature Status to those who request it.
3. The Fall BWS Members Show
a. The fall show will take place at the John Waldron Art Center’s Main Gallery October 31-November 11.
b. Members were asked to express their interest in participating.
c. Tricia, who is the show coordinator, asked for assistants to design the postcard and other tasks involved. Carolyn Rogers Richard and Nancy Metz volunteered.
d. Tricia will provide all the show requirements and other information and materials at the October 8 meeting.


1. tutto bène had expressed an interest in hosting another watercolor show at the Green Room. Jacki Frey and Connie Brorson will follow up on this.

2. Future programs
a. Jacki Frey is the Program and Workshop Chair with Connie Brorson assisting.
b. The October program is a painting session with model provided.
c. The November meeting will include a presentation by Jacki Frey on different painting techniques.
d. Next spring, Jeanne Iler will present a program on Chinese brush painting and various techniques.


1. Thanks to Joanne Weddle for hosting us at her church this evening and in October. And thanks, too, to Jodi and Joanne for providing this evening’s refreshments.

2. James Yang is giving a presentation this Sunday, September 16, at 2:00 at the Library. A reception will take place from 4:00-5:00 p.m. The topic is Chinese calligraphy.

3. Paoli Fall Festival is having an art show, hosted by Tri Kappa sorority, and offering cash prizes. Nancy Metz has the details, but entry is due this Friday, September 14.

4. New membership lists were made available to the members, as well as officer and committee chair list and by-laws. Anyone who didn’t get any or all may contact Jeanne Dutton for copies.

5. Welcome packets were distributed to the new members.

6. Jodi Estell is the hospitality chair.
a. Let her know if you want to volunteer to bring simple refreshments to a meeting. More than one person can donate per meeting.
b. If you know of a member who is seriously ill or should receive a greeting card from BWS, please alert Jodi.

7. Alice Sharp commented on the paint outs (and was thanked profusely for all the work she and Paul put into the organization of these activities!). Everyone is welcome, and Alice encouraged everyone to come. You don’t have to produce a finished painting, just come and enjoy the day.

8. Joanne Weddle visited the T.C. Steele paint out last weekend and reminded us all to take bug spray when we paint outside!

9. Members who have an interest in a mid-week paint out, please let Jeanne Dutton know. Cheryl Duckworth of Duckworth Designs and Flower Farm, has invited us back.

Cathy Korinek made a motion, seconded by Jacki Frey, to adjourn the meeting.

This evening’s program was “Show and Tell,” and many members brought their summer paintings to share. Subjects included sites from Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Bloomington, Maine, California, and our own studio still lifes. Thanks to everyone who shared, and to everyone who came to enjoy the exhibit.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Ellen Dutton, secretary


October, 2007


October 3, Wednesday
Mid-Week BWS Paint Out
10:00 – 2:00
Duckworth Designs and Flower Farm
Lampkins Ridge Road
For information, call Jeanne Dutton at 331-1628.

October 5, Friday

Gallery Walk

Gallery North on the Square
Opening Reception for "Women of Bloomington,” an exhibit which continues through October. Artist Wayne Manns' exhibit, a series of twenty-two paintings of prominent women in the Bloomington area, opens this evening. At the reception, a mayoral proclamation honors these outstanding women. A portion of the sales of these portraits is designated to benefit Middle Way House.

The Bellevue Gallery
107 W. 9th Street
Opening Reception for “Memoirs,” an exhibit which includes the work of BWS members Johnnie Belinda, Sammye Dina Smith and Connie Brorson. This show runs through November 16th.

By Hand Gallery
109 Fountain Square Mall
Paintings by Joel Washington through October 31st.

October 8, Monday

BWS Monthly Meeting
6:00 p.m.
First Christian Church Fellowship Hall

After an important business meeting, a painting session with a live model will take place. Bring your paints!

All BWS artists are welcome (and encouraged!) to participate in the Fall Show at the Waldron. Work on your very best painting ever! Deadline for stating your intention to participate is OCTOBER 8. Email Tricia Wente, show coordinator, at tricia@wente.com to let her know.

PLEASE NOTE: Tricia will provide all essential information at the meeting, so attendance is very important. Let her know if you cannot attend the meeting and need the information packet.

Important things to remember: For this show, our work may include watercolor only. Paintings must be matted and framed. One painting per person. Art pieces should be for sale.

Good news! JWAC has offered us the opportunity to leave our paintings hanging throughout the Holiday Art Mart.

And MORE great news! tutto bène has invited us to hold a show there again this year in the Green Room. The details are being worked out now, so look for updates coming soon!


October 10, Wednesday, 9:30 - 4:00

Autumn Still Life: A One Day Watercolor Workshop
Offered by Jacki Frey
Cost: $35
Autumn still life: mums, bottles and pumpkin. Please bring a half sheet of Arches paper along with your painting supplies and a sack lunch. For more information, contact Jacki at 320-6745.

October 20, Saturday, 9:00 – 2:00
Final Paint Out of the Season. Even if it rains, there is a shelter house in which to paint, so be there or be square!
Chili and Carry-In Luncheon.
Lake Monroe Sailing Association Marina
(Watch this website for complete information or contact Alice Sharp at asharp@insightbb.com )

October 24,
Wednesday, 1:00 -4:00
"Watercolor with Pastel"
Instructor: Jeanne Iler
Cost: $20 + supplies
This class is taught at Michaels Arts and Crafts Store.

October 29, Monday, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

"Batik watercolors"
Instructor: Jeanne Iler
Cost: $15 + supplies
This class is also taught at Michaels.

November 14 and 28, December 5 and 12

Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
“Beginning Watercolor”
Instructor: Jeanne Ellen Dutton
Cost $85.00
This is very much a beginning watercolor class which will feature the basics of composition, techniques, and color, plus a fun time painting. It is part of the IVTC’s Center for Lifelong Learning program. Enrollment is limited to 10, so don’t hesitate! For registration info and forms, please go to http://www.bloomington.ivytech.edu/CLL/register.html


BWS swept the Paoli Indian Summer Festival Art Show sponsored by the Paoli Tri Kappa chapter. Our winners in the watercolor division are Jeanne Iler, First; Jacki Frey, Second; and Nancy Metz, Third and Fourth. Nancy’s Orange County Courthouse painting, which placed Fourth, also received the People’s Choice Award determined by vote of visitors to the show.
In the Drawing Division, Jeanne Iler took Third and Fourth places. Congratulations!


Last issue, it was mentioned briefly about BWS artists who are members of galleries. This is a more complete listing. If you are looking for a nice afternoon to-do, or want to take a short autumn drive through our incredibly colorful southern Indiana, you certainly will enjoy exploring the following venues.

Bellevue Gallery exhibits work by Johnnie Belinda, Sammye Dina Smith, Connie Brorson, and Sara Steffey-McQueen.

Brown County Art Gallery includes works by Jeanne Iler and Jacki Frey.

By Hand Gallery includes works by BWS members Tricia Wente, Bonnie Gordon-Lucas, Sara Steffey, and Sandy Taylor.

Gallery North on the Square hosts Jeanne Iler, Jacki Frey, Carolyn Rogers Richard, new BWS member Linda Meyer-Wright, and Jeanne Ellen Dutton.
Gallery North is looking for one to two new members. For complete information, go to the website http://www.gallery-north.org/index.asp and click on the Membership Information link. Look for Carolyn Rogers Richard, and email her for further details.

is published monthly by the
Bloomington Watercolor Society
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, editor

Thursday, September 6, 2007




Monday, September 10, at 6:00 p.m.
The September meeting will be held at the First Christian Church, just one block west of the Monroe County Public Library. Please use the Washington Street entrance and look for the signs.

It’s SHOW and TELL – that means, bring your summer paintings! From the paint outs, from your travels, from your studio – doesn’t matter, just bring ‘em along. No need to mat or frame them. After a brief business meeting, we will enjoy the exhibit, visit, and make welcome our several new members who have joined since May.

ARTISTS: Remember, the Bloomington Watercolor Society (hey – that’s US!) is having a show at the John Waldron Art Center beginning late October and running through November 11. Please keep that show in mind as you paint these next few weeks. Tricia Wente is in charge of the show and will distribute information about it at the September 10 meeting. Don’t miss it! All members are encouraged to submit their work for inclusion in the show.


That's Jacki Frey, above, and James Yang, right, at the August Paint Out! Many thanks to Cheryl Duckworth of Duckworth Designs and Flower Farm. It was a beautiful day for painting, and several members were there to enjoy the wonderful vista from Cheryl's flower gardens.

Cheryl has invited us to come back for a mid-week paint out, and a message will be sent to all the members, asking for their interest in such an event. Once the leaves start to change, it will be an awesome view. Look for an email heading your way soon!

Ever wonder what the other BWS members are doing? Several have personal websites or are part of a gallery website.
http://www.gallery-north.org/gnart.asp (including Carolyn Rogers Richard, Jeanne Iler, Cathy Korinek, and Jeanne Ellen Dutton)
http://www.bloomington.in.us/~byhand/2d.html (including Tricia Wente, Sara Steffey McQueen, Sandy Taylor, and Bonnie Gordon-Lucas)
If you were left off this list, I apologize and encourage you to send your web address. We want to be sure everyone gets to know each other.

September 7, Friday
Hoosier Daddy
Opening Reception 5:00 – 8:00
Gallery North on the Square
Exhibit runs through the month of September

September 7, Friday
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Calendar Signing Party
Brown County Art Gallery
Buy a 2008 Calendar ($12) featuring 12 artists -including Jeanne Iler and Jacki Frey!
This calendar includes twelve frameable prints and you can have your calendar signed by the artists this evening.

September 8, Saturday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Penrod Art Show on the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art IMA
Look for BWS’s own president, Tricia Wente, at booth number YO164.

September 7 – 9, Friday –Sunday
Art Renaissance Weekend
Brown County, Indiana
Part of the Centennial Celebration of the “Art Colony of the Midwest”
Activities include historical exhibitions, lectures, paint outs and master classes, and offers a full range of activities for art and music lovers alike. Special exhibits and sales of early Hoosier artists will be featured in the galleries of the Village of Nashville.

September 8, Saturday
7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
19th annual Great Art Outdoor Contest
T.C. Steele Historic Site
Activities include live entertainment, free refreshments and tours of Steele’s home “House of the Singing Winds” and his studios. A concert by The Reel Tyme String Band begins at 1:00 pm and awards for the paint out will be presented at 3:00 pm.
Registration is closed now, but artists are welcome to come stroll the grounds and watch fellow artists at work.

September 16, Sunday
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
The Art of Words: James Yang and His Chinese CalligraphyMonroe County Public Library AuditoriumSponsored by Traditional Arts Indiana, Indiana Universityhttp://www.traditionalartsindiana.org/
(James is hoping to present the audience with his music, also.)
September 29, Saturday
9:00 – 2:00 p.m.
BWS Plein Air Paint Out
Griffy Lake (meet at the boat rental parking lot)

September 30, Sunday
Watercolor Society of Indiana
Opening Reception for their juried exhibition.
Exhibit runs September 30 - October 27 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art http://www.watercolorsocietyofindiana.org/

October 5, Friday
5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
"The Women of Bloomington" featuring the art of Wayne Manns
This project, which benefits Middle Way House of Bloomington, will receive a mayoral proclamation and be featured in the upcoming edition of Bloom magazine.
Opening reception at Gallery North on the Square
Exhibit will run October 1 – October 31

October 6, Saturday
Beaux Arts Fair and Wine Tasting Festival
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
French Lick Winery in West Baden
Available art includes paintings, prints, photos, ceramics, metal art, jewelry, glass art and fiber art. Also taste an excellent selection of wines.
For more details, go to http://www.frenchlicksesquicentennial.com/events.html or http://orangecountyin.com/festandfair.html

October 20, Saturday
9:00 – 2:00 p.m.

Lake Monroe Sailing Association Marina
Our final Plein Air Paint Out of the season. Don’t miss this one! Nothing tastes better on a cool October day than a big bowl of chili. It’s a pitch-in lunch beside the lake and truly an enjoyable time.
Directions will be posted on the blogsite, and emailed to the group a couple of weeks before each Paint Out.

Gallery North Call for Artists
Gallery North on the Square is issuing a call for artists. Gallery North is an artist owned and operated fine art gallery on the north side of the square in downtown Bloomington. Only one or two new artists will be accepted at this time due to space constraints. Interested artists should contact the gallery through the website email at http://www.gallery-north.org/. Artist members pay a monthly fee and are expected to work two 3 ½ hour shifts per month. Artists’ applications and 4-5 examples of their work are reviewed and juried by the membership at their monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. Artists who wish to apply should fill out the application available on the website and bring it, along with examples of their work, to the gallery on the day of the general meeting sometime between the hours of 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. The next general meeting is Wednesday, October 3th. Questions can be addressed via email on the website or to gallery president, Carolyn Rogers Richard at 320-2200.


Watercolor classes being taught this fall by BWS members:

Jacki Frey
Watercolor for Beginning and Intermediate Painters
Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Both classes run from September 11 through November 13.
Class location is the John Waldron Art Center.
For complete details, go to http://www.artlives.org
NOTE: Jacki also offers private lessons and workshops in her home studio. Just contact her if you are interested.

Jeanne Iler
Texture landscape painting
Wednesday, September 12 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
$20 + supplies

Calligraphic "Waterfront" painting
Monday, September 24th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
$15 + supplies

Class location is Michael’s Arts and Crafts Store

Note: Jeanne teaches these classes monthly, so check in with Michael’s for October listings.

Multimedia Painting
Thursdays, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
September 13 t0 October 4.
Here is a course for both beginners and experienced painters.

Participants will use watercolor on acrylic sheets to make a monoprint, explore collage, spray away to create a batik look, and make bold and beautiful landscapes on black paper.
Materials fee of $20 payable to instructor at first class.
Sign up with City of Bloomington's People's University.
Register online at www.bloomington.in.gov/parks using code 67601-A.
Cost $24 in-city/$29 out-city.

A publication of the
Bloomington Watercolor Society

Jeanne Ellen Dutton, editor

Plein Air Events

The next BWS paint out will be held at Griffy Lake, Saturday, September
29th, from 9:00 to 2:00. Park at the Main Parking Lot at the Boat
Rental Facility. Public restrooms are available. Bring your hiking
shoes, water, and a sack lunch, and enjoy the early fall scenery.
Directions are available on the following web site:

Also, don't forget this Saturday, Sept. 8th is the Great Outdoor Art
Contest at T.C. Steele State Historic Site. This is a great opportunity
to paint, or to watch other plein air painters in action. All of the
paintings created during the contest will be on display during the
afternoon judging. Information and artist registration are available
on the following web site:

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Paint Out Cancelled

The paint out scheduled for today, August 25th has been cancelled due
to rain.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Paint Out August 25th

The next BWS Paint Out will be
Saturday, August 25
9:00 to 2:00.

Please join us for a great day of painting.

This paint out is being hosted by photographer Robert Talbot at his
1800's log cabin west of Bloomington. The 20 acre site will provide a
great opportunity for painting the rolling Indiana landscape and
rustic cabin. There are also two ponds, so plan on taking your time
choosing a favorite subject from the many possibilities.

Weather Notice: In case of rain, this paint out will be cancelled.


Directions to the Talbot Cabin
From Walnut & 2nd St, Bloomington, IN 47401:
Start out going WEST on 2ND ST, go 1.4 miles as
2ND ST becomes W BLOOMFIELD RD. and continues past SR 37, and past
Curry Pike.
go approx. 2.5 miles
go north .9 mi..
Turn LEFT onto W RICE RD.
go 1.2 mi.
Turn Right at Tree Farm sign onto Gravel Drive.
go 1 mi. to the Talbot Cabin.

Total Est. Time: 19 minutes

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Paint Out July 28th

The next BWS Paint Out will be on Saturday, July 28th
from 9:00 to 2:00 at Duckworth Design Art Studio and Flower Farm,
7807 Lampkins Ridge Road, east of Bloomington.

Anyone interested in painting outdoors is welcome to attend.
Bring a sack lunch. Water and restrooms are available on site.

This paint out is being hosted by artist Cheryl Gregg Duckworth.
Cheryl exhibits at Gallery North. You can view her artwork at:
The paint out at her flower farm should be a great opportunity
for you to paint with a multitude of vivid colors!

Cheryl has provided the following directions to the Flower Farm:

Take third street East, past the mall, pass Smith Road, and then pass
the old Ryans Steak house. On the right you will see a sign that says
446 to Lake Monroe. Century Suites is on the right. Take a right on
446. One mile up 446 is a flashing blinker light. There is a church
on the left. Take a left at the blinker light. This is Lampkins
Ridge Road. Lampkins Ridge is very winding. It is only 4 miles long,
but seems longer! Stay on this road. There is a small road that
veers off to the left, about half way to my house, but it is gravel.
Just stay on the main paved road. When you are almost to my place you
will go down a long hill. As you go down the hill, my place is on the
left. It is a Red Brick Ranch, in the middle of 8 acres, and
surrounded by a lot of white pines. The address on the mailbox is
7807. I have a fairly long gravel driveway, and a Grey Polebarn.
Please park anywhere! Alongside the polebarn is fine, it is closest
to the main garden.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007



2007 Summer Edition


July 18th, Wednesday
Jeanne Iler's Watercolor Class
1-4 p.m. Cost $20.00 plus supplies.
Projects: resist and paper wrinkling techniques using rice paper and watercolor paper.

July 28, Saturday
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. BWS Paint Out
Duckworth Design Art Studio and Flower Farm
7807 Lampkins Ridge Road, east of Bloomington.

This paint out will be hosted by Cheryl Gregg Duckworth, a local artist whose paintings can be seen at http://www.gallery-north.org/duckworth.asp?artist=duckworth.
Anyone interested in painting outdoors or learning more about plein air painting is welcome to attend. Cheryl has provided the following directions to the Flower Farm:
Take third street East, past the mall, cross Smith Road, and past the old Ryan's Steak House.
Turn RIGHT onto 446.
Go one mile to the flashing blinker light. There is a church on the left.
Turn LEFT onto Lampkins Ridge Road. Lampkins Ridge is very winding. It is only 4 miles long, but seems longer! Stay on this road. There is a small road that veers off to the left, about half way to Cheryl's.
When you are almost to Cheryl's place, you will go down a long hill. As you go down the hill, Cheryl's place is on the left. It is a Red Brick Ranch in the middle of 8 acres and surrounded by a lot of white pines. The address on the mailbox is 7807. There is a fairly long gravel driveway, and a Grey Polebarn. Please park anywhere! Alongside the polebarn is fine - it is closest to the main garden.

June 2007
Annual Dues are Due!
Your Bloomington Watercolor Society dues time comes around every June. Don’t forget to re-enroll as a full member! Only $25 for a standard membership, and $10 for student or associate. Mail check payable to Bloomington Watercolor Society and send to:
Carol Rhodes
1317 E. Fairwood Dr.
Bloomington, IN 47408

July 5 - July 31
"Skinny Dippin'" at Gallery North on the Square
This exhibit will showcase artist members’ interpretations of that theme in paintings, sculpture, drawings, and photography. BWS members whose work are being show include Jeanne Iler, Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Cathy Korinek, Linda Meyer-Wright, and Carolyn Rogers Richard.
Gallery North is in the Wicks Building at 116 W. 6th St. Gallery hours are 11-6, Wednesdays through Saturdays, except holidays. The gallery telephone is 339-5729, or you may call 320-2200.

August 1 -31
Reza Pshgahi show at Gallery North on the Square
Featuring beautiful glass sculptures and abstract paintings.

August 3
5:00-8:00 p.m. Reception for Reza Pishgahi show at Gallery North


The June Paint Out at Katy Lyn's outside Ellettsville proved to be hot, dry, dusty - and fun! Many thanks to Jeanne and Park Iler who treated twelve of us to a cook-out at their home. Thanks, also, to Alice for her coordination of the paint out and to the owner who so graciously allowed us to invade his ghost town. Incidentally, the old, rusty iron cell that lingers on the front lawn of the "Main Street"? It's authentic - it came out of the old Ellettsville jail.

Many BWS members are globe trotting this summer and promising many paintings and photos to share when we meet this fall.

Nina Ost has been hanging at the beach... St. Pete Beach, Florida. She is taking a painting class from a long term teacher who is 85 years old!

Jenny and James Yang just came back from a trip to Seattle where they reunited with family and friends (14 in total) and they all visited Glacier Park for one week. During the trip in the Mountains, James said he was thrilled by the magnificent beauty of nature and painted about 25 watercolor pictures.

Jacki Frey traveled to visit her new grandbaby - don't think she had much time for painting, though!

Bonnie Gordon-Lucas visited family in the Czech Republic, took lots of photos, and painted with granddaughter Amelia. She returned in time for July & August's A Fair of the Arts, a Jewish arts show at Beth Shalom, Fourth Street Festival & the Penrod Society.

Shelley Frederick writes, "Hola from Mexico City all. What a wonderful place for Painting and seeing incredible art. I have visited many mercados and seen wonderful sights. And am off to see Frieda's Blue house. Until then, hasta luego!"


CONGRATULATIONS to all the following members!
Jeanne Iler has a pastel exhibit during July at the Gallery on the Green in Nashville, Indiana.

Connie Brorson was accepted into the Hoosier Salon exhibit.

Jacki Frey won 1st in Watercolor at the T. C. Steel paintout in May.

Carolyn Roger Richard's Age of Aquarium watercolor that was displayed at the Monroe Bank Show has sold.


Gallery North on the Square, an artists owned and operated fine art gallery, is issuing a call for artists. We currently have space for two new artist members. Artists will be asked to complete an application form and to submit 4-5 pieces for a jurying process by the membership on the first Wednesday of each month. Work can be picked up the following day. Our website can be seen at http://www.gallery-north.org/. Please call Carolyn at 320-2200 or email her at crichard@homefinder.org for membership details including fees and requirements. Five BWS members are already Gallery North artists! We look forward to hearing from you!

Mural Artists are wanted for a mural project at the Bedford Southern Indiana Pediatrics Office, the largest pediatric group in southcentral Indiana. The themes are surrealism and jungle-style, similar to Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are. The space is approximately 9 feet by 12 feet, with detail ideally focused mainly on the floor to half way up so small children can explore the images easily. For more information, please contact Elda Simpson at esimpson@sipdocs.com or 812-320- 9674.

The event will be September 8th and 9th in Brown County. For more information, please contact Barb Davis at 812-360-0478 or Donna Ray at 812-988-926.

Visual arts are welcome to enter the first annual juried Beaux Arts Fair to be held at the French Lick Winery Saturday, October 6, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event is part of the ongoing French Lick Sesquicentennial and will be paired with a wine tasting festival. Cash prizes in the amount of $500, $300, and $200 are available. Setup will take place the evening before, followed by an artists' reception. There is a $25 booth fee for a 12 x 12 space. Please submit a web link, photos or slides along with the application. For more information or an application, please contact Jim Stickler at jwstickler@bluemarble.net.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Meeting Minutes, May 14, 2007

Bloomington Watercolor Society

Attendees: Tina Allgood, Candi Bailey, Linda Barrett, Connie Brorson, Robert Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Tricia Hillenburg, Sara Steffey McQueen, Carol Rhodes, Carolyn Rogers Richard, Sammye Smith, Samantha Stacy, Susan Webb, and James Yang.

Carolyn Rogers Richard, vice-president, called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. at the Rose Bay, John Waldron Art Center, in the absence of president, Tricia Wente, and welcomed our newest member, Linda Barrett.

The April 9, 2007 minutes were distributed via the blog. No additions or corrections were offered. Sammye Smith moved to approve, seconded by Jacki Frey, and the minutes were approved.

Carol Rhodes, treasurer, reports a balance of $1205.66 in the treasury. Dues will be due next month, in June. Those who have joined February or later do not owe dues until June, 2008. The dues are $25.00 for regular members; $10 for students or associate members. Members may pay Carol Rhodes directly; meanwhile, Carol will investigate the possibility of arranging payment of dues on-line through the Bloomington Arts web site.

Jacki Frey moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Susan Webb seconded the motion, and the report was approved.

Our next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 10, 2007. Summer activities include the workshop and paint outs. Members were encouraged to watch their email for announcements of activities and information over the summer.


Monroe Bank Show ends Saturday at noon, May 19. Paintings must be picked up between 12:00 noon and 12:30. This conflicts with the T.C. Steele Festival of Flowers paint out, so if members need assistance picking up their pieces, contact Tricia Wente, Jeanne Dutton, or Carolyn Rogers Richard.

For anyone interested in participating in the Baker Gallery, contact Jonna Risher at the JWAC. She can arrange a tour for anyone who wishes to see the suite.

Five people attended the paint out at Spring Mill State Park. It rained again this year, but those who attended had a good time in the Pioneer Village.

The next paint out is scheduled at Kady Lynn’s on June 16. Reminders will be sent via email.

Our next show is at the Waldron, October 30 to November 11. Tricia Wente is in charge of the show and will distribute more information at the September meeting.

Carolyn thanked Samantha Stacy and Jodi Estell for bringing the refreshments. The refreshments are brought on a rotation basis, so if you wish to help, please contact Jodi Estell, hospitality chairlady.

No new business was presented.

A motion to adjourn was made by Connie Brorson, seconded by Tricia Hillenburg.

At this point, Carolyn turned the meeting over to Jacki Frey who introduced our guest speaker, Mrs. Joan Stanley-Baker, a professor of art history. Mrs. Stanley-Baker gave a delightful and informative presentation on the cultural differences between China and Japan and their effect upon the art of ceramics. Many thanks were and are given to her for a very pleasurable evening.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Ellen Dutton
Secretary, BWS

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Paint Out June 16th

Plein air painters and those interested in learning more about painting
outdoors are welcome to our next paint out
Sat. June 16th from 9:00 to 2:00
at Kady Lynn Old Western Park.

The Park is a private, scenic location with a reproduction of a small
old west town.

Jeanne Iler lives near the park and has graciously invited us to her
house for lunch. As for the barbecue lunch, she will provide grilled
hot dogs, hamburgers, relishes and drinks. Please feel free to bring
something to add to the pitch in. Jeanne will pass out maps to her
house at the paint out.

Come out to the Wild West for this fun paint out, just minutes west of

Directions to Kady Lynn Park
From downtown Bloomington, start out going NORTH on N WALNUT ST
Turn LEFT onto IN-45 S / IN-46 W (a.k.a. the bypass) Continue to follow
IN-46 West.
2.1 miles
0.6 miles
1.4 miles
End at Kady Lynn Park, 5331 W Woodyard Rd, Bloomington, IN
Total est time 12 minutes

Friday, May 4, 2007


Bloomington Watercolor Society

May 2007

May is an exceptionally busy month, so grab your datebook!

  • May 5, Tomorrow, BWS Paint Out at Spring Mill State Park, Mitchell, IN, 9:00 am to 2:00.
    The Pioneer Village is the area where we'll be painting. Plan to gather for a lunch break at or around Butternut Grove Shelter near the village at noon. Of course, you can set up to paint anywhere in the Park.
  • May 14, Monday, Monthly Meeting at 6:00 p.m. at the Monroe County Library, Room 1C. This will be our last regular meeting before September! Our featured speaker is Mrs. Stanley-Baker, an American living in Taiwan.
  • May 14, Monday, Deadline for registration for the T. C. Steele Festival of Flowers Paint Out.
    From the web page
    http://www.tcsteele.org/events.asp, where you may acquire a copy of the registration form, comes the following information: "Artists of all ages will set up to capture the beauty of the spring flowers on the property, just as painter T.C. Steele did at the turn of the 20th century. Admission is free for the general public for all outdoor activities, including an outdoor concert from 1:00 to 3:30pm. There is a $7.50 registration fee for adult artists. Children 12 and under, and teens 13 to 18, may participate free of charge. Artists of all ages must pre-register to participate in the contest. 7:00am to 3:30pm."
    For complete information, call 812-988-2785, or email
  • May 16, Wednesday, Watercolor Class, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Jeanne Iler is teaching on the subject, "Creating the Look of Batik with Watercolor Media." Meet at Michael's on the west side; cost is $20.
  • May 19, Saturday, Pick up Paintings, 12:00 noon -12:30p.m, Monroe County Bank on Kirkwood. If you cannot pick up your pieces during that time, you must make alternate arrangements. Contact Tricia Wente tricia@wente.com or me, jeanne.ellen.dutton@insightbb.com if you need assistance.
  • May 19, Saturday, T.C. Steele Festival of Flowers Paint Out
  • May 21, Monday, Beginning Watercolor Class, 6-8 p.m. Jeanne Iler instructs this class on "Pet Portraits" at Michael's on the west side of Bloomington. Cost? $15.00
  • June 2, Saturday, BWS Spring Workshop, 9:00-4:00 p.m. Enrollment for the class is full, but we are maintaining a waiting list.
  • June 16, Saturday, BWS Paint Out at Katy Lynn Old West Buildings. More information will be coming your way...watch your email!
to new members Tricia Hillenburg, Candi Bailey, and Samantha Stacy - we are glad you joined the group!

The Indiana Artists' Club's 75th Annual Exhibit opened earlier this month at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Both Jacki and Tricia had pieces that were accepted into the juried event. Tricia was awarded a Merit Award for her painting, "Zion." Robert Eberle presented the award in memory of Rosemary Lawson Thomas. The show will remain in place through June 2. (Note: if anyone is interested in membership in the IAC, please contact Tricia or Jacki for information. The next deadline for application is early September.)

Shelley Frederick and Jeanne Ellen Dutton have a show currently at the Bloomington Hospital Administrative Conference Room and Doctors Lounge. (The exhibit is not open to the public, unfortunately.)

Plain Words regarding Plein Air

Spring has sprung!! Now, as we dive into our season of paint outs in the beautiful southern Indiana outdoors, it seemed appropriate to refresh and review our thoughts on painting outside. And for those beginners, like this editor, it's a great time to learn a bit about the method.

The term "plein air" comes from the French, en plein air, meaning "in the open air," a painting done out of doors rather than in a studio. The impressionists were particularly interested in the influence of changing light outdoors on color.

Tricia Wente offers the following suggestions for your supply list:

  • Small paper pads that double as sketch and watercolor paper for your starter paintings
  • A small travel pack which includes paint, brushes and a water bottle. (Pygmalion's carries a couple different styles - one is a classy black leather "book" style and the other is nylon with a shoulder strap.)
  • Extra water so you can change your water frequently.
  • A bigger block of paper to use as you develop your painting.
  • A brush pack.
  • Wet naps or towelettes.
  • A plastic cup.
  • Sketching pencils.
  • Roll of tape.
  • Masque.
  • An easel, or a board which you can hold or your lap.
  • Bug spray and sun screen!
  • Food and camera optional.

Jacki Frey shared a great idea. Pack everything in a five gallon container - then use it as a stool!

To begin your session, Tricia suggests the following:

  • Look over the scenery and find a spot you are comfortable in.

  • Sit and start - do it quickly. Brevity is the key. You don't have to finish the painting; just get started.

  • Light changes. Color changes. If possible, do the initial painting all at once. Just keep it brief, and do "baby paintings."

  • Start painting at different times in order to get more pictures from the same scene. Take advantage of the color and light changes.

  • Remember: there is no "right" or "wrong" way to do plein air painting - just do it!

Jacki also noted that it is best to wear neutral colors. The sun reflecting off bright clothing can affect the colors you see. So do sunglasses. Avoid them.

Perhaps the greatest challenge, at least for yours truly, is to stay on track when the world is so beautiful and distracting. I mean, a little downy woodpecker sticks her head out of the hole in that old tree and the next thing I know, my brush is down and I am tip-toeing through the grass to get a closer look at her pretty red head.

Jacki's solution is to use a small cut picture mat to focus on her chosen scene. Hold it up, move it around until you find your focus scene. Then, keep it handy as you develop your painting. It keeps your eyes from being overwhelmed and distracted.

Our plein air artists/organizers, Alice and Paul Sharp, were kind enough to share their experience from a plein air workshop.


by Alice Sharp

A few years ago, while Paul and I were taking a plein air workshop on Amelia Island, Florida taught by Tony Van Hasselt, one key step that Tony demonstrated made a big difference in my painting.

In the first half hour or so, after setting up the easel on location and choosing a subject, Tony proceeded with one or more black and white "pattern sketches" in black marker or dark paint on newsprint paper, cut the same size as the watercolor paper we would be using.

The idea was to simply record the shadow shapes that the morning light created. The decision making process went like this: Is this area a light area, or a dark area? If light, leave it white. If dark, make it black. Use your eyes as a light meter and divide the scene into two high contrast zones...black and white.

This is a sample of Paul's pattern sketches:

This exercise ensures that you record the light when it's creating the best shadows - either in the morning or late afternoon. Then, the sun can move, the weather can change, but you'll still have your pattern sketch to refer to as you paint. If you like, you can trace your pattern sketch lightly in pencil onto your watercolor paper to get your painting started.

This procedure gave me a strategy for simplifying the plein air painting process, which in turn gave me more confidence to paint on location.

Here are some links for your viewing pleasure:




Brushstrokes May 2007
A monthly newsletter from the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society,
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, editor