Friday, May 8, 2009

Meeting Minutes April 2009

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2009
Members In attendance: Tina Allgood, Robert Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Cathy Haggerty, Sue Haverstock, Steve Jackson, Kathy Karnes, Cathy Korinek, Nancy Davis Metz, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Shelly Ritter, John Shelton, Betty Wagoner, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, James Yang.

Nancy Davis Metz, president, called the meeting to order at 6:14 p.m. at First Christian Church. Nancy thanked those who had provided refreshments for the meeting – Tina Allgood, Sue Haverstock and Jo Weddle. She then welcomed new members and guests – Bob and Grace Anderson, Cathy Haggerty, Beth Thurman, Liz Stanhouse of Baker Place and Mary Jo Cannedy of the Lawrence County Art Association.

The following announcements were made prior to the beginning of the business meeting:

Baker Place. Liz Stanhouse informed the membership that Baker Place, located above Roadway Guitar Shop, is a partner with the John Waldron Art Center. Baker Place has been open for two years and serves as an overflow reception space for the Waldron and other groups. A gallery is located in Baker Place where BWS members are invited to display their works with a limit of one piece per person. Commissions go to the Waldron. Tricia Wente is the liaison for Baker and the Waldron Art Center. Members interested in displaying should call and make an appointment with Remmy at the Waldron.

Art Sanctuary, Martinsville. The old Methodist Church has been purchased by the city to be used as a community building. Studios for work space are available.

BWS Shows – Tricia Wente. BWS will participate in the Columbus Learning Center display next January. Our November Membership Show will be held at City Hall in the Showers Building.

Lawrence County Art Association. Mary Jo Cannedy provided information about a Tom Lynch workshop from August 18 – 20, 2009, 9:30 – 4:00. Cost will be $270 per person. Space is limited to 26. This watercolor offering is not for beginners.

A. Minutes from March 9, 2009. Seeing no additions or corrections, a motion was made by Tricia Wente to approve the minutes. After a second by Cathy Korinek the motion was passed.

B. Treasurer’s Report – Our current balance is $1,048.80. There were 21 participants in the Bill Borden workshop, eleven of which paid their registration through Pay Pal. After workshop expenses were paid, there was a net amount of $550 remaining. Carol Rhodes is making arrangements for members to pay dues through Pay Pal.

C. Committee and Board Reports
1. Jeanne Dutton – Bill Borden workshop. Some participants would have liked to have had more time to paint during the day. We may pursue the idea of having a Part 2 to the workshop holding it at Hanover where Bill lives. We would request that most of the day be devoted to painting.
2. Steve Jackson – Paint Outs. Our first paint out will be May 30 at Cedarcrest, the Sycamore Land Trust home on Heritage Woods Road, just off 446. The rest of the schedule is not complete at this time. Members gave possible site location suggestions. Steve will present a schedule at the May meeting.

D. Old Business
1. BWS Note Cards – A report on this initiative will be given at the May meeting, Meri Reinhold, Bonnie Gordon-Lucas and Dan Alexander are serving on this committee.

E. New Business
1. Brown County Art Gallery Foundation membership dues. A discussion was held regarding benefits of membership in this gallery. A motion to pay the $40 membership dues for this year was made by Cathy Korinek and seconded by Tricia Wente. Motion carried.

F. Announcements

Shelly Ritter has offered her Worker Farm for plein air paint outs either for groups or individuals. Contact Shelly at 812-679-8879 or email her at: if interested.

Jacki Frey will host a free Open Studio on Friday, April 17, 10:00 – 12:30. RSVP to Jacki at 812-320-6745 or send an email to:

Saturday, April 25, T. C. Steele Art Trek, 10:00 a.m. Take to the woods with T. C. Steele staff member/artist Amber Zaragoza and natural science illustrator Gillian Harris to enjoy and capture the beauty that inspired artist T. C. Steele 100 years ago. Bring a sketchbook and your choice of drawing media for a 2-hour sketching walk on a moderate, established trail.

First Brush of Spring – 11th Annual, April 23 – 25, 2009. Sponsored by IPAPA, New Harmony Artist Guild, Hoosier Salon. Check-in for the paint out is 7:00 – 9:00 a.m., Thursday and Friday; 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. Saturday, at the Hoosier Salon Gallery, 507 Church Street, New Harmony. More information on BWS Brushstrokes. For complete information and a downloadable registration form, go to

Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School, Saturday, April 25, 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Burlesque-style figure drawing, $6.00, Rachael’s CafĂ©.

2nd annual Spring Blossom Arts Festival, May 8 – 10, throughout the Village of Nashville, Indiana. For full information, please contact Debbie Dunbar, Director of Marketing and Communications, Brown County Convention and Visitors Bureau at 800-753-3255 Ext. 11.
T. C. Steele Festival of Flowers Paint Out, Saturday, May 16, 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Artists must be pre-registered in order to submit their work for judging but may also paint for their own enjoyment.

G. Current Exhibits
1. Tricia Wente “Portraits and Landscapes” at By Hand Gallery in Fountain Square Mall through April.
2. Jeanne Iler and Carolyn Rogers Richard “Absolutely Abstract!” at Gallery North on the Square, now through April 24. Other featured artists are Anabel Hopkins and Lee Chapman.

3. Connie Brorson will have a display at Meadowwood, now through April.

H. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn was made by Jeanne Dutton and seconded by Tricia Wente. Meeting ended at 6:53.

I. Program on creativity was presented by Nancy Davis Metz.

Respectfully submitted,
Joanne Weddle, Secretary

Thursday, May 7, 2009


May 2009


BWS Monthly Meeting
May 11, Monday

6:00 p.m.
First Christian Church
After a short business meeting, fellow BWS artist and professional photographer Bob Talbot will teach us the tricks of photographing our own artwork. Bring your questions, Bob will be happy to answer them.

ANNUAL DUES are due in June, and now it's easier than ever to pay them. BWS will accept cash and checks at the meeting, and credit cards on-line. Thanks to Carol Rhodes, our computer guru and faithful treasurer, you can now pay on-line using secure PayPal. Go to and just follow the instructions.

Standard membership: $25. This includes Signature members, too, who must keep their dues current in order to retain signature status.

Student or Associate membership: $10.

Family membership: $40. For two people living in one residence.

Dues may also be mailed to BWS at PO Box 5236, Bloomington, IN 47407-5236.

May 9, Saturday
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friends of T.C. Steele Plant Sale and Demonstrations
Bring your mother to the site for a demo on cooking with herbs at 11 a.m. with Barbara Bowman, Brown County Extension Educator, and a demo on reducing your carbon footprint in the garden at 2 p.m. with Amy Thompson, Monroe County Extension Education. There will be papermaking all day.

May 10
Festival of Flowers Paint Out - REGISTRATION FORM DUE

May 15
Opening Reception: The Artesian

The Art Sanctuary’s First Juried Exhibition
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
The Art Sanctuary
190 N Sycamore
Martinsville, Indiana for details and exhibition hours.

May 16, Saturday
Festival of Flowers Paint Out
7:00 a.m.
You don’t have to sign up to paint! You must register by May 10 to be included in the judging, however. And it’s perfectly okay to go wander the grounds and watch the other artists at work. A great day for painting!
For all the details, please go to

May 22, Friday
Watercolor Workshop

9:00 – 3:30
Jacki Frey Studio
Cost $35 Theme
Theme: Maine shop window with sail boat model in window and geraniums in window box. Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 20 at or call her on her cell, 320-6745.

May 30, Saturday
BWS First Paint Out of the Season!
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

We will meet at the Sycamore Land Trust's home, Cedarcrest, 4898 E. Heritage Road. Bring a sack lunch and spend the day painting in this absolutely beautiful setting.
Take 3rd Street to Brewster's Ice Cream Stand, then 446 South. Look for Heritage Woods Road on your left. Keep going until you cross a couple speed bumps, then SLT will be on your right.

June 13, Saturday
Sullivan Munce Cultural Center (SMCC) will host the "4th Annual Zionsville Paint Out" event in Zionsville, Indiana. This year, the Paint Out will coincide with the Guild's annual Gardens of Zionsville Tour. Artists are invited to paint the gardens on the tour. For all the details, please go to Cost: Free members/$25 non-members.

Seven new artists have joined BWS this year – and it’s only May! A big welcome to Bob Anderson, Mary Jo Cannedy, Barb Cappy, Cathy Haggerty, Jerome Harste, Barb Hawkins, and John Shelton. Glad to have you with us!

Nancy Davis Metz, your BWS president, presented some really fun ways to boost our creativity…you know, sort of a Vitamin C for our brain! (Vitamin C, as in “C”reativity?)
Here are 10 tips on nurturing your creativity, culled from various art books and supplemented by BWS members:

1. Fill a sketchbook page in 15 minutes. Nita Leland in The New Creative Artist suggests using pencils, pens and paints to doodle, draw, sketch, make lists, plan projects -- anything that comes to mind. Writers use a similar technique to combat writer’s block.

2. Lie on the floor and color, try fingerpainting, draw on the sidewalk with chalk. Childhood activities unleash creativity.

3. Visit a museum or gallery (in person or online). Leland suggests listing in your sketchbook the themes, subjects and techniques that interest you.

4. Draw (or paint) with both hands simultaneously.

5. Create by “committee.” In a group of two to four people, decide what the group will draw (a portrait, a farm, etc.). One person starts by drawing one thing. If a portrait, the face shape is first. Then, the next person adds one thing (pair of eyes, a nose, a mouth), and passes the evolving art to the next person. This continues until there is nothing else to add to the picture and everyone is laughing. This tip comes from BWS member Cathy Haggerty, who used this as a “waiting” game with her children.

6. Pour paint through filters. Lay an assortment of absorbent filters on top of your watercolor paper. Coffee filters, paper towels, napkins, doilies, rice paper all work well. Spray water on the filters and then pour your liquid watercolors over them. This can be used as an under painting, or it can become a painting in and of itself.

7. Listen to music while painting. BWS member Susan Webb says she often paints while listening to WFIU (the opera on Saturdays and “Broadway Revisited” on Sundays).

8. Slice a green pepper, apple or a cabbage, and draw the cross-section. Then, use the natural pattern as a point of departure, transforming the design into a landscape, a face, a figure or an abstract drawing. This idea is from Nita Leland’s The New Creative Artist.

9. Throw watercolor on wet paper and see what happens. BWS member Linda Endris says she likes to paint without planning first and then to add a more controlled image. Linda also suggests The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. She says to check it out on, where more than 290 reviews provide an interesting read.

10. Give yourself an assignment. In her workshop last summer, Judi Betts told of the day she assigned herself 10 paintings from her yard and garden. At the end of the day, she had done 10 paintings and had sold one of them to a neighbor. Here are some ideas: Paint an abstract based on a previously done painting, do a self-portrait, arrange and paint a still life based on a favorite recipe (pasta, tomatoes, an onion, a colander, a bottle of wine, etc.).

Art Instructors
Redbud Hills Retirement Community is seeking art instructors to conduct a weekly art class for their residents. The art students’ ages range from 84 to 101, 2 to 6 students participant each week. The art instructor(s) could instruct an art class on a weekly basis or several art instructors could vary and teach once a month. $20.00/hour rate of pay. Currently, the art class is scheduled on Tuesdays from 10:30 - 11:30 am (could be rescheduled). It is a very rewarding class to instruct. Call Shel Ritter at 812-679-8879 or email at for additional information and/or interest in teaching the class.

Juried Exhibit for Watercolors
The Wichita Center for the Arts announces their upcoming national juried exhibition, the Kansas Watercolor Society National Exhibition 2009. It is the first year it will be a national competition. The prospectus is available or call (316) 634-2787 ext. 226 or email Molly Tully at

Baker Place Gallery
The Baker Place is a large, luxury suite above Roadway Guitar, just across from the Waldron. Liz Stanhouse visited BWS at our last meeting, and encouraged artists to take this opportunity to exhibit a painting there at the gallery. It is not open to the public except on Gallery Walk nights when the suite is not rented, but many business receptions and meetings are held there. Please contact Remmy, at the Waldron to set up a time to deliver a piece, and to sign the necessary paperwork. Paintings may be on display for about 6 months. If you have any questions, Tricia Wente is the BWS liaison with Liz and Remmy. Please contact her at And, please note, artists are encouraged to submit local subject matter if possible.

For Sale
Jane Jensen and husband are in the process of down sizing and will be moving into a Condo by the end of May. She has many lovely and very informative watercolor books to sell and a few other items from her art room, all in excellent condition that she bought through North Light. One thing in particular is a watercolor easel (never been used), If anyone is interested, her number is 339-7665.

Volunteers Needed
Steve Pierson, the Waldron Facilities Manager, notified us that volunteers are needed to work in the Waldron Gift Shop. Shifts open are Saturdays, 2:00 - 7:30 p.m. and Sundays, 11:00am - 7:30 p.m. These times can be broken up in to 4 hour shifts. Please call Steve at (812) 334-3100 or send e-mail to

Classes at People’s University
Jeanne Iler is teaching several classes this spring, including “Watercolor Painting Made Easy!”
This class begins May 19, and the cost is $37 city residents.
“Creative Drawing – New Techniques” teaches you how to see things. If you can see an object, you can draw it! For full details on Jeanne’s classes and registration information, stop at

“Art on Westfield” is open now through May 16. BWS Artists exhibiting are Jeanne Iler, Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Jacki Frey, and Carolyn Rogers Richard. Hours are 11:00 – 7:00 daily. If you happen to be in Broad Ripple for their Art Fair on the 16th, stop by and say hello! We are at 835 Westfield, just off College Avenue in Broad Ripple.

Ferrer Gallery "Special Exhibit"June 1, 2009 - June 27, 2009
“Vamps, Vixens, and other Virtuous Women”
Exhibit features paintings, fabric sculptures, and mixed media creations by Connie Boussom and BWS members, Linda Meyer-Wright, and Carolyn Rogers Richard. The opening reception is Saturday June 6, 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Ferrer Gallery is located in Nashville on the 2nd level of the Village Green Building.

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly
publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Nancy Davis Metz, President 2009
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, Editor
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47407-5236