Tuesday, June 12, 2012

BWS Meeting Minutes, June 11, 2012

Members in attendance:   Bob Anderson, Tina Allgood, Evelyn Allwine, Candi Bailey, Patti Brundle, Bob Burris, Ria Collee, Jeanne Dutton, Sandy Gaier*, Charlotte Griffin, Steven Jackson, Margret Kingrey, Kriste Lindberg, Meredith Metz, Nancy Metz, Linda Meyer-Wright, Sara McQueen, Diane Probst, Deborah Rush, Joanne Shank, Deloris Schneider, Phyllis Taylor, Bob Thrasher, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente, Donna Whitsitt, Vi Working, Cassidy Young.
*New member

Guests: Susan Miralli

The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. at the First Christian Church on the first floor.  BWS President, Jeanne Dutton thanked the Hospitality/Cheer chair, Jo Weddle and her helpers for arranging for meeting refreshments.  Refreshments were provided by Jeanne Dutton, Susan Webb, Phyllis Taylor, Tina Allgood, and Jo Weddle. 

The minutes of the last meeting (May 14, 2012) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. Candi Bailey motioned for acceptance and Betty Wagoner seconded the motion.  The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.


Scholarship Committee:  Jo Weddle reminded the members about the availability of donor cards for members who would like to add to the funds for the BWS Scholarship.  She mentioned that contributions have been coming in and that the hope is to build the fund to sustainability.

Conference: Nancy Metz reported to the members that part of conference committee took a trip to French Lick to meet with hotel and services management and to see the physical site for the Gallery.  Nancy emphasized our thanks to Ivy Tech for all of the publicity and logistics help in registrations for the conference.  Jo Weddle informed the members that volunteers will be needed at the conference for things like manning the conference registration desk, acting as room monitors, and being the BWS representative during Gallery hours.  Nancy mentioned that a position as Conference Onsite Facilitator is vacant. A volunteer is needed who will be the focal point in logistics at the conference and will interface with the hotel for services on the days of the conference. Nancy also told members that the conference has an offer from Don Preston’s Art Sales to provide a mobile art store making art supplies that are needed for the classes available for purchase.  She reminded members to register for the conference and for the hotel; hotel rooms may be difficult to get later in the summer due to a single event being scheduled at the West Baden hotel which has booked its whole facility for Saturday, September 22nd.

Programs:  Cassidy Young, Program chair, reminded members that BWS takes a break from member meetings in July and August.  But, programs will begin again in the September.  She passed out a colorful list of the activities planned for the rest of the year (both member meetings and paint-outs).

Paint Outs:  The June paint-out will be hosted by Connie Brorson at Meadowood.  There will be a box-lunch provided at the Meadowood paint-out. An RSVP has been sent out to members so that the correct number of lunches can be requested. Make sure you respond.

Membership/Signature Status: A special thanks was issued to the Signature status committee consisting of Betty Wagoner, Bob Burris, Tricia Wente, and to Jo Weddle for running the Signature Status process and selecting the three new Signature members.  Betty Wagoner, Chair, announced that Jerry Harste, Nancy Metz, and Linda Meyer-Wright were the recipients of Signature status.  Tricia Wente handed out certificates and pens that signify their new status.  Congratulations to all three.

Old Business:

Notecards: Margret Kingrey offered packets of 8 BWS notecards for $12 to anyone who desired them.

  • Joanne Shank reported that the Open Studio Tour on June 2 and 3 was quite successful and that at her open studio the count of attendees was 180.
  • Charlotte Griffin announced that she had the pictures and easels that members had loaned for the May 19 Hilltop Show in her car and members could pick up their items after the meeting.
After the Signature Award ceremony, Vi Working gave a program on various Dry Brush techniques.  Vi provided a prepared 4.5 x 6” piece of watercolor paper with a blue color wash on it to each attendee.  She showed some of her own work using the techniques and then demonstrated them.  All participants were encouraged to do an ocean wave on their blue wash paper so that everyone could practice and experience dry brush in the same manner.  Vi went around the room to make suggestions to each artist about the work they were doing.  

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin

BWS Secretary, 2012