Wednesday, February 6, 2008

BWS Brushstrokes

February 2008

Dates and Updates

BWS Monthly Meeting
Monday, February 11, 6:00 p.m.
Monroe County Public Library, Room 1C
After a short business meeting, Jeanne Iler will present a demo on Chinese Brush and Ink Painting, and we get to participate!

FREE but PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED because we need to make sure we have enough supplies for everyone. Just email to and say, “Count me in!” or call Jacki, Jeanne, or Jeanne to sign up.


Rod Crossman is coming to Bloomington! This outstanding watercolorist and artist-in-residence at Indiana Wesleyan University is scheduled to teach the BWS Spring Workshop on April 26, 2008 from 9:00 – 4:30. The workshop was announced at the last meeting and enrollment began that evening with a very positive response. That means the workshop is filling up fast!!!
So, here’s the scoop:
1. Space is limited to 25 members.
2. The cost is $35 per person.
3. Interested members may send an email to The list was begun at the January meeting when Jacki announced the workshop, so don’t delay getting your name to us…we have 22 listed already!
4. Those members who have indicated interest will have their space reserved UNTIL MARCH 10. Registration fees are due to Carol Rhodes, treasurer, no later than March 10. If fees are not received by the March 10 deadline, the next person on the list will be contacted. A check may be sent to BWS, PO Box 5236, Bloomington, IN 47407-5236 at any time.
5. The waiting list will be established chronologically…first come, first served. Of course, someone always runs into a conflict as we get closer to the actual date, so don’t hesitate to send your name for the list.

For more about Rod, please see or


Amanda Mathis, Kathy Karnes, Bob Talbot, Dan Alexander, Jerome Harste are all new members of BWS – glad you are joining us!

Welcome, also, to our guests at the January meeting, Sally Steele, Phyllis Watt, Fee and Brian Ward, and Jim Sampson. Please come back and visit us again!


A big thank you goes to Jodi Estell for the refreshments at the January meeting. Jodi has retired as the BWS hospitality chair and Susan Blunck is the new chair.

Volunteers are needed to help provide refreshments at the meetings. Your BWS officers are bringing the goodies in February – Valentine’s Day treats – just to show how much we love y’all – please let Susan know which month you want to contribute treats for the meeting.


Jeanne Iler’s watercolor class this month includes painting on yupo and making monoprints. The class takes place at Michael’s on Wednesday, February 20th from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. The cost is $20, which includes the yupo.

Sammye Smith is currently exhibiting at the Monroe County Public Library Gallery. The exhibit ends February 9, so better hurry down to enjoy the show.

Sara Steffey McQueen has an exhibit of new work at the By Hand Gallery in Bloomington for the month of February.

RED HOT! is the color for February at Gallery North on the Square. Check it out at


Jeanne Ellen Dutton will teach Beginning Watercolor – for the very beginner – as part of IVTC’s Center for Lifelong Learning program on Thursdays, March 20, 27, April 3, and April 10, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Here’s the link:

Jacki Frey will teach Drawing Basics on Wednesdays, March 26 through April 30, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Jeanne Iler will teach Watercolor on Thursdays, May 1 -17 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Both of these classes are through People’s University, and details may be viewed at

Jacki Frey will teach at the Waldron this summer. Go to for all the info.

Annual Wabash Valley Juried Exhibition
The Prospectus for the 64th Annual Wabash Valley Juried Exhibition is available from the Swope Art Museum in Terre Haute. The telephone number is (812) 238-1676; and the museum hours are Monday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Saturday 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m. Although the prospectus is not yet on-line, it will be soon and you can access it at Entry deadline is April 12; the exhibit is July 12 - September 6.

Sheldon Swope Museum Bus Trip
Information from Lisa Petrulis, curator of collections and exhibits at the Sheldon Swope Art Museum:
The Swope’s Edward Hopper, Route 6, Eastham (1941 oil), is now at the Art Institute of Chicago in the last leg of the three venue tour of the retrospective exhibition Edward Hopper, February 16- May 11, 2008.
The Swope is offering a bus tour to see the show in Chicago on Tuesday, March 25, 2008. The fee of $110 and covers Turner Bus Transportation and driver’s tip; Admission to two exhibits: Edward Hopper and Watercolors by Winslow Homer: the Color of Light, and the permanent collection of the Art Institute of Chicago; Audio tour of the Hopper and Homer exhibits; and a light breakfast and coffee to start the trip. However, Lunch and Dinner are not included in the fee. The tour will leave from Turner at 8:30 a.m. EDT and arrive back at approximately 9:00 p.m. EDT. Contact the Swope at (812) 238-1676 for a full itinerary and to reserve your spot. Payment in full is due at time of reservation.

The Rising Sun Festival of Fine Arts & Crafts 2008

This is a juried fine art and fine craft festival, held annually in the National Register of Historic Places, Main Street, Rising Sun, Indiana.
The festival is Saturday and Sunday, September 13 and 14, 2008, 9:00 – 5:00, and is two days of exceptional quality fine arts and crafts from the region's most talented artists and artisans.
Also included are wine tasting, catered refreshments, live music, and no admission fee. For more information about artist applications, please go to


If you wish to be included on the artists' page, please send your digital image and a short bio to Everyone is encouraged to participate!

Brushstrokes is a
monthly publication from the
Bloomington (IN) Watercolor Society.
PO Box 5236
Bloomington IN 47407-5236
Jeanne Ellen Dutton, editor

Monday, February 4, 2008

Meeting Minutes for January 14, 2008


Attendance: Tina Allgood, Connie Brorson, Robert Burris, Jeanne Dutton, Jodi Estell, Jacki Frey, Charlotte Griffin, Carla Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Carol Rhodes, Carolyn Rogers, Alice Sharp, Sammye Smith, Sue Speichert, Sandy Taylor, Bob Thrasher, Jennifer Trueblood, Joanne Weddle, Tricia Wente.

New Member: Kathy Karnes

Guests: Dan Alexander, Jim Sampson, Sally Steele, Bob Talbot, Brian Ward, Fee Ward, Phyllis Watt

Jeanne Dutton, president, called the meeting to order at 6:16 p.m. in the Monroe County Public Library. Jeanne welcomed all current members, introduced new member Kathy Karnes and all guests.

Secretary’s Report – Jeanne Dutton referred to the minutes of the last meeting on November 12, 2007. Minutes were distributed through the blog with an e-mail reminder to members. Nina Ost made a motion to approve which was seconded by Tricia Wente. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Carol Rhodes distributed a report showing total income and expenses for January through December of 2007. Balance at the end of the year was $1,406.10. At the present time there are 55 paid members. Carla Hedges made a motion to approve the report which was seconded by Jeanne Iler. The motion carried.

Committee Reports

1. Tricia Wente reported that the 2007 Membership Show went well with one, and possibly two, pieces selling. The 2008 show at Gallery North will be held in July this year. July is also Gallery Walk month. Those wishing to exhibit this year will receive forms at the BWS May meeting. BWS may hold a show at the Waldron every other year and it must be juried first according to the Waldron procedure.

2. Alice Sharp is working on a calendar for this year’s plein air paintouts. Although most will be held on Saturdays, Alice will try to arrange two mid-week paintouts. The schedule will be available in the next month or two.

3. Jeanne Iler reported on Signature Status. The BWS application was sent to everyone through the internet. The first page lists advantages to signature status, one of which includes no entrance fee to any of the BWS shows. There may be traveling shows just for Signature Status members. High status watercolor artists will judge applications. Forms will be accepted by Jeanne Iler and Tricia Wente until March 10, 2008. After the judging, those who have not been accepted will receive a letter of notification with an explanation and suggestions.

4. Jodi Estell was thanked for providing hospitality over the past years, and for bringing the evening’s refreshments. Susan Blunk has consented to assume this responsibility. Refreshments for the February meeting will be provided by BWS officers. Volunteers are needed to bring refreshments for the March, April, May and June meetings.

5. Jacki Frey provided information about upcoming programs and workshops
a. February 11- Jeanne Iler will present on Chinese brush painting. Jeanne will bring examples and supplies. Jeanne needs to know how many will be attending so she may bring the correct number of brushes and work stations. There will not be a supply fee. Meeting will be held in Room 1-C at the MCPL.
b. March 10 - Linda Meyer-Wright’s program will be on watercolor waxing techniques.
c. April 26 – Rod Crossman, guest artist, will present a one-day workshop from 9:30 – 4:00 at First Christian Church. Fee will be $35 per person. There will be a 25 person limit with a waiting list. Rod is a well-known artist using watercolor, acrylics and oil. Carol Rhodes showed examples of Rod’s work available on the internet.
d. August 3-7 – Judi Betts, glazing and watercolor artist, will present a five-day workshop at First Christian Church. Judi’s charges will include $435 per day fee, airline, hotel, etc. $325 registration fee for BWS members and $350 to non-members. Judi advertises nationally. Registration will be through Sunrise Box Office and must be done online.

Old Business

1. Connie Brorson discussed the tutto bène show. She reported that this year’s display was nice but no paintings were sold. BWS may hope to make this an annual event. A question posed to the group was whether we prefer a larger or smaller display. This year’s show was limited to 20 pieces of art. Connie will continue discussing the possibilities with Marci and keep us posted.

New Business

1. Carolyn Rogers reported that the owner of Lennie’s has a farm where he is establishing a brewery. The owner is interested in allowing BWS to have a paint out at the farm and an exhibit of work in the brewery. It was felt that this would be an opportunity for good BWS exposure. Alice Sharp will make a contact to set a paintout date.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Tricia Wente and seconded by Bob Burris. Motion carried. Tricia invited members to examine the BWS scrapbook on display. Jeanne Dutton announced that Phyllis Watt brought watercolor books to sell for half price.
Carol Rhodes presented a program on online resources for Bloomington Watercolor Society. Available opportunities include:

1. The Bloomington Watercolor Society website at:
2. BWS activities posted online at:
3. Brush Strokes newsletter:
4. Email
a. For members only:
b. For members plus interested people:
c. Anyone online who looks at our Google group:
5. Check up on BWS happenings – or
6. Carol explained that BWS wants biographies and images of an example of art of each member on the webpage. Members should send their images to Carol and their bios to Jeanne Dutton for editing.

Alice Sharp showed a CD of photos taken of members at past paintouts.

Respectfully submitted,
Joanne Weddle, Secretary