Thursday, September 1, 2011

Brushstrokes -- September 2011

Sara Steffey McQueen chats with Meri Reinhold, Deloris
Schneider, and Kriste Lindberg during the August Gallery
Walk. McQueen's work was featured in the Waldron's
Flashlight Gallery.

Tonight's Gallery Walk -- Sept. 2
Gallery North is featuring TheaTRIXS, Art by Kathleen Rice,
a BWS member. Tonight's opening reception is 6 to 8 p.m.
Her show will be displayed through Sept. 30. Gallery North
is at 116 W. Sixth St., Bloomington.

Presidential column
By Kriste Lindberg

Can you believe summer’s almost over?  (I say “almost” as it’s not officially over until September 22!) It feels like it though, now that school has started again.

Hope you have been having a good one and getting lots of painting done at our summer paintouts and at your park if you have chosen one for our main show this year. That show will open Friday, Nov. 4, at City Hall – just in time for holiday shopping!

In the meantime, your core board has met to discuss our exciting future and more. We are doing very well and looking forward to embarking on some new endeavors.

Our first meeting of the whole since June (can you believe it?) is coming up on Sept. 12.  Bring in the works you have completed over the summer for a bit of show and tell, and we will soon be getting the word out on what to bring to take part in Jeanne Dutton’s splatter paint demo. Watch your e-mail for a reminder. It will be fun for all!

See you then.

Rena Brouwer Watercolor Workshop - Birds!
Rena, Hoosier Artisan and accomplished artist, will present a workshop Oct. 1 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Rena was here two years ago and those who attended know what a great workshop she provides, so don't miss this opportunity!  Members, $50; non-members $60; full time students $40.  Full details are on our BWS homepage,
Deadline for registration or cancellation: Sept. 19.

Paintout reminder
T.C. Steele paintout is Sept. 10, Saturday, at the T.C. Steele site 2 miles south of  Belmont, IN off S.R. 46. Belmont is about 5 miles west of Nashville. This paintout is sponsored by the Indiana Plein Air Artist Association. If you wish to compete you should call T.C. site or go online for a form and the cost is $10.  They have ribbon awards but no cash awards.

It is not necessary to be registered to come and paint. Everyone is welcome.  Food, soft drinks and other snacks are provided.  Music begins at 2 p.m.and judging concludes at 3 p.m..  Paintout  starts as early as 7 a.m. and you can go anyplace to paint, not just T.C.Steele house. Arrive at anytime that is good for you. See you at the paintout!
Musgrave paintout is Oct. 15, Saturday, at the Musgrave Orchard 7 miles north of B-town on old 37. Time is 10 to 2.  We have a large porch and picnic tables to enjoy a pitch-in for that final paintout date. More details in the October newsletter.

BWS notecards for sale
Margret  Kingery will bring the BWS notecards to the September meeting, so they will be available for anyone wanting to buy additional packets. The cost of an eight-card pack is $12.
Wiley Art Center
All BWS members are invited to visit the Wiley Art Center at the corner of 14th and J Streets in Bedford. (Visit the Lawrence County Museum on the north side of the square and go out the back door across the parking lot to visit the Wiley Art Center.)  We are open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday and Friday and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday.  Members of the Lawrence County Art Association have their work on display and the featured artist for this month is Imogene Myers.  Her work will be featured until Sept. 17.

Member news
Carolyn Rogers Richard invites you to come to her show at Meadowwood in October.  Show dates are Oct. 7 to 30 with an opening reception on Friday, Oct. 14 from 4:30 to 6 p.m.    In addition to her paintings, the exhibit will include items made from her handpainted fabric ranging from soft sculptures to practical-use items like purses and household decor in all price ranges.  Please direct any questions about the show or request for directions to the Meadowwood Gallery to Carolyn at or 320-2200.

Tricia Wente's booth space is #95 in the yellow section for the Penrod Arts Fair  on the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Saturday, Sept. 10. For more information please go to

Tricia also has work in "Art in 5D" at Gallery on Pearl, 222 Pearl St., New Albany, Ind. The opening reception for the show, which features 2D work by Tricia and 3D work by David Ross Stevens, is Sept. 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. The show will continue through Oct. 21.
Sara Steffey McQueen was juried into the Watercolor Society of Indiana Exhibit for 2011.  Her piece, “Lotus Mandala” will be on exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art in Indianapolis Oct. 16 through December. Sara is also having an exhibit at Sublime Design on West Kirkwood for the October Gallery Walk.  The title of the show is "Up Close & Far Away."

Jacki Frey will be teaching acrylic painting level 1 at John Waldron Ivy Tech downtown Bloomington. It will be for 7 weeks Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.. The course begins Sept.  13 to Oct. 25.Please check with John Waldron or online for cost. 

Jacki Frey all-day workshop Sept 29, Thursday.  "Scenery in the fall" is the theme.  Cost: $40, location: Jacki's studio at 5024 W. September Drive time:  9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  RSVP   e-mail or call 320-6745.

Jeanne Dutton and Nancy Davis Metz will be teaching Beginning Watercolor for Ivy Tech's Center for Lifelong Learning. Jeanne's class will meet Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to noon, at Liberty Crossing, from Sept. 15 to Oct. 20. Nancy's class will be at the Waldron on Tuesdays, 6 to 8:30 p.m., from Sept. 13 to Oct. 18. The Beginning Watercolor class costs $119.

Nancy is also teaching "Give it a try: Beginning Watercolor" Friday mornings, 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Burton Kimble Farms, just east of Orleans. It also costs $119.

To register for any of Ivy Tech's Beginning Watercolor classes, go to or call 812-330-6041. Credit card payment information is required for phone registrations.

Linton Fall Arts FestivalA juried art festival will take place in downtown Linton on Saturday, Oct. 29, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or shine.  Applications are available from the Linton-Stockton Chamber of Commerce at 812-847-4846 or

Going Underground
By Kriste Lindberg
During July, I attended the National Speleological Society’s annual convention in Glenwood Springs, Colo.

I’ve been working closely with the chair of the Fine Arts Salon, Carolina Shrewsbury, over the past year on incorporating the arts into education, conservation, and human sciences (mainly neurosciences) for a multi-disciplinary win/win.

Gosia Allison-Kosior, a
workshop participant,
practices her spatter
This summer, we hosted two workshops – one consisting of a demonstration on how to work with the public to help them become more comfortable with caves through art by creating a watercolor image and the other on creating a collaboration among various speleo-artists. Both turned out wonderfully and we are already making plans for expanded/enhanced workshops and related events for next year’s convention that will also include the surrounding community in Greenbrier County, W. Va.

To help get the word out, we are researching the use of various social networking technologies including Facebook, Twitter, QR (quick response) codes, and more.

During this year’s convention, yours truly was awarded a “Merit Award” for the design of the flier announcing the Fine Arts, Print, and Symbolic Emblems (graphic design) Salons and their events throughout the convention. It was designed using a combination of watercolor, acrylic, ink, and print media. A copy accompanies this article (Note: A QR code was included that took folks directly to the NSS CON 2011 Web site).

Energy is up, we are working toward an Arts and Letters Section reorganization, and attracting more members.

For more on NSS Salons, visit:
Closer to home, this Fall, Jeanne Dutton, others, and I are working with the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department at The Venue to host a demo such as the one described above and there is more potential for us to join forces with the cave community in the future to further our missions.

Thanks also to Dave Bunnell (NSS News editor),  Dianne Gillespie (NSS Education Division chief), Jen Neemann (NSS Human Sciences chairman and Johns Hopkins University neuroscience professor), and Val Werker (NSS Conservation Division co-chief).

Editor's Note: This issue may not be as polished and it certainly isn’t as complete as most Brushstrokes issues are. I broke my right arm mid-August, had surgery, and am still pretty much limited to one hand, my left one. I’m getting better at being lefthanded, but I haven’t been able to do as much as I am used to doing. Next month I hope to return with the Inspirations column and a full-strength Brushstrokes. –Nancy Metz