Tuesday, October 5, 2010


October 2010


October 11
6:00 pm
First Christian Church
After a short business meeting, an informative and useful program will be presented.
“Composition” is the placement or arrangement of elements in any work of art - painting, photography, music or writing. In the visual arts, composition is often called “design,” and in graphic design and desktop publishing, composition is referred to as “page layout.”
At Monday’s meeting, photographer and artist Bob Talbot, along with Carol Rhodes, graphic designer and page layout Instructor for IU, will talk about the elements of composition in painting.
Bob will talk about:
  • Perspective
  • The orientation of elements (and how choosing angles creates tension, unease, interest)
  • The area within the field of view used for the picture ("cropping")
  • Geometry: e.g., use of the Golden Mean
  • Illumination or lighting
  • Choosing the area of focus
  • The path or direction followed by the viewer's eye when they observe the image
Carol Rhodes will address principles of organizing, such as:
  • Shape and proportion
  • Balance among the elements
  • Harmony or consistency among the elements
  • Negative space
  • Color
  • Contrast
  • Rhythm
  • Repetition
  • Proximity (clustering of objects)
One of the advantages of being a BWS member is learning from our peers, so you are invited to get involved! If you know any of these terms from previous art classes and if you have any examples of YOUR work that demonstrate these principles, please bring your examples! We would particularly like to see pieces of your work that may demonstrate negative space, value contrast, object clustering, repetition, or balance.
By sharing our knowledge, beginners can learn from peers, and more experienced painters can take advantage of the refresher.

1:00 p.m.
The BWS Notecards are printed! Volunteers are needed to fold the cards and assemble the packets. Nancy Davis Metz, chair of the notecard project, has scheduled a work session for Wednesday, October 6, at 1:00 pm at her home. Can you help? Please call Nancy at 812-339-5353, or email her at nmetz@Indiana.edu.

12:15 – 5:00 pm
Field Trip to the Indianapolis Museum of Art
The Watercolor Society of Indiana opens its annual juried exhibit this day and two BWS members have pieces juried into the show. A BWS Field Trip is planned for that day to support our local artists! The plan is to meet in the parking lot behind First Christian Church and leave at 12:15. We will return between 5:00 and 5:30. If you would like to go, please contact me at Jeanne.dutton@att.net. And if you can drive, let me know that, too! So far, we have two drivers and room for 6 riders. Please respond no later than the meeting on October 11. (If you are riding, please plan to make a contribution to your driver to cover the cost of gas, thank you!)

In spite of the gusty wind, the walnuts crashing down around us, and a bit of chill, a good group gathered Sunday, October 3 at Story, Indiana for the last BWS paint out of the year. We started early with breakfast (if you haven’t been there, you have to go!) at the restaurant, then made our way through the herb and vegetable gardens, around the horse barn, and past the guest cottages, finally settling in with new BWS members and a friendly cat who couldn’t decide between Meredith’s warm lap and the fascinating palette of Bette Wagoner’s. Here are a few photos for your enjoyment.

At the top, Kriste's rendition of "Oregano" in the herb garden. Below, Nancy bravely painting while trying to stay warm under a blanket; Jo Weddle in the Herb Garden; Kriste and Meredith with a friendly Scarecrow in the vegetable garden.

We Paint..PARKS!
Here’s the news release for our We Paint…Parks! project for 2010-2011. Thanks to Tricia Wente for this terrific idea, and to Kriste Lindberg for her efforts in helping pull it together!
There are still 10 parks available. If you haven’t pulled yours out of the hat, you can do that at the October meeting. If you can’t be there, contact Kriste at Kriste.lindberg@gmail.com right away.

Bloomington, IN – The City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, the Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District (BEAD) and the Bloomington Watercolor Society have partnered on a unique new community project.

During the next calendar year, participating members of the Bloomington Watercolor Society will create paintings of each of 45 different city parks and facilities, which members were assigned via a lottery-style drawing. Artists have a full year to paint their selected site, and are encouraged to journal their experiences as they paint in the parks.

The cooperative project culminates with the annual Bloomington Watercolor Society Membership Show, which will be held in November 2011 in the atrium of City Hall. The top three paintings will be featured in a 2012 Bloomington Parks and Recreation program guide. The paintings will be available for purchase, with a portion of the proceeds to benefit the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department.

The mission of the Bloomington Watercolor Society is to provide opportunities for the promotion and exhibition of watercolor media in the community. BWS currently has 82 members from throughout the region. More information on BWS programs and activities can be found at http://bloomingtonwatercolor.org/.

The Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District seeks to bring the business and creative sectors together to advance commerce and culture, build community and spur economic development. Go to http://www.visitbead.com for information about the district, businesses and attractions.

Indiana Artists Club
Connie Brorson, Jacki Frey, and Tricia Wente have their paintings on display in the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette as part of the Indiana Artists Club Member Exhibition 2010. The paintings will be on display from October 1 through January 8. Go to www.glmart.org for information and museum hours, or link to www.artlafayette.org

The Lawrence County Art Association
The Lawrence County Art Association will have a members exhibit at the John Waldron Art Center in Bloomington from October 7 - 29. An opening reception is scheduled from 5:00 to 8:00 pm on Thursday, October 7. Included are paintings by BWS members Jodi Estell and Mary Jo Cannedy.

A Variety of Galleries
Check out the local galleries for recent hangings of BWS members’ art at Gallery North, The Venue, and ByHand.

Hoosier Salon
Kathleen Rice won an Honorable Mention at the Hoosier Salon Gallery in New Harmony as part of the Good Ole Summertime Show.

Midwest National Abstract Exhibit Plus
Marianne Glick has an exhibit at Kuaba Gallery, 876 Massachusetts Avenue, in Indianapolis. Marianne also had two paintings accepted in the New Interpretations Juried Exhibit which will be held in Stuart, Florida from October 22 to December 1, and two paintings accepted in the Midwest National Abstract Exhibit which will is on display at Garfield Park Art Center on the Southside of Indianapolis from October 2 through November 15. Marianne’s paintings can also be viewed at the Ann King Gallery in Zionsville, Indiana.

Bats and salamanders and bugs, oh my!
Just in time for Halloween - come join Kriste Lindberg for an evening of painting on glass (barware, coffee mugs, ice tea glasses, etc.) and watercolor/acrylic painting demonstrations at The Venue, 114 S. Grant Street, on Tuesday, September 19, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm.
It’s fun for the whole family... there will be an area available for kids of all ages to test their skill. Items will be available for purchase and proceeds benefit local cave conservation organizations. Lemonade and refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Kriste at (812) 327-1642.

Jacki Frey Studio
Jacki is offering a watercolor workshop Saturday, October 23, 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. The subject is an autumn setting of the McCormick Creek Bridge with cast shadow across the bridge. Plan to paint on a 1/2 sheet. Photos are available of the scene. Coffee provided, and bring a brown bag lunch. The price is $40. RSVP or send questions to jackifrey@hotmail.com

Color Media Workshop
The Lawrence County Art Association presents a Color Media workshop by Wyatt LeGrand of Bloomfield on Saturday, October 23 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. The workshop will take place in the meeting room of the Lawrence County Historical and Genealogy Museum on the north side of the square in Bedford. Please bring your usual paint supplies. The cost is $35 for members of the Lawrence County Art Association and $40 for non-members. RSVP to Mary Jo Cannedy at 19mojocan33@att.net. Advance registration and payment requested. To learn more about Wyatt LeGrand, link to http://www.legrandartstudio.com/Wyatt_LeGrand_-_Home.php

BABAR Puppet Show
Nina Ost and Carla Hedges invite you to enjoy the Puck Players Puppet Theatre as it presents BABAR on October 16 and 23 at 11:00 and 1:00 in the Monroe County Public Library auditorium. For information, call 349-3100.

Brushstrokes is an (almost) monthly
publication of the
Bloomington (Indiana) Watercolor Society.
Editor, Jeanne Ellen Dutton
President 2010, Joanne Weddle
PO Box 5236
Bloomington, Indiana