Monday, April 11, 2011

Bloomington Watercolor Society
Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2011

Members in attendance:

Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Candi Bailey, Bob Burris, Zoe Dean, Jeanne Dutton, Linda Endris, Jodi Estell, Teresa Folk, Jackie Frey, Charlotte Griffin, Jerome Harste, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Pat Jones, Margret Kingrey, Kriste Linkdberg, Meredith Metz, Nancy Metz, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, Susan Seo, Joanne Shank, Sammye Dina Smith, Joyce Stumpf, Bob Talbot, Michelle Talbot, Bob Thrasher, Betty Wagoner, Vi Working.

Guests in Attendance:
Daniella Yakira, Cynthia Currie

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. at the First Christian Church with Kriste Lindberg, President, presiding. Kriste asked members to greet our guests, new members (Pat Jones, Hyunkyoung (Susan) Seo, and Teresa Folk).

Kriste thanked Evelyn Alwine as hospitality chair for arranging for the bountiful refreshments provided by Jeanne Iler, Jeanne Dutton, Candi Bailey and Evelyn Alwine herself

The minutes of the last meeting (March 14, 2011) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

The Treasurer's Report for March was read by Jeanne Dutton. Jeanne reminded the members that membership dues are due in June.

Committee Reports
Paint Outs Chair, Jackie Frey, passed out a map showing the meeting place for the first paint-out which is to be held on April 30 at McCormick Creek State Park. Members are reminded that there is an entrance fee for access to state parks but that the fee is per car so car-pooling would be a good idea. Nancy Metz volunteered to coordinate a car pool list at the meeting and she will add to the list should member who missed the meeting want to call or email her.

Activities/Workshop Chair, Deloris Schneider, pointed out that there was a poster at the back of the room providing information about the Peggy Brown Workshop to be held on May 28 from 9 to 4. The cost for members is $55 and the number of seats it limited to 20. There are currently 10 seats available. If the seats are not filled by members, enrollment will be opened to non-members at $65. Deloris volunteered to collect some of the “shared” supplies that are on the workshop supply list. Please contact Deloris if you have the required supplies in quantity and wish to share them. Deloris also asked that members submit suggestions for the fall workshop instructor.

Shows-Kriste Lindberg encouraged members to continue to paint their parks in preparation for the fall membership show.

Jeanne Dutton provided details on The Venue’s show (see the BWS Blog dated 4/10/2011 for more details).

Old Business:

Joanne Swank invited members of BWS to attend the April 26 meeting of the Visual Arts Guild to be held at El Norteno at 7:00 p.m. The meeting is titled “Making Your Portfolio Professional.”

Kriste encouraged members to take advantage of the “Exchange Table” at the back of the room and to bring other art related books, videos, supplies to share/loan to the next meeting. A “Try it Here” section was added for those who would like to bring in products to try then and there. The table is continuing to evolve.

Jeanne Dutton announced that the new BWS signs should be available for use at the April Paint-Out.

New Business:

The board received an email from the president of the Watercolor Society of Indiana, Sandy Ezell, who was in search of networking in the hopes of enhancing the experiences of members of both groups. Kriste Lindberg suggested that BWS invite Sandy to come to one of our meetings to discuss possibilities. Kriste will follow through with the invitation.

Zoe Dean pointed to the framed watercolor at the back of the room by Ken Bucklew and invited anyone interested in having it to buy a raffle ticket. The drawing is on May 3.

Betty Waggoner is leading a 2 hour hike on April 23 as part of the TC Steele Wildflower Foray. There will be opportunities during the hike to take pictures that might be watercolor worthy.

The meeting was adjourned at 6.40 p.m. and attention was transferred to the evening's program by Nancy Metz and Jackie Frey entitled “Plein Air and Beyond: Choosing a Subject, Focus, and Composition”. Nancy encouraged everyone to try Plein Air Painting and provided a checklist of what you should take with you without taking your whole studio. Jackie Frey then provided some technical tips on how to pick something to paint from the 360 degrees of landscape that you see around you. Those who were in a painting mood then did some sketches based on photos that Jackie provided.

Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Griffin
BWS Secretary, 2011

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