Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meeting Minutes, May 9, 2011

Members in attendance:

Evelyn Alwine, Bob Anderson, Candi Bailey, Jan Britton, Connie Brorson, Patti Brundle, Bob Burris, Ria Collee, Linda Endris, Teresa Folk, Jacki Frey, Beth V. Gray, Gillian Harris, Jerome Harste, Susanne Haverstock, Carla Hedges, Jeanne Iler, Stephen Jackson, Pat Jones, Margret Kingrey, Cathy Korinek, Kriste Lindberg, Nancy Metz, Kim Neubecker, Nina Ost, Meri Reinhold, Carol Rhodes, Deborah Rush, Deloris Schneider, Jean Veitor, Betty Wagoner, Susan Webb, Jo Weddle, Tricia Wente, Leslie Williamson, Vi Working, Cassidy Young.

The meeting was called to order at 6:12 p.m. at the First Christian Church with Kriste Lindberg, President, presiding. She reported that there are 93 BWS members.

Kriste thanked Evelyn Alwine, Hospitality Chair and her volunteers for providing the refreshments.

The minutes of the last meeting (April 11, 2011) were available on the Blog and no additions or corrections were found from the members in attendance. The members accepted the minutes unanimously as written.

The Treasurer's Report for was read by Carol Rhodes. Member dues are due in June. Carol can accept membership checks tonight or dues can be paid online or by mail.

Committee Reports

Membership Chair, Betty Wagoner, distributed copies of the membership list.

Paint Outs Chair, Jacki Frey, reported that about 8 members came to the paint-out at McCormick’s Creek. It helped to have the new BWS signs at the paint-out location. For the next paint-out, we will join the Festival of Flowers Paint Out at T.C. Steele State Historic Site, May 21, 2011; 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Jacki brought a few fliers and encouraged those needing more information to go to .

Workshops. Kriste Lindberg reminded us of the Peggy Brown workshop on May 28 from 9 to 4. Enrollment is still open for this workshop. Kriste invited the workshop participants to join Peggy Brown for dinner on May 27 and assist with setting up the room. We are to meet at the First Christian Church at 6 p.m. on the 27th. There is a possibility of joining the artist for dinner after the workshop.

Kriste Lindberg reported that Rena Brouwer will lead the next workshop, scheduled for Oct. 1, 2011.

Meeting Programs. Kriste reviewed the programs for future meetings.

Hospitality Chair, Evelyn Alwine, reminded the volunteers to bring their refreshments for the June meeting. She reported that Susanne Haverstock will assist with the December holiday party.

Shows. Kriste Lindberg encouraged members to continue to paint their parks in preparation for the fall membership show. She thanked Jeanne Dutton for her work with the Creative Senior Show at The Venue. The group consensus is that the show was a success. The publicity was good. Tricia Wente brought photos of the show and Kriste provided a copy of a news article.

Brushstrokes. Nancy Metz reported that the next Brushstrokes will be available next week. She thanked everyone for submitting lots of news items. She would continue to accept items through this evening. Nancy encouraged the members to send j-peg formatted art works for Brushstrokes.

Old Business.

Kriste encouraged members to take advantage of the “Exchange Table” at the back of the room and to bring other art related books, videos, and supplies to share/loan to the next meeting. The table is continuing to evolve.

BWS Gift Cards. Margaret Kingrey questioned whether we should develop more gift cards. There was much interest in the group for developing another set of cards. Nancy Metz reported that the cards sold for $12.00 a set. The costs were about $4.00 per set with an $8.00 profit. Carol Rhodes reported an overall profit of $1569.00. Margaret reported that vendors are showing interest in the BWS cards. She asked if a wholesale price had been set for sale to vendors and if a maximum price had been set for resale? Jo Weddle indicated that a wholesale price had been set and that she would review last year’s minutes. For expediency, Margaret Kingrey moved to sell the cards to vendors at $8.00 a set and that the vendors sell the cards at no more than $12.00 a set. Jo Weddle seconded. The motion carried unanimously. There was a brief discussion about developing a theme for the next set of cards. Downtown Bloomington was suggested.

New Business. There was a brief discussion about an online gallery for members to upload their artworks. It was suggested that the BWS Board continue the discussion.


Gillian Harris moved to adjourn the meeting. Margaret Kingrey seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.


The evening’s program followed. Tricia presented An Introduction to Portrait Painting. Tricia gave a brief description of the facial structure and distributed demonstration handouts. The group divided into pairs and sketched each other’s portrait.

Respectfully submitted,
Betty Wagoner
Substituting for Charlotte Griffin, BWS Secretary, 2011

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